Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 18:34:31 -0700 (PDT) From: Mike Hunt <> To: Subject: Kazaa and Morpehus Exploit (how to view their shared files) A while back i worked out a very simple way to view users files using the programs port(1214). These file sharing programs currently don't have a feature to view users files. Whilst downloading a file off a user/s (uses segmented downloading) do a netstat. You should see a few IP's or hostnames with :1214 on the end. You can resolve the hostname or just use the IP if it is provided. Go into your explorer and type in the address bar: http://<theirip>:1214 e.g. if i was doing local host it would be: When you use the address it shows in HTML format all their files as a link, you can download them without using morpheus or Kazaa, so use getright or whatever you want. It is pretty interesting, i have known about this since around the release of kazza and i wasen't going to tell n e one but i thought i might share it with the security focus community. I have also found out allot more about the Kazza/Morpheus programs, which i will tell later, i am still testing atm. If n e one has n e feed back, you are welcome to contact me. -=PhoX=- icq: 45263434 AOL: PhoX6969 MSN: incel4ntuvix IRC: ^PhoX^ (connected to Austnet) Y!: junkmail_ince4 (using Trillian multi medium chat program Email: __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get email alerts & NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo! Messenger
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