Posts Tagged ‘life’

Constipation God’s punishment for our gluttony – My thoughts on Spiritual Reason for Constipation

Thursday, November 29th, 2012

Constipation God punishment for our gluttony, God's judgement on man
Some people might argue me but recently and over the last years, I had thoughts over the  so common nowadays problem of constipation. I think constipation  is God judgement on our increasingly gluttony self-love instead love for others, ungodliness  and our multiple sins.

I'm deriving this conclusion from my personal experience with constipation, every-time I over ate forced by my gluttony (partially forced by the over filling from everywhere with marketing to eat),  I get constipated. Constipation is one of the worst experience one can get and probably there is no person on earth who didn't experienced this in a stage of his earthly life. Probably half of the world is suffering from this terrible problem at least few times a year, where the frequency of constipation around people tends to be increasing with every consequential year.
Most of people from western world countries are in a number of times suffering more compared to less developed countries.

Main reason for increased constipation percentage in the western world (in my view) is the bad quality of half-artificually produced vegetables and fruits. Many of which grows as you should know grows in laboratories like places in order to do a cost saving for the companies. Due to the marketing hype and fuzz that took over westerners, many as a trick use the "green product" labeling just to make you convince their product, where in reality the product is far from green.

I think, God allowed the poisons which we hold in our hearts to materialize in our food as a punishment for our lack of repentance.

The hyper consumption that is ruling over western europe model is trying to spread itself in the less developed countries as well, while maybe a  billion of peoples all around the world are on the edge to die from hunger. In the west all businesses are trying to restructure themselves to more green friendly / (more green), whether parallel with that the same 'environment concerned businesses' are stimulating people to over consume through their marketing departments. Tell me isn't that one huge hypocrisy? How comes on one place a company talks about any efficiency if its fruits are inefficiency (over consumption)?

In the past days people consumed much less than today and less varied foods, still most of them were more heatlthy and many of them lived to an older age compared to know (this is a fact that one can learn not from the fake company statistics on the internet  trying to all the time show that the age barrier is increasing, this can be learned from our grandmothers and grandfathers and a bit of staring into history).

"Seed Companies" like Monsanto are already dominating the markets and killing the little farmers, so every next day, less and less of original God blessed plant seeds is left on earth. And even those who still are trying to be individual middle and little farmers are forced to buy already a genetically or hybrid modified seeds so a lot of the grown vegetables or fruits  is not grown through God blessed and given original food fondamential but some kind of 'human laboratory altered' plants. Most people and companies doesn't care if the seed is blessed or not by God or what kind of seed or food it is due to the fact they have long ago rejected God and do operate all their life with no God in their mind, but with the only goal for more and more pleasure and self-fulfillment of interests. It is sad really our bodies are constipated but it all starts from our soul constipation, we don't develop our souls in God's knowledge of good but advance instead in the "constipation" of  evil.

But constipation is not so bad in reality and it can be seen as a blessing from God as all pain makes us re-think over life and our deeds. Thus I believe though many might argue me, Constipation is just another of God's innumerous mercies over man to turn us to repentance and prayer.

But I think still there hope as long as each of us tries to be good or develop for good and pray to God, I believe all can be changed our soul and body constipation can be removed through God's power and mercy – only we have to strive for it ….


Transactional Analysis Eric Berne – Games people play

Friday, June 8th, 2012


Dr. Eric Berne is highly regarded as one of the most notable psychology psychiatry scientists of our age.

He developed a theory called Transactional Analysis. That is heavy in use in American companies nowdays.

Berne is also preached by a lot of universities all around the world.
His theory concludes in a claim that each person has three person states embedded and throughout all his life, he jumps to one of these 3 states.

1. Child
2.  Parent
3. Adult

According to berne during daily lives we encounter other people who also have this three "hidden" persons born inside. So if a Child encounters a Parent or Adult encounters a Child a clash often occurs and this results in a lot of misconceptions angry faces, angry talks and hatred.

Therefore Dr. Berne advices, companies and individuals to learn to know in which state they're everytime they speak with someone and to understand in what kind of state the other person is to talk always in between people peers in one and the same state.

