Posts Tagged ‘universities’

The meaning of the business modern day definition

Thursday, April 5th, 2012

What is the business word meaning - The success Plague my gimp logo

This post, is just to open one big issue I saw with the modern business word.
In universities, governmental institutions and everywhere throughout the globe the business word is repeated more and more everyday. People often associate business with all positive.  Everyone who is succesful in business is highly praised and  even more absurdly thought as superior to others!

With all this said I would like to honestly ask you the the question "What is the  meaning of business?" and why ever thought it means anything meaningful. Who on a first place did come up with this non-sense word and why we are still so dumb to praise it and not completely ban it from our lives and just live whethever is good and righteous wihtout trying to get into e field of someone or a groups of people idea of something that makes not a senese at all.

If you think closely on the business word having the definition of just "being busy all the time", then it is logical everyone is a businessman and hence everyone is in business . Still howevfer in universities, we have courses teaching is that you should follow certain direction or "mantra" like rules in order to be a succesful businessman. There are plenty of books already around named like

  • the 7 habits of succesful people
  • How to become succesful in life
  • What to eat and why
  • How to behave on business meetings. 
  • What is the ultimate key to success in both daily life and spirituality
  • How to be intercultrally aware 

and many many more all kind of junk literature like this. In my view all this is a complete nonsense not less or more than what the business is. Lets face it  business means "Busy-ness" e.g. to be constantly busy. In that sense people are getting more and more busy these days. Not that this busi-ness has a direction or a line. People are now constantly busy with something, watching TV, playing computer games, reading useless lies information in the newspaper, not to mention the riduculous nonsense talking over the phone for every minor detail. People think less and less, while being busy more and more. Where this will end? I have no clue. What I'm certain is all this "busi-ness" trend in society is not a good think. Being constantly busy plague, (being a busyness man) is starting to spread to everyone on earth. The important thing is not to be busy all the time, but to be busy with something which will help you and help the others for good. Nowdays people and especially "business" people concentrate not on the being helpful (corporate responsibility) thing, or making a contribution to the rest and yourself but rather to make a contribution to something.

Many of the people involved in business takes decision, which has a terrible impact on both the rest of people and themselves. Unfortunately we can see rarely people realize all this things … I hope this business understanding as we know it, will be stopped and people will realize that business, shouldn't be always a good thing or thing that has to do with money and professional success, but rather a hostile kind of anti-human and anti-self fostered international culture .

There is plenty to be said on why one shouldn't want to become a succesful businessman and why an education in a business field could be often useless, but as I don't have the time now (sorry I'm too busy! I'm a businessman  :D).

Anyways I will rant on this subjects too in the posts to come.