Posts Tagged ‘kind’

Зажалила е маjка Бугариjа / Mother Bulgaria is sad

Wednesday, November 21st, 2012

Зажалила е маjка Бугариjа / Mother Bulgaria is sad

She cries for one kind child – small orphan.
Deadly foes picked the child from his mother.
Two beautiful daughters hear how their mother weeps – golden Moesia (Mizia) and beautiful Thrace.
What sorrow lies at your heart, holy mother?
I grieved for your little sister.
For most dear child – for Macedonia.
God save and bless her with peace!
Don't forget the mother, don't forget the mother Bulgaria!" Bulgaria and Macedonia – 1 nation in 2 states !!!


Никоj не пропагира бугарски карактер на Македониjа. Бугарскиот карактер на Македониjа e нeуспорим факт! NOBODY MAKE PROPAGANDA FOR BULGARIAN CHARACTER OF MACEDONIA! THE BULGARIAN CHARACTER IS INDISPUTABLE HISTORICAL FACT !!!

Transactional Analysis Eric Berne – Games people play

Friday, June 8th, 2012


Dr. Eric Berne is highly regarded as one of the most notable psychology psychiatry scientists of our age.

He developed a theory called Transactional Analysis. That is heavy in use in American companies nowdays.

Berne is also preached by a lot of universities all around the world.
His theory concludes in a claim that each person has three person states embedded and throughout all his life, he jumps to one of these 3 states.

1. Child
2.  Parent
3. Adult

According to berne during daily lives we encounter other people who also have this three "hidden" persons born inside. So if a Child encounters a Parent or Adult encounters a Child a clash often occurs and this results in a lot of misconceptions angry faces, angry talks and hatred.

Therefore Dr. Berne advices, companies and individuals to learn to know in which state they're everytime they speak with someone and to understand in what kind of state the other person is to talk always in between people peers in one and the same state.

Here are few videos of Bernes himself explaining his Theory ,,,


Berne Interview on Transactional Analysis chapter I

Berne's Transactional Analysis – Games People Play II

Bernes Transactional Analysis Games People Play III

Bernes Transactional Analysis // Games People Play IV

Now with all my respect to psychology and psychiatry as important science for a functioning society.
I cannot fully accept Berne's idea and it is surely not working full time for the simple reason it is just another theory.
And theory is never fully proven it is a model of how someone sees the world.

From a Christian point of view his theory is rather destructive as it puts everything in a frame of games. If his ideas are continued on this would mean the life is just a game. This is rather untrue if we take all the poor people in Africa all the beggars and everyone who has hardships in life. Berne's theory builds up on the idea of one social benefits backboned society and not on democracy as we know it. The hungry man is hard to play, the people who can't find food and die from hunger don't play either. Another thing I think is very wrong with his theory is teaching people to act like robots and putting everything in some kind of a mathematical like framework.
He says, everyone should think like:


However it is fact that some people are not OKAY and they just want to use you. Berne's theory obviously is based on imaginative thinking that everyone on society is on the same level and everyone are conditioned in the same way. Is that true?? Will a person raised up in a Christian family told a philosophy to be good with people the same as a people raised up by a kid raised up by parents who has adherence for occult.
Talking about religion, the worst of the guys philosophy is that it rejects faith in God or anything but base the claim on a pure ahteistic world view ,,,

I've been told some of this crazy persons ideas while I was studying in Arnhem Business School. Right then I've rejected the theory told to me in classes exposing Berne's ideas I still reject it and believe Christians should stay away from Berne's psychiatry.

And finally I don't want to be a racist but just like Nitzsche and Freud he is also jew, a strange coincidence

MK Ultra Monarch Programming Exposed videos – How brainwashing works, popular brainwashed pop stars

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012


I'm not a big fan generally of conspirative theories. As a Christian I'm convinced the evil forces, who try to oppose us as Christians are very real. As we can read in the holy scriptures in Ephesians:

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Well this spiritual wickedness the holy apostle is talking about is already existing since the creation of the world. The power with which it is trying to work in our daily lives is increasing day by day as a fulfillment of the prophecies of the Book of Revelation, where it is said in the last days of world existene, the devil will be cast down from heaven to earth, before he is finally cast down to Abaddon (if I'm not mistaken – The old testamental word for Hell word). Here is a quote from the Book of Revelations, stating this:

Revelation 12:12 – Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

King James Version Bible (KVJ) Bible

I think Christians, should be aware of the existence of some devilish works, like the research of the United StatesCIA (Central Intelligence Agency) research called "Project MK Ultra" in the 1960 to late 1970's. The MK Ultra project was created with the goal to foster techniques for mind manipulation throgh drugs, pain, electroshocks, creation of high tension in testing subjects etc. etc.

The MK Ultra (Monarch) programming has given birth to the nowadays so modern NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) which is a favourite involved method in many protestant Christian sects.