Here are few videos of Bernes himself explaining his Theory ,,,


Berne Interview on Transactional Analysis chapter I

Berne's Transactional Analysis – Games People Play II

Bernes Transactional Analysis Games People Play III

Bernes Transactional Analysis // Games People Play IV

Now with all my respect to psychology and psychiatry as important science for a functioning society.
I cannot fully accept Berne's idea and it is surely not working full time for the simple reason it is just another theory.
And theory is never fully proven it is a model of how someone sees the world.

From a Christian point of view his theory is rather destructive as it puts everything in a frame of games. If his ideas are continued on this would mean the life is just a game. This is rather untrue if we take all the poor people in Africa all the beggars and everyone who has hardships in life. Berne's theory builds up on the idea of one social benefits backboned society and not on democracy as we know it. The hungry man is hard to play, the people who can't find food and die from hunger don't play either. Another thing I think is very wrong with his theory is teaching people to act like robots and putting everything in some kind of a mathematical like framework.
He says, everyone should think like:


However it is fact that some people are not OKAY and they just want to use you. Berne's theory obviously is based on imaginative thinking that everyone on society is on the same level and everyone are conditioned in the same way. Is that true?? Will a person raised up in a Christian family told a philosophy to be good with people the same as a people raised up by a kid raised up by parents who has adherence for occult.
Talking about religion, the worst of the guys philosophy is that it rejects faith in God or anything but base the claim on a pure ahteistic world view ,,,

I've been told some of this crazy persons ideas while I was studying in Arnhem Business School. Right then I've rejected the theory told to me in classes exposing Berne's ideas I still reject it and believe Christians should stay away from Berne's psychiatry.

And finally I don't want to be a racist but just like Nitzsche and Freud he is also jew, a strange coincidence

The Thrice Holy Orthodox Christian hymn sang on Holy Mount Athos

Wednesday, June 20th, 2012


Last year by Holy Virgin Mery Theotokos I was able to visit probably the second by holiness place in the world – Holy Athos. Agios Oros as called in greek is an island in the deep of Greece inhabited only by male monks. In fact there is a prophecy that if woman start visiting the place by God's desire the place will sunk. Holy Mount Athos is alsothe biggest orthodox monks community nowdays existing on the planet. Athos is inhabited by more than 1600 monks all from different orthodox nations. Some of the Orthodox Monasteries present by nationalities are:

– Ours Bulgarian Monastery (Saint Martyr George the Glory Bringer)
– Serbian
– Russian
– Greek

Probably there are more but this is ruffly the main ones I can remember
There are also Ukrainian and monks belonging to the other orthodox Churches. There are a lot of monks on Agios Oros that still are living a type of life as hermits. Even probably there are secret people who live completely as hermits. As the times are changing quickly and the earth is going to destruction the existence of such a big place inhabited by monks to pray Christ for us is truly a great God mercy to us. If you're interested in Agios Oros and you're orthodox Christian and want to visit it for pilgrimage pray to The Holy Theotokos and if it is God will you will be permitted to go.

Secret Life Of Machines – The Telephone (Full Length)

Monday, June 25th, 2012


Here is an interesting video talking about the origin of modern telephone communication.

In short first was the telegraph, then came the morse code. Then a way was found by bell to transmit voice on a short distances. Then Edisson's advancements make possible the telephone to exist to a primordial wall stick form of a modern telephone.

Its interesting to see the many woman which were used as a phone call operators in the rise of telephone. Then a little by little the phone operators were substituted by technology. Up to the point that now it is only computers that makes the phone communication reality.

Finally after a few stages of developments came the raise of modern telephone as we know it. And a little bit later the mobile phone. Nowdays we've become totally dependent on phones and often this little communicator devices we have to carry all around makes our life bitter and unrelaxed.

