Posts Tagged ‘provider’

Just about to go crazy

Monday, July 30th, 2007

The weekend was disastrous. A lot of problems with Valueweb. Missing servers online, missing information about them hard times connecting with their technical support. Lack of information about what’s happening server outages. Using backups of sites changing DNS-es … this is a simple sample of what’s happening and continues to some degree with our servers. Valueweb are a really terrible choice for a Dedicated hosting. But we started with them before so much time it’s hard to change the provider easily. At least the mail server is working normally now. Thanks to God at least I’m provided with ernergy to work, think and fix things Intensively. As Usual PRAISE THE LORD ! :] Hope everything would be back to normal in a few days period. END—–

Fix to an “Unknown DAV provider: svn” on Debian GNU Linux

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010

I’ve been installing subversion with WebDAV support on Apache2. After
configuring in the VirtualHost to have support for WebDAV:
I encountered the following error while testing apache configuration:
Unknown DAV provider: svn
In order to fix the problem I had to install libapache2-svn.
Here is how;

apt-get install the libapache2-svn

This fixed the issue.