Posts Tagged ‘Virtualhost’

How to protect Munin Web statistics with password on GNU / Linux

Thursday, October 27th, 2011

I just installed munin to track in web the performance of few Debian servers. I’ve configured munin to open via a Virtualhosts in Apache. As its always wise to protect any statistics data about the server from the unwanted possible security violators, I decided to protect Munin with Apache .htaccess.

The munin htmldir output dir is configured to be in /var/www/munin, hence I protected my munin with password by:

1. Creating .htaccess file in /var/www/munin with following content

AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/.munin_htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /dev/null
AuthName EnterPassword
AuthType Basic

require user admin

2. Creating /etc/apache2/.munin_htpasswd with htpasswd (htaccess password generator cmd)

debian:/var/www/munin# htpasswd -c /etc/apache2/.munin_htpasswd admin
New password:
Re-type new password:
Adding password for user admin

Another important thing I had to do is set my VirtualHost file to be configured with AllowOverride All , if AllowOverride All is missing the .htaccess and .htpasswd are not red at all.
Afterwards munin is protected with password, and when my virtualdomain where munin lays e.g. is accessed the .htpasswd password dialog pops up 😉

How to add Apache 301 redirect to VirtualHost in Apache

Sunday, September 25th, 2011

I’ve had two domain names which were pointing to the same website content.
As one can read in any SEO guide around this is a really bad practice as search engines things automatically there is a duplicate site content and this has automatically a negative effect on the site pagerank.
To deal with situation where multiple domains are pointing to the same websites its suggested by many SEO specialists that a 301 redirect is created from all the domain websites to a single website domain which will open the actual website.

Making the 301 direct domain from the sample domain to can be done with a virtualhost dfefinition in either httpd.conf or with the respective file containing the domain virtualhost definitions:
Here is the exact VirtualHost code I use to make a 301 redirect.

<VirtualHost *>  ServerAdmin  ServerName
RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^/(.*)$1 [L,R=301]

After placing the VirtualHost redirect, an apache redirect is required.
Further on when a Gooogle or Yahoo Bot visits the website and does any request to or , they will be redirected with a 301 reuturned code to

This kind of redirect however can have a negative impact on the Apache CPU use (performance), especially if the is high traffic domain. This is because the redirect is done with mod_rewrite.

Therefore it might be better on high traffic domains to create the mod_rewrite redirect by using a vhost like:

<VirtualHost *>
Redirect 301 /

The downside of using the Apache 301 redirect capabilities like in the above example is that any passed domain urls like let’s say would not be 301 redirected to but instead the redirect will be done straight to

Disabling php execution for a VirtualHost

Saturday, February 6th, 2010

Disabling php execution for a certain virtual domain is incredibly simple:
All you need to do is add:

php_value engine off

That could be anywhere in your VirtualHost directives.
Another possible approach is through enabling .htaccess for a domain, e.g.:

AllowOverride All to your domain of choice.

After which you had to put:
php_flag engine off to htaccess file
Now there you go! php scripts won’t execute anymore.