Secret Life Of Machines – The Telephone (Short History of the Telephone) [ Full Length ]

Well hope you enjoy the short documentary ! 🙂

Satanism and Occultism preached in modern Hip-Hop star singers and hip hop culture – revealed

Wednesday, May 9th, 2012

"Above is a quote from the Satanic Bible which is a formula for success preached by all modern music stars today"

During my younghood, I've been listening to a lot of metal spending many nights in a discoteques. Being seriously addicted to metal music and hanging around a lot with metal companies. Back in the days I remember closely, even though I have realized there is something wrong with Metal. I always had a natural hate for (hip-hop) rap music, which in my view back there was a hypocrite music.

Don't get me wrong I know many people who are fans of a rap music and they seem to be a very good people the only problem is the rap industry as we know it is not preaching a good and generally tends to be hypocritic.

Many years passed since then, many things happened in my life, one of which was my convertion by the Lord Jesus Christ grace to Christianity. It was just about many years of wandering for me until I found the faith of my fathers which the Orthodox Christianity. Which I later realized was the only complete and true apostolic Christianity existent as of today.

As a person, who is constantly striving for the truth (Thanks and Glory be to God for making me like this). I've started researching, the different philosophical and music genres movements in deepness, since then and it was quite shocking and almost in disbelief, I've found most of the youngsters mind preference ruling pop and  hip-hop culture has a very strong connection with occultism and satanism. This connection between modern hip-hop music and satanism is not always clearly manifested but obfuscated in mixing some good preaching lyrics with bad preaching lyrics.  The authors of the music and lyrics are just sharing their ideology, which is neither inclining for good nor for evil but a mixture of.

By God's grace just recently, I've found analysis in youtube which is showing more than clearly that one of the hip-hop idols as they're called in the mass-media are just poor deceived people who preach the satanic philoslophy to the masses. Just to mention few of these notorious hip-hop musicians, who sold their souls to the devil:

Jay-Z, Eminem, 50 Cent, DMX, Lyl Wayne, Chris brown, Keri, 2PAC and probably many, many more of the top stars who used to be taken for life examples by multitude of youngsters, who never been tought properly by their family to believe in Jesus Christ to love God and stay away from evil people and non-godly philosophies.

However it is not the parents fault that the children was not properly educated in the spirit of Christianity, the alienation of family from Christianity and Christian ethics has happened slowly through the last 200 years. The 2 World Wars, the crisis and the many calamities around the world. The materialist people's philosophy preached, heavily communism, democracy and the fall of monarchies, all this together played a role for breaking up the common people good faith in Jesus Christ and the introduction of false Christs doctrines to people.

Some of the many false-christs (anti-christs – meaning instead of Christ) are many of today's biggest stars we see on the TV and listen on the radio literally daily.
This fame this mortal people like me got not by chance and a hard work, though some of them might have been a hard workers too. They got it by being raised with a non-Christian philosophy being exposed to a non-Christian communities, being exposed to constant look for fame and money and desire for power and finally being exposed to one false spirituality which satanism and occult movements offers. Many of this people have already developed multiple personalities, as a consequence of the demon possession. Hence many of this hip-hopsters are probably most of the time not themselves but are simply controlled by an evil spirit, who is doing through them the works of satan and as a reward gives them fame using them as a dumb instruments to spread an insane nowhere leading philosophical ideas and devilish lies…. Here are the 2 videos who does a Christian criticism on the lyrics and videos shown to promote these so "talented" hip-hop singers:



SATAN LIES PART 3 – Bringing in the Anti-Christ – LIL WAYNE, 50 CENT, CHRIS BROWN, KERI

Satanism in Hip Hop 1

Satanism in Hip Hop 2

satanism in Hip Hop 3

Well obviously, this people are not singing to praise God and Christ and therefore they're with the devil.I know this will probably look like a meaningless rant to a non-Christian minded people from other religions as well as to atheists but this are the facts. Why would people who are not Christian as the authors of this music preach an anti-Christian content?? If they don't believe in God or Satan and the devil, why would they ever preach a no moral, no ethics, hatred evil and generally anti-Christianity?? One would say "it is just because of money and fame and cause they want to be different", but even if this was the case how comes they become so popular. Where this magnetism this God enemies possess from? Who gives the money to the industry to make this people so famous and make them being on the TV screen and Radios all around the clock. What are this people's philosophy for life and their beliefs. Let me tell obviously, they're people like the up mentioned hip-hop singers, evil desirers, non lovers of good and family and person destroyers ….