Probably almost anyone has somehow experienced some modified version of Monarch Programming but he didn't knew of it existence, so he just couldn't understand what is happening. The idea behind this kind of neuro linguistic programming is to confuse you and shake off your ground and then re-teach you on how the universe works, who you're and what you're supposed to do on this earth. The result from people who parcipated in Monarch mind programming is paranoias, false beliefs, crazy ideas about self and the world, fears, mental and personality disorders (also known in science terms as schizophrenia), animal like sexual lust, loose of control over self …

In short the NLP results are clearly opposite to what the Holy Bible teaches us to live in peace with all people as long as we can, to do good to put our faith and hope on God's good plan for our lives, to not trust human knowledge but rather obey God's laws, to not do sexual immorality (sexual fornication) etc. etc.

Many programs for free offered by the European Union to strengthen society are plainly a Neuro Linguistic Programming, a version of the MK-Ultra Monarch programming. This kind of NLP programs falsely says:" you're reached to become stronger, see better the things arond you (increase your awareness), be more cautious about people's gestures and body langues, be more self aware and stronger enterpreneur person. All this claimed to be teached is purely  one GREAT DECEPTION, right on the contrary the NLP programs  makes you a weak unrealized psychopath person, who impose his incorrect ideas about life as we know it and the surrounding envinment, God's order in life and personal well being / happiness /. In other words it makes you be moved by devilish teachings without even realizing it.

The MK-Ultra Monarch persons ultimate goal is to make one person take control over the other in other words MK-Ultra or NLP (call it as you will) is nothing more than another dependency manipulation technique.

The basic behind how it works is – you have to be manipulated and brainwashed by someone in order to exercise manipulation (brainwashing) on other human subjects.
If you think for a while you will understand this is completely crazy and its exactly like a sect. Whether one person gets brainwashed what it happens in reality is he looses his free will as the person is possessed by one or a legion of evil spirits), then the controller person who is the Monarch over the brainwashed is capable to "command" his brainwashee "child" just because he himself has another devil. Devils communicate in between just like the Holy Angels and all the creations in Heaven God created on the first place. This is why the wicked spirits are deceiving the brainwashed persons to just do their wicked will while taking control over the person posing as another personality and that's why it appears like the person has a complete different personality. This different personality is actually the devil who controls actions and thoughts of the person. The manipulative teachings held by Project MK-Ultra are pitly, heavily used by modern Businessmen. Most company CEOs has somehow went through an NLP and have been subconsciously instructed on what kind of business they have to do by the devils which possess them. This is also the reason why so many Chief Executives are being perceived as crazy persons by their employees. This is also the reason why the economy worldwide went so bad, because many of the heads in companies are led by horde of demons, on which direction they should lead the multi national companies.

I would stop, here and show you few videos I found produced by someone who is aware of the existence of NLP and the heavily application it has today in society.

The videos are explaining, also what is the reason why this pop-rock stars are so eccentric and do so much of odd things as they do. Also it explains how many of the world higher class people get their position in society.

MK-Ultra (Moarch Programming Exposed) Part 1

MK – Ultra (Monarch Programming Exposed) Part 2

MK – Ultra (Monarch Programming Exposed) Part 3

The MK Ultra / NLP is being nowdays, taught as a regular subject in many Universities all around the world, by some weird non-sense subjects like Business Ethics, How to improve your awareness, how to become succesful business person, Introduction lessons to business etc. etc. etc.

The author of the videos is presumably a Protestant Christian, so I would say some of the facts presented in the video might have a protestant perspective, however I believe what he says is almost fully true. I'm a bit sceptical about the Illuminati claims, at least as a structured society of people who try to rule the world. However I'm sure most of the rich and succesful people nowdays has something to do with sects, satanism and occultism. Since the very change of regime from Monarchy to Capitalism, the order of society is being inverted in a way that most of the highest position in societies are held by people who are either a hard-core atheists (anti-christs) or people involved in magical stuff, occulm, secret societies or some kind of new-age religion, occultism.

I've heard by many friends, who somehow are in the position to have connection with richer people, that many of the heads in governments or key people involved in countries around the world are gays and lesbians. I don't know how much this is true as I haven't seen it with my own eyes but I'm tending to believe this is true, as I see how the whole world has headed to increasing immorality and self-destruction.
Of course it is not in the power of men to orchestrate such a strong bodies of connection between wicked people as the supporters of Illuminate has claims. The people who are somehow doing this evils are plainly possessed and controlled by devils and one day, they will have Gods judgement on the judgement. Then they will shake and pray for mercy the all merciful one but it will be too late for them, for God has given them a whole life to turn back from their sins and repent for their evils and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ and live a life of righteousness …

Anyways the existence of NLPs brain programmings or all kind of manipulations and hidden evils should not discourage us or trouble us but on the contrary as our Saviour Jesus Christ said:

"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God,
believe also in me." John 14:1 – (KJV) Holy Bible

And the holy apostles said in the New Testament of the Holy Bible:

38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:{38-39}

MK Ultra Documentary movie on CIA Mind Research project – Human Experiments in U.S.

