Posts Tagged ‘prophecies’

Is there a chosen God people today / What is God’s Chosen Nation / What is the Promised land in the Old Testament?

Friday, December 31st, 2010


Many of you certainly remember the Holy Bible's old testament. There God chooses the Jewish (Israel) nation to be the nation to inherit the promised land.

If we read the Holy Scriptpures in a spiritual manner, all the things written in are clearly referring to the teachings of the new testament and the other way around.

God has promised to Moses and the Old Testament patriarchs to give them the land, where a milk and honey will be and they wouldn't need to work for it. etc. etc.

But if we really read this kind of promises from a jewish perspective (following the word of the law), this makes no sense?
How is it possible that somebody gets food and drink if he didn't work?
It's not possible!

This verses were clearly referring to the Kingdom of Heaven , where a man doesn't have to work or do thing but lives through God's grace in peace and love eternally, something our limited minds cannot really grasp and thus by trying to explain it we profane what Heaven really is.

So it's that simple the promise land that the Holy trinity has promised us is simply his eternal kingdom which is in heaven.
Thus we as Orthodox Christians should perceive after the looking always of the Heavenly gift and not care too much for the present world.
I'm closely observing myself and sadly enough the world power is too much attractive and I'm always about to be seduced to completely get out of our rock of Salvation which (Christ) is.

It's a very hard times for a true Christians, internationalization makes it even worser for a man to keep even the minimal amount of faith and hope in God.

That's why our Orthodox Churches has long ago been warning us about the internationalization and it's position right now is against the mixture of nations.

The mixture of nations and beliefs is a spiritual babylon in practice.

Back to the topic, thus read from our Orthodox Christian perspective this chosen people which Israel were is actually today God's true servants the devoted Orthodox Christians.

You might argue, why the Orthodox Christians and protestants or Roman Catholics. Well it's very simple Catholics and Protestants has broken too much of the ancient traditions already and had adopted the spirit of rationalism which has been ruling the world for too much.

We in the Orthodox Church as we have kept the traditions as much intact as possible up-to today are still struggling and mostly keeping the ancient Christian spirit, though very sadly this is changing nowdays.
The faith nowdays even in Orthodox Christians has been on a line to completely fade-away, with Roman Catholics and Protestants situation is even worser I believe.

So is there actually nowdays a chosen God people?

The Monks, layman and all Orthodox Church people who try to keep Christ's commandments of love brotherhood and keeping God as a head in our lives

We have that benefit that the path that leads to the Blessed promised land for which the Old Testament teaches us about is already set in, the promised land is existent even while we still live here in the body on this earth.

God's promised land and island of salvation is actually our Holy Orthodox Church, the dovoted God lovers within the realm of the Church is God's chosen people!

We as an Orthodox Christians has been granted by God a big grace and a big blessing, but with the big blessing always comes bigs responsibilities.

When I look in my life and try to weighten how much I do live a life like an Orthodox Christian I do really want to cry hard.

I know many other Orthodox Christians can also recognize this in our lives, we're living in a terrible times truely.

Further on on the question Are there a chosen God People in modern times ?, are the Israel chosen people yet like in the Old Days?

Definitely not, Jewish were chosen because The Messiah our saviour Jesus Christ (The Son of God) and God himself had to be incarnated in flesh die and suffer for all of the humanity.

But since the Jewish had crucified our Saviour, all that Jewish that haven't repented earnestly and turned to Christ by entering the Orthodox Church are not a chosen people any more.

Whoever is against the Son of God and Jewish are definitely against is actually against God. Whoever doesn't recognize God's eternal love, a love that has made God turn into man and suffer for our sins couldn't inherit the promised land neither be chosen anymore.

I've heard some of the prophecies made by some of Our Orthodox Christian Saints (Holy Fathers) says that Slavonic Orthodox Christian Nations would have an union when the Anti-Christ appears in the World.

According to this ancient prophecies by St. Nile/ st.Nil – a Athonite Monk the Slavonic Nations will have a king presumably (The King of Russia) and he will lead all the Slavonic nations to wage a war against the Anti-Christ.

I don't know if this prophecies are credible, but as far as I've read they're if it's really true this means that maybe someday my country Bulgaria Along with Russia and the other Slavonic Nations will really unite in faith and will fight the ungodly kingdom of the AntiChrist.