MK Ultra Monarch Programming Exposed videos – How brainwashing works, popular brainwashed pop stars

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012


I'm not a big fan generally of conspirative theories. As a Christian I'm convinced the evil forces, who try to oppose us as Christians are very real. As we can read in the holy scriptures in Ephesians:

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Well this spiritual wickedness the holy apostle is talking about is already existing since the creation of the world. The power with which it is trying to work in our daily lives is increasing day by day as a fulfillment of the prophecies of the Book of Revelation, where it is said in the last days of world existene, the devil will be cast down from heaven to earth, before he is finally cast down to Abaddon (if I'm not mistaken – The old testamental word for Hell word). Here is a quote from the Book of Revelations, stating this:

Revelation 12:12 – Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

King James Version Bible (KVJ) Bible

I think Christians, should be aware of the existence of some devilish works, like the research of the United StatesCIA (Central Intelligence Agency) research called "Project MK Ultra" in the 1960 to late 1970's. The MK Ultra project was created with the goal to foster techniques for mind manipulation throgh drugs, pain, electroshocks, creation of high tension in testing subjects etc. etc.

The MK Ultra (Monarch) programming has given birth to the nowadays so modern NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) which is a favourite involved method in many protestant Christian sects.

Probably almost anyone has somehow experienced some modified version of Monarch Programming but he didn't knew of it existence, so he just couldn't understand what is happening. The idea behind this kind of neuro linguistic programming is to confuse you and shake off your ground and then re-teach you on how the universe works, who you're and what you're supposed to do on this earth. The result from people who parcipated in Monarch mind programming is paranoias, false beliefs, crazy ideas about self and the world, fears, mental and personality disorders (also known in science terms as schizophrenia), animal like sexual lust, loose of control over self …

In short the NLP results are clearly opposite to what the Holy Bible teaches us to live in peace with all people as long as we can, to do good to put our faith and hope on God's good plan for our lives, to not trust human knowledge but rather obey God's laws, to not do sexual immorality (sexual fornication) etc. etc.

Many programs for free offered by the European Union to strengthen society are plainly a Neuro Linguistic Programming, a version of the MK-Ultra Monarch programming. This kind of NLP programs falsely says:" you're reached to become stronger, see better the things arond you (increase your awareness), be more cautious about people's gestures and body langues, be more self aware and stronger enterpreneur person. All this claimed to be teached is purely  one GREAT DECEPTION, right on the contrary the NLP programs  makes you a weak unrealized psychopath person, who impose his incorrect ideas about life as we know it and the surrounding envinment, God's order in life and personal well being / happiness /. In other words it makes you be moved by devilish teachings without even realizing it.

The MK-Ultra Monarch persons ultimate goal is to make one person take control over the other in other words MK-Ultra or NLP (call it as you will) is nothing more than another dependency manipulation technique.

The basic behind how it works is – you have to be manipulated and brainwashed by someone in order to exercise manipulation (brainwashing) on other human subjects.
If you think for a while you will understand this is completely crazy and its exactly like a sect. Whether one person gets brainwashed what it happens in reality is he looses his free will as the person is possessed by one or a legion of evil spirits), then the controller person who is the Monarch over the brainwashed is capable to "command" his brainwashee "child" just because he himself has another devil. Devils communicate in between just like the Holy Angels and all the creations in Heaven God created on the first place. This is why the wicked spirits are deceiving the brainwashed persons to just do their wicked will while taking control over the person posing as another personality and that's why it appears like the person has a complete different personality. This different personality is actually the devil who controls actions and thoughts of the person. The manipulative teachings held by Project MK-Ultra are pitly, heavily used by modern Businessmen. Most company CEOs has somehow went through an NLP and have been subconsciously instructed on what kind of business they have to do by the devils which possess them. This is also the reason why so many Chief Executives are being perceived as crazy persons by their employees. This is also the reason why the economy worldwide went so bad, because many of the heads in companies are led by horde of demons, on which direction they should lead the multi national companies.

