Posts Tagged ‘modern culture’

How to be More Productive Infogram – 35 Essential Habits Most Productive People on Earth put in Practice

Wednesday, March 18th, 2015

As a person involved in IT, i've been always irritated by how much inproductive is our society. Almost nothing in a modern world (no matter the Government Regime be it democratic or communistic is pushing you to become productive) on the contrary the modern culture preached habits are putting you into habits which are both unhealthy and make you live a very boring and unsuccessfuly life. There are plenty of books already written on the subject on how to be productice, however people are so busy to produce more and more and be materially successful, that most of the people we do is unwise and lacks any efficiency.
Below Infogram definitely gives a clue what is wrong with most people's regime which tend to produce less and less day by day, even though they put more and more effort in what they do. 


Though I always thought I'm among the productice population, after revealing the inforgram I understand a lot of my mistakes which causing me to have often unhealthy and unefficient life …

Linux record audio from console / terminal with rec, arecord and ffmpeg

Monday, January 14th, 2013


Recording sound input from microphone linux penguin holding microphone

Recording from microphone input on Linux is possible, through multiple programs.

1. Recording microphone input using SoX's rec

 The classical old-school way is through a little proggie called sox. Back in the day I remember we recorded with sox with a friend from the school years necroleak – mirror of his website is on, trying to make save vox for one of his Tracked Songs. The experiments was not very succesful as both the PC microphone was low quality one, as well as the the state of recording microphone sound streams on Linux was terrible, but at least I learned about sox.

sox is not so popular and mainstream as it used to be back in the day but for anyone willing to investigate into the roots of GNU / Linux sound capturing make sure you have installed sox, alsa-utils and lame package. The package is available across virtually all main stream Linux distributions, depending on the distro to INSTALL sox do:


apt-get install --yes sox alsa-utils lame 

 (On Debian, Ubuntu, Arch, Xubuntu … )

yum -y install sox  alsa-utils lame

 (on Fedora, CentOS, RHEL …)

 slapt-get install sox ; swaret install sox alsa-utils lame

(on Slackware and derivatives)

Before continuing it is a good idea to check, the microphone is not muted in alsamixer, amixer or aumix

The SoX package provides 4 binaries;

dpkg -L sox|grep -i /usr/bin/

sox -is tool to apply effects to recorded sound streams

rec – is historically among the first sound recorder tool to make records from microphone (even form the days of OSS – Open Sound System)

play – play is tiny .WAV and some other native classical sounds formats with a beautiful ASCII art (text) equalizer

soxi – gives information on recorded sound stream header (info)

rec -r 8000 -c 1 record_microphone_input.wav

rec is unfortunately made to use the old and now obsolete /dev/dsp sound interface, so on many Linux distributions, recording sound with it might pose problems.

Another problem of rec is it usually records with a lot of noise, thus reducing the noise later with sox cmd is almost necessery, to mitigate the noise you will have to experiment with its options. For some better quality of recording use arg -r 22050.

A little shell script with plenty of example use cases of rec and post sox effect applied as synchronization is here

Generally I mentioned rec for historical reasons, nowadays it is quite obsolete so you probably better stick to the newer alsa native arecord.

2. Recording sound from microphone using alsa-utils arecord

alsa-utils package has bunch of tools to record, play and tune sound;

dpkg -L alsa-utils |grep -i /usr/bin/

One of tools included arecord is able to capture sound from microphone. arecord, can record into .WAV, but as .WAVs are not compressed and most people prefer to save the input to some more wide recognized format as .MP3 it should be invoked in conjunction with lame;

arecord -D plughw:0,0 -f S16_LE -c1 -r22050 -t raw | lame -r -s 22.05 -m m -b 64 - mic-input.mp3

Writting this long and hard to remember command line and arguments is tough, so I created a tiny shell script wrapper which accepts as 1-st argument a file name and saves .WAV and converts it to .MP3. The script is here

3. Recording from microphone input using ffmpeg

I've earlier blogged on how to use ffmpeg to capture Microphone sound here.

For those lazy to read my previous post the skele syntax is;

ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse -acodec pcm_s16le -vcodec libx264 -vpre lossless_ultrafast -threads 0 -y myVOICE.wav 

To later convert WAV to MP3 use lame;

 lame -r -s 22.05 -m m -b 64 myVOICE.wav  mic-input.mp3

The lack of sharing in modern world – One more reason why sharing Movies and any data on the Internet should be always Legal

Saturday, July 7th, 2012

Importance of sharing in modern digital society, sharing should be legal, Sharing caring
 I've been thinking for a lot of time analyzing my already years ongoing passion for Free Software, trying to answer the question "What really made me be a keen user and follower of the ideology of the free software movement"?
I came to the conclusion it is the sharing part of free software that really made me a free software enthusiast. Let me explain ….

In our modern world sharing of personal goods (physical goods, love for fellows, money, resources etc.) has become critically low.The reason is probably the severely individualistic Western World modern culture model which seems to give good economic results.
Though western society might be successful in economic sense in man plan it is a big failure.
The high standard in social culture, the heavy social programming, high level of individualism and the collapsing spirituality in majority of people is probably the major key factors which influenced the modern society to turn into such a non-sharing culture that is almost ruling the whole world nations today.

If we go back a bit in time, one can easily see the idea and general philosophy of sharing is very ancient in nature. It was sharing that for years helped whole societies and culture grow and mature. Sharing is a fundamental part of Christian faith and many other religions as well and has been a people gathering point  for centuries.
However as modern man is more and more turning to the false fables of the materialistic origin of  man (Darwininsm), sharing is started seeing as unnecessary . Perhaps the decreased desire in people to share is also the reason why in large number people started being  self-interest oriented as most of us are nowadays.

As we share less and less of our physical and spiritual goods, our souls start being more and more empty day after day. Many people, especially in the western best developed societies; the masses attitude towards sharing is most evidently hostile.
Another factor which probably decreased our natural human desire to share is technocracy and changing of communication from physical as it used to be until few dacades to digital today.

The huge shift of communication from physical to digital, changes the whole essence of basic life, hence I believe at least the distorted sharing should be encouraged on the Internet (file movies and programs sharing) should be considered normal and not illegal..
I believe Using Free Software instead of non-free (proprietary) one is another thing through which we can stimulate sharing. If we as society appreciate our freedom at all  and  care for our children future, it is my firm conviction, we should do best to keep sharing as much as we can in both physical and digital sense.