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your mail

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X-RDate: Wed, 09 Jan 1980 11:42:12 +0500 (SSK)
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 07:38:29 -0500
From: "Mordechai T. Abzug" <morty@MAIL.SANCTUARY.ARBUTUS.MD.US>
Subject: Re: your mail

Szekely-Benczedi Endre spake thusly:

>         There is a nice small shell script at,
>, wich exploits some bug in Linux about long pathnames...
> I heard that it is possible to erase it with mc (Midnight Commander).
> Well, I can tell you' this ISN'T true ;-)
> I tried the script on a RedHat Linux, and... well... I can't erase the
> directory now ;-)
>         I wonder if anyone of you knows the problem, and can help me with
> that..


# this basically does an rm -r, only on directories.  Be careful.  :)


mkdir $junk, 0700 || die "$0: $!";

sub newseq { return ($seq++);}

foreach (@ARGV) {
        rename $_, $junk."/".&newseq || die "$0: $!";
chdir $junk || die "$0: $!";


while ($current<$seq) {
        foreach (glob "$current/*") {
                rename $_, "./".&newseq || die "$0: $!";
        $current ++;

foreach (glob "*") {
        rmdir ($_) || die "$0: $!";
chdir ".." || die "$0: $!";
rmdir $junk || die "$0: $!";

Just give it the name of the top-level evil directory (making sure to run
it in the same filesystem), and it'll clean things up.  Next time, be more
careful.  :)

                        Mordechai T. Abzug
"Grad school is the snooze button on the clock-radio of life."
 - comedian John Rogers (who holds a graduate degree in physics)

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