I would stop, here and show you few videos I found produced by someone who is aware of the existence of NLP and the heavily application it has today in society.

The videos are explaining, also what is the reason why this pop-rock stars are so eccentric and do so much of odd things as they do. Also it explains how many of the world higher class people get their position in society.

MK-Ultra (Moarch Programming Exposed) Part 1

MK – Ultra (Monarch Programming Exposed) Part 2

MK – Ultra (Monarch Programming Exposed) Part 3

The MK Ultra / NLP is being nowdays, taught as a regular subject in many Universities all around the world, by some weird non-sense subjects like Business Ethics, How to improve your awareness, how to become succesful business person, Introduction lessons to business etc. etc. etc.

The author of the videos is presumably a Protestant Christian, so I would say some of the facts presented in the video might have a protestant perspective, however I believe what he says is almost fully true. I'm a bit sceptical about the Illuminati claims, at least as a structured society of people who try to rule the world. However I'm sure most of the rich and succesful people nowdays has something to do with sects, satanism and occultism. Since the very change of regime from Monarchy to Capitalism, the order of society is being inverted in a way that most of the highest position in societies are held by people who are either a hard-core atheists (anti-christs) or people involved in magical stuff, occulm, secret societies or some kind of new-age religion, occultism.

I've heard by many friends, who somehow are in the position to have connection with richer people, that many of the heads in governments or key people involved in countries around the world are gays and lesbians. I don't know how much this is true as I haven't seen it with my own eyes but I'm tending to believe this is true, as I see how the whole world has headed to increasing immorality and self-destruction.
Of course it is not in the power of men to orchestrate such a strong bodies of connection between wicked people as the supporters of Illuminate has claims. The people who are somehow doing this evils are plainly possessed and controlled by devils and one day, they will have Gods judgement on the judgement. Then they will shake and pray for mercy the all merciful one but it will be too late for them, for God has given them a whole life to turn back from their sins and repent for their evils and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ and live a life of righteousness …

Anyways the existence of NLPs brain programmings or all kind of manipulations and hidden evils should not discourage us or trouble us but on the contrary as our Saviour Jesus Christ said:

"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God,
believe also in me." John 14:1 – (KJV) Holy Bible

And the holy apostles said in the New Testament of the Holy Bible:

38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:{38-39}

Love is the only true motivator for us as humans and for company personnel

Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012


During my succesfully failed studies 🙂 in Arnhem Business School (ABS). I've thought a lot on what really is the greatest motivator for human personnel

My conclusion after probably two years of observing myself and the surrounding environment is that the only true motivator that could be for everyone on this world is Love.
This kind of idea came to me as I've noticed that, I'm only fully truly happy when I do something I love to do!

Probably anyone who is observing himself and has a strive for truth in himself has figured that out too. But I think online there are not too many materials talking about Love as beeing the only true motivator and hence I decided to drop this few lines here.

The conclusion I came up with that Love is the Ultimate Motivator was not only my idea.

This we read in the Holy Bible too. I will quote here the whole John Chapter 4 – King James Version because what it says is an Ultimate Un-changable Truth known for centuries and soneone who really thinks with his mind and looks for true science could get some faith and wisdom on being motivated by this same Love:

King James Version: 1 John Chapter 4
1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:
3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
5 They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.
6 We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error. 7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.
8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
9 In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. 10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.
12 No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.
13 Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.
14 And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.
15 Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.
16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.
17 Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.
18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
19 We love him, because he first loved us.
20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
21 And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.

Again I will repeat the exact phrasing which supports my claim that Love is the Only true Humans and Human employees Motivator :

KJV Verse 16: And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.

It is said so simple so anyone can understand it God is Love and since God can be the only motive for what we do, by doing what we do "living by the law of love" so to say, we can only be life filled happy and productive by doing everything moved by Love with Love for Love (From God, through God, for God)!

Even for unbelievers (atheists) or some other non-Christian religion faiths belonging people this ancient text exposes a very deep truth, which by the way most of the most notable people of all times people has put in their lives mindfully or unmindfully already.

