Posts Tagged ‘The importance of meta tags on web page SEO / Meta tags I use in webpage SEO’

The importance of meta tags on web page SEO / Meta tags I use in webpage SEO

Sunday, January 16th, 2011

I’ve been dealing with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for quite some time and I’ve red a number of articles online about the significant importance of having a good crafted meta tags.

Most of these articles are actually a bit obsolete and many of the modern day articles doesn’t stress too much on meta tags as an important tool throughout the website SEO process.

I’ve even stumbled on an arcticle named Death of Meta tag which was written in 2002 and stands to the point that meta tags are completely irrelevant in the modern day.
It’s true that webmasters who had the knowledge of how much weight on indexing search engine crawler algorithms a meta tags used to play had seriously abused the usage of meta tags in thousands of hundreds of web pages in order to guarantee a better page ranking for some specific websites.

After this was discovered by the major search engines, the bot web crawling algorithms has been changed and the meta tags was reduced for the importance of the end classification of the web page in the search engines.

Anyhow even though the reducement of the significance of the page contents of a proper meta tags, it’s still quite significant to have a well crafted meta tags for your webpage if you really want to optimize your webpage to be friend user friendly.

It’s important information to know that Yahoo bots, Bing / MSN Bots, and Google bots as well as probably many of the other Search engine indexing machines even to this very day are considering the meta tags as one basic factor which will influence the way a webpage is being stored in their index catalogs

Thus it’s good we as Search Engine Specialists, to always be sure our webpages include at least the following meta tag fields:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no">
<meta name="author" content="your content">
<meta name="copyright" content="copylefted under GPL2">
<meta name="robots" content="all">
<meta name="revisit-after" content="5 days">
<meta name="subject" content="your subject comes here">
<meta name="coverage" content="Worldwide">
<meta name="generator" content="">
<meta name="identifier" content="">
<meta name="keywords" content="your desired keywords which will return
your webpage as results in the search engines ">
<meta name="description" content="Your Website desciption which
will appear after your webpage is found in Google or any other search engine">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="bg">
<meta http-equiv="Country" content="Bulgaria">
<base href="">

This is the standard meta tags I usually put in the <head> head of almost every webpage I develop.
My experience from a SEO stand point with this meta tags is quite satisfying.

As I’ve started talking about SEO, it’s also good to mention that it’s quite a good idea for a webpage Indexing in google to put on the google-site-verification meta tag;

I haven’t specificly tested if and how the google <meta name=”google-site-verification” ..> affects a webpage ranking but I’m almost sure it does helps up for web page optimization with Google, if some webmaster out there has already tested that I’ll be very glad to hear about the impact of this meta tag on a webpage SEO friendliness.

In order to generate the google-site-verification meta tag you will need to use the interface.

I hope my tips will help some webmaster out there to improve his webpage indexing in Search Engines 🙂