It's really I can't find any resources which had an exact translation about this prophecies.
Anyways back to the topic What are the God's chosen people nowdays (today)? , just in case if the Prophecies about the Chosen Slavonic Nations by God who will oppose the kingdom of the AntiChrist are true, then certainly, we the Slavonic (Bulgarians, Serbians, Macedonians, Russians, Ukrainians etc. etc.) and presumably other Orthodox Christians will unite and will march against the tyranny of the AntiChrist.
In that sense it could be that we The Orthodox Slavonics are also today's God chosen people.
I truly hope so! Only time will tell if this is true or not. And time and future is in God's hands for sure!

Feeling Bad

Saturday, January 27th, 2007

Well I’m not so sick anymore. I’m feeling bad emotionally spiritually. I’m not sure. I have no idea what’s happening in my life. I don’t see the guidance of God. I’m having sexual thoughts and wan’t to sleep with some female, I guess this is not good since I’m a christian. Actually I really don’t have idea what to do with my life. FUCK I’m so LOST! I was out with Lily for a pizza and a coffee smoked 4 cigarettes then went to a new Market here in the town. Well the market was very brighty and clean, on two stages the one was a food/bevarage market. The other with tech stuff. Some time before we went to the market. My mood got fucked up and I stopped talking. Well shit why the Hell I’m here. I have a re-exam in Monday. It was supposed to study at something today. But my state didn’t allows me too. I just want to lay somewhere and die. I’m so lost I feel spiritually broken again. How much, how much will this thing continue. When will God bless me with that which my soul desires? Will I be alive for this moment? I’m wondering more and more. I’ve read some of my bible after I went home some prophecies about the End Times, the book was Ezdra. After that listened a little of NiN feeled even more bad than before right now I’m listening again to Lord where are you leading me too? Why don’t see a vision for my life? Does my life have really a meaning and what it is. I’ve googled for some time for a phrase like “Christianity not working for me” and found a page which claimed. There is no life after death as classical Christianity claims and that heaven and hell are internal states experienced, here on earth, I think maybe there is some truth in this to some extent. Guess time will show (Or maybe Death).

Orthodox Prophecies about the End of The World and the Coming Antichrst, The Second coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

Friday, October 2nd, 2009

Two days ago while I was looking for various Orthodox related writtings, I found some interesting
places containing many prophecies of saints concerning the rule of the antichrist and the coming end
time terrible days. What the saint prophets say is more than scary. Most of the signs described to be
seen in the end times are already present. I’ve mirrored the website of orthodoxheritage – a newsletter published by the Greek Orthodox Brotherhood of St. Poimen, a 501 here .
The link to the orthodox prophecies is located here . I’ve also mirrored many other pages I found online
on a custom user site in geocities .
Here is a link to the mirrored pages with orthodox prophecies concerning end times

Some of the mentioned things that struck me was:
1. People will be attached to their gadgets more than to their relatives ( already happening)2. People to be not having lack3. Will communicate everywhere freely like they’re in the same room ( already fulfilled)4. People will fly in the clouds and dive into the oceans (fulfilled)5. Many churches will be rebuild and made their cupola made wonderfully ornated (fulfilled – interesting to notethat old orthodox churches’s cupolas are not painted, Even I think it’s prohobited by the church rules to do so)6. Man will trust his gadget more than his first neighbor (on it’s way to be fulfilled)7. People will drive in rigs upon the moon and stars. (already happened)8. The whole world will be plagued by a strange disease and nobody will be able to find a cure; everybody will say I know, I know, because I am learned and smart, but nobody will know anything. (already fulfiller or partly fulfilled?)9. People will be lost and will become more and more senseless day by day. (currently fulfilling)10. Men will be born not knowing who was their grand-father and great grand-father. (partly fulfilled)11. It will not be possible to distinguish a man from a woman. Everybody will dress the same. (fulfilled)12. People will believe that their illusion is the real truth, although there will be no truth in their heads. (fulfilled)13. Men will build a box and within will be some kind of gadget with images.With the help of this image-gadget man will be able to see everything that is happening all over the world.14. After the Second Big War, all of that will be just a bitter illusion, because many will forget God and they will worship only their own human intelligence (fulfilled)15.. A world war III would burst out (not yet fulfilled)16. Great famine after World war 317. Many will worship the Antichrist and accept his evil system (and his number, the number of the beast)Most of the prophecies I publish are given to The Righteous Dimitri Tarabibicz (recorder around 1850s),
He was illiterate Serbian villager who lived an extremely pious manner in the mid 19th century.
This is small portion of all the Orthodox Prophecies we the Orthodox Christians has left as a heritageof the Holy Fathers.