My rationalization continued like so:

If Love is the only true human, and human as a work unit (resource) motivator and we know God is Love himself, then what do you think would a person need to be motivated to love what he does??

Love is like a big firewood which makes fire stronger and stronger the more fuel (Love) you put inside. Therefore my personal belief is to motivate anyone to do anything constructive, we can only do it through Love too.

Everything out of the boundary of Love is ever doomed to fail, it is how God designed us and the universe to work in very beginning ( we can read in the holy bible Genesis chpt).

I'm pretty sure even non-Christian scientists could see that the Love is the only motivator with a fair repetitive experimentation (science) and even probably many has already concluded this and put it in work inside big organizations.

With all said, I've found a very nice example video showing off that Love is the only motivator where it is well said by Steve Jobs who passed away  few months ago.
The video is his speech in-front of Stanford University, during the handing in to him of a diploma Phd from the university to honor his big contribution for the development of the IT industry.

If one watches closely at the speech he will find out  one of the most known enterpreneur of our times claims exactly the same thing "Love is the only Motivator", he says in his speech and speaks about the Love and how one should be driven by the heart in what he does.

It was his Love for his job that make him achieve what he does even though he explains, he went through various "love" for his job trials, many times in his life.

I've taken this speech as a good example since his religion believe was pretty much mixed (he was not Christian, though raised up in Christian family after being adopted). Hence  'The Love being a true motivator' can be observed and understood by a believing devoted Christians but it is like an Universal never changing law God put in the center of our being since he made us in Eden.

Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address (speech in front of Graduating SU students)

I should add that I didn't support many of the things and religious ideas of Jobs,
as well as I don't believe jobs temporal earth success is something we should strive for.
Anyway I give his speech as an example that even people who are not Christians have figured out the Love being the biggest motivator in doing our job and non-work related daily life.

Some of the things that are anti-christian he says are:

"Remembering we will be death soon is among the most important tools I've encountered to help me make the big choices in life", because almost everything all external expectations or pride or fear of emberassment of failure this things fall away in the face of death. Leaving only what is truly important, remembering that you're going to die is the best way I know to avoid the thinking you have something to loose. YOU ARE ALREADY NAKED, THERE IS NO REASON NOT TO FOLLOW YOUR HEART"

As you can notice in Jobs speech, he obviously doesn't believe in afterlife existence, we people to possesses soul, and  he rejected the Christian belief in existence of Heaven and Hell. He believes the Buddhist lie of the re-incarnation and Hare Krishna's deceptions. The claim that we're all naked in not true, we know said by the Holy Scriptures that all Christians who received the spirit of truth after baptism are dressed up by the same spirit.

Also his idea that "one should follow his heart always" is well romantic but doesn't reflect the Christian teachings, as not following the heart is most important in Christianity but following God's laws on the first place and then our own ways. The follow your heart is no different from Alister Crawley's satanic philosophy saying in his satanic book "The Book of the Law". Do thy your will. Well what jobs tells to this young people is the same in other words "do thy your will".

Technology one big freedom trap – Drop off technology to live true life

Saturday, April 21st, 2012

I'm lately thinking over technology and the way, we interact a lot. I've thought over that so many times and most of the times I get into the conclusion technology is not liberating us as we're told everywhere on the contrary it makes us weak and dependable. Try to switch off your mobile and live without a mobile for instance. This is almost unthinkable for probably over 3 000 000 of people around the globe. Also this Mobile Phones and Computers and all this technology surrounding, us make us servants of technology. Technology used to be invented to serve us but what is happening is we're starting to serve it as more and more people are included in supporting technology equipment. The internet is also a big illusion as it is just something stored on electronic signals somewhere. The world is starting to get mixed too much as a result of the huge globalization the internet impose on us. The magical and non-Christian teachings has multipled many times as a result of the internet boom. Nowdays most of people are spending big part of their life in one illusionary world (the internet). This desire for multiple virtual realities make us desire something that is not real. The more we stay on the internet the more busy, we're loosing time in non-sense. Since so many people have plenty of free time, they put their time on the internet in all kind of empty things from spiritual point of view.  The worst thing from the digitalization of society is it makes us void and digital like. The structure of language is being changed by a hype words not meaning anything as they only relate to an idea to have physical dimensions. We better go back to our roots and drop technology. I'm starting to think people should start rejecting technology and live a free life like our forefathers and mothers used to have. The ancient life was harder but more real. I'm wondering if more people are sharing my ideas. Why don't we quit technology why don't we decide to live again a real life?

