You are not using mod_rewrite - Try LINK2

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TEST 1 - TEST 1 Does NOT use Mod Rewrite. TEST 1 uses standard URL:

TEST 2 - TEST 2 - Yes, Uses Apache's Mod Rewrite using this URL::

Instructions: both links are for this same page, except they are different. link1 is without the mod_rewrite and link2 is using mod_rewrite. TEST1 show the php file, with with mod_rewrite we are masquerade the php file into a html file. you can use whatever type of extension you want, you can change it to .htm,pl .shtml etc... all you have to do is to make sure you have changed it in the .htaccess file

NOTE: when you click on TEST2, you should see a message that says: Congratulations!! You are using Apache mod_rewrite

500 ERROR: If you get a 500 Error, this means you made a typo or mistake creating the files OR you are not allowed to use .htaccess

404 ERROR: if you get a 404 error, then this means you do not have Mod_Rewrite on this server.

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NEED HELP? : How To Fix Mod_rewrite 500 Internal Server Error On .htaccess File Apache