Remove string line from file on Linux and BSD – Delete entire line with string from file

Tuesday, March 15th, 2016


If you're already used too using grep -v "sometring" filename to print everything from a file without the certain grepped string output and you want to do the same to delete lines based on strings without having to output the grepped string to a file and then overwritting the original file:

grep -v 'whatever' filename > filename1
mv filename1 filename

A much better way to delete an whole line containing a string match from a file is to use sed
should be the tool of choice especially if you're scripting because sed is especially made for such batch edittings.

Here is how to do delete an entire line based on a given string:


sed –in-place '/some string to search and delete/d' myfilename

It might be a good idea to also create backups just to make sure something doesn't get deleted incidently to do use:

sed –in-place=.bak '/some string to search and delete/d' myfilename

If you need to wipe out an exact string from all files within a folder you might use a for loop or perl (some good examples check my previous article here)

In short to use bash's for loop here is how to backup and remove all lines with a string match within all files within a Linux directory:


for f in *.txt; do sed –in-place '/some string/d'
"$f"; done
find -name '*.txt' -exec sed –in-place=.bak '/some
string/d' "{}" ';'


BTW SED is really rich editor and some people got so much into it that there is even a sed written text (console) version of arkanoid 🙂


If you want to break the ice and get some fun in your boring sysadmin life get sed arkanoid code from here.
I have it installed under free ASCII Games entertainment service, so if you want to give it a try just login and give a try.

Enjoy 🙂

A proof Islam is false religion not pleasable to God? 717 people died during Hajj in Mecca on Greatest Muslim feast Kurban Bayrami

Friday, September 25th, 2015

The frequent deaths in Mecca in Muslim Islamic Hajj a proof islam is a false religion

This year on 24 September, for one more time on the day of Greatest Muslim feast Eid-Al-Adha in turkey known as Kurban Bayrami (translated as Feast of Sacrifice) Saudi Arabia's Hajj (during the veneration of the greatest Muslim relic Kaaba (stone)  in Mecca (said to be the birth place of Muhammad), again at least  717 poor people were killed (crushed to death) and 863 injured during Hajj's common million muslim people's prayer gathering. |

Sadly Incidents like this for Muslim pilgrims are not news and they happen quite often sadly and if taken the statistics of death toll of pilgrims for the past years is shocking.

Here are some statistics on the latest 25 years of deaths of pilgrims on a Hajj travel or those who directly died in Mecca:


Some notable incidents during Hajj and Mecca pilgrimages in the last 25 years include:

  • July 2, 1990: A stampede inside a pedestrian tunnel (Al-Ma'aisim tunnel) leading out from Mecca towards Mina and the Plains of Arafat led to the deaths of 1,426 pilgrims, many of them of Malaysian, Indonesian and Pakistani origin.[2][3]
  • May 23, 1994: A stampede killed at least 270 pilgrims at the stoning of the Devil ritual.
  • April 9, 1998: at least 118 pilgrims were trampled to death and 180 injured in an incident on Jamarat Bridge.[4]
  • March 5, 2001: 35 pilgrims were trampled to death in a stampede during the stoning of the Devil ritual.[5]
  • February 11, 2003: The stoning of the Devil ritual claimed 14 pilgrims' lives.[6]
  • February 1, 2004: 251 pilgrims were killed and another 244 injured in a stampede during the stoning ritual in Mina.[7]
  • January 12, 2006: A stampede during the stoning of the Devil on the last day of the Hajj in Mina killed at least 346 pilgrims and injured at least 289 more. The incident occurred shortly after 13:00 local time, when a busload of travellers arrived together at the eastern access ramps to the Jamarat Bridge. This caused pilgrims to trip, rapidly resulting in a lethal stampede. An estimated two million people were performing the ritual at the time.
  • September 24, 2015: 717 pilgrims were killed and another 800 injured during a stampede in the 2015 Hajj

The Kabba stone is the central pilgrimage place for muslims and accoriding to Islam faith it is a stone which came from heaven, there are pleny of legends and superstitious speculations regarding this stone circulating among muslims and it is hard to say which is really true, however what is sure is Hajj on Mecca has been practiced by muslims since the early days of Islam even to this very day.

From a Christian staind point going to venerate a stone is simply a venerating an idol (as a stone is a creation) and not the creator and is very different from us Christians venerating the icons, as we venerate not the icon itself but the image of personality depicted on it The Lord Jesus Christ (Christ meaning Messiah), The Most holy Theotokos Virgin Mary, John the Baptist the Angels, Archangels and Saints who immitated Christ's life and who reached immerse holines even in this life being able to perform miracles.


One really strange thing which I guess no muslim could answer is why if Muhammad was the greatest and last prophet of Allah, he did not perform any miracles in lifetime or after death. Another thing is the veneration of the grave of Muhammad (At the Green Dome) practiced in Islam that is a really strange thing and contradicts the laws of the Qu'ran instructing not to venerate anything except Ala.

I would say the main proof against Islam as being the right faith in God is the fact Muhammad died like every normal person. The greatest venerated prophet for 1.5 billion muslims more venerated even than the Isa's Allah messanger (Isa is Jesus's name in Qu'ran) died like every normal person with a peaceful death without any super-natural indication he was a prophet after his death.

In Christianity we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the son of God (The Father the Son and the Holy Spirit) which we call The Holy Trinity (a undividable unity between the 3 hyposthasis.
The proof for us Christians that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Savior of Mankind is the empty Tomb (Grave of Christ), because JESUS HAS RISEN AND WITH BODY IN HEAVEN!

It is interesting that these bright days for muslims often end up with immerse sorrow for some families which loose beloved husbands in accidents like this.

Interestingly on Christian Easter feast be it Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox there is no records of tragic incidents.
Even it can be considered a miracle that on Eastern feasts in Jerusalem's Church of Resurrection where the Lord Jesus Christ has been risen (resurrected) from the dead there are no crushing incidents even though the big crowds, neither there are any burned people even though the whole Holy Sepulchure (Resurrection) church is filled with people holding lighted up candles with the every year reoccuring of Miracle Holy Fire.


The lack of incidents on The day of the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ (Eastern) in my humble opionion is a clear sign that this feast is a pleasing God.

Muslims believe and claim that it is the greatest joy of all to die for (God) Allah and those incidents are sent blessing from Allah for those who died in those incidents and in a sense dying for God is a blessing if you die for God's sake as a martyr while testifying faith in God but being killed while you're on a way to venerate God seems a bit illogical to me.
I have red the Holy Bible Old Testament as well as the Qu'ran sometimes ago two books which more or less are being regarded by muslims and in none of them I found not a story of someone on the way to pilgrim God or who have promised to pilgrim God who have been killed, so I guess this kind of thinking is an invention of Mullam / Imams who try to justify the event and make it look beneficial for islaam, a justification which I believe most of people looking for truth and non muslims would never justity.


From a my view point the crushment of people during a pilgrimage is a clear sign God's Grace and Holy Angels doesn't guard the place but the devil is let to often kill those poor people because of the rejection of muslims of the true Light the Lord Jesus Christ as a true Son of God and a saviour of the Lord who came to give his holy life on the cross not only for Christians who believed in him but for all People from all religions in the world from all ages including the direct descending from Muhammad (as I heard from some Kurdish muslim people) Muslim.

I pray our Lord Jesus Christ to have mercy on the  souls of all this Mecca pilgrimages who died yesterday and the in the past accidents through the years and to have mercy and open the spiirtual eyes of Muslim around the world and enlighten them with the truthful word of the Holy Gospel.