Wednesday, May 16th, 2012


As I've talked already about the existence of mind control brain manipulation techniques developed in the 1960-70s in US under secrecy with a codename MK Ultra. While I was checking stuff in youtube, I've stumbled today on a whole length 47 minutes documentary. Going after the tracks of the MK-Ultra Project. The video gives quite a good details on how the project went and surely is a must see for anyone interested in the sphere…
Here is the video:

MKULTRA Documentary: CIA Mind Control Research – Human Experiments in the United States

As one can guess the Russian had also a similar mind control secret program runnning  in their secret services. There is not so much available on how far the Russians has gone. Some of the programs Russians done is using waves to damage or put under a hypnotic like state the masses. The Russia's research was mostly in the field of Psychotronic research – This means using elecromagnetic forces to alter the human psycho. Here is one video I found on the subject, though I'm not so sure how reliable the quoted info is.
As always Russia is way more secret than the rest of the world.
I guess secrecy is part of the slavonic nations genes 🙂

Monarch Chapter 10B: Russian Mind Control

We can only guess, how far have nowdays the researches on Mind Control and Psychotronic weapons go. Some people say (as far as I've researched so far) there are already some kind of radio sound waves going around that puts us in a state that we can easily accept suggestions, I'm not sure this info is real though. As I don't think God will allow humans to do something such monsterous as behind the scenes  mass human population mind control. 

My guess is people involved into business, are pretty much aware of this programs and has researched plenty on the topic already. As succesful manipulation (mind control / branwashing) call it as you will is a key to almost every kind of succesful business out there. 

Pavlov Experiments in Conditioning, B.F. Skinner’s Operant Conditioning

Friday, May 18th, 2012


The facts concerning, how mind works has advanced severely through the years. Maybe the most significant scientists a fore-fathers of modern psychology are Ivan Pavlov and B. B. Skinner

Both of this guys has made a number of experiments, that prooved that programming a person through sensory neuro input through hearing sounds and seeing pictures is possible.

The Russian Pavlov's experiments gave a birth to a new era in science and made the further research on mind control and how mind works possible. He made a number of dog experiments, later repeated with kids, indicating that nervous and mind conditioning in both animals and humans is possible.

Later his research was reconfirmed many times by many scientists and even can be re-peated in home if you want to test it, I've seen people in youtube who tested Pavov experiments recorded the experiment and it is evident it works.

it was a little after the Operand conditioning existence by BF Skinner was discovered. The operand conditioning show that a complex behaviours in both animals and people can be programmed.

The videos above literally show a revolution in science and I'm convinced this experiments should be mostly anyone involved in academic activities. It is rather unexplainable to me, I never heard of University, College or School that shows this videos to  students …

Ivan Pavlov – experiments in Conditioning (dog food timing experiment)

B. F. Skinner's 's Operant Conditioning Chamber – Saieed Hasnoo – What is Operant Conditioning

Why so less is spoken about the existence, of such a proofs that mind control and people programming is possible. How far this kind of experiments went to?? And how far humanity can go in their insane look for knowledge? Looking over the civilization we have today, not too far from now. Right now I mosty see in the street people without direction a lost sheeps without a shepherd. Lets hope situation will be better soon and people will realize this experiments proove that God made the universe to work in order and this kind of facts concerning how matter works are just a proof for the God's order and the wonderful way we're made.


Mass Media equals Mind Control / Watching Television or Movies can put you into a Hypnotic like state

Monday, May 21st, 2012


I'm still heavily researching on Mind Control Applications as well as how the our brains could be intentionally mislead to do not our will.
I myself am not watching TV for years now and I know pretty well the TV programs are one big non-sense. Loosing interest into television came natural for me as sometime in my development in life I found I can use computer to gather a data of my preference. As computers and internet gave me more control over choice what I want to learn I quit watching TV completely. However now I'm starting to realize even though I haven't watched TV for a long time the fact that I have watched plenty of Television as a child has unintentionally influenced me as a purpose.

The real way how television influence us and makes us prone to suggestability is through putting the watched in a state similar to a hypnosis. I personally don't believe in the hypnosis as it is an occult practice and I think Christians are not suspectable to be influenced in the same way as non-Christians as it is up to God to decide how a certain technology will influence the individual. However most of us people nowdays are not a regular church attendants and we don't regularly pray and ask God for mercies and blessings therefore this makes us away from God and makes us more vulnerable to satanic agendas like hypnotism to be able to have influence on us….
Also by TV and modern pop culture, we have been encouraged to not stick to our cultural roots but to separate ourselves and accept an empty non-sense ideology that doesn't have any core besides money and consumerims.
In that sense the TV and medias plays the most significant role nowdays.

Mass Media = Mind Control – a video explaining in short how the TV and Mass medias are used to create similar or identical ideas in masses

The internet as lately we're hearing about PIPA, SOPA and all kind of legislations regulations corrupted 0politicians try to vote for could be soon filtered too. If that happens the situation with using computers to inform ourselves will be not so much different than with TV's and other medias.
Anyways even today the internet is heavily regulated as the biggest newspapers like New Your Times, BBC, Guardian are only publishing materials approved by the directors and compatible with the companies owners agendas…

Anyways we are not helpless as we can educate people and show them the real face of the things, so they can finally realize that this whole deception and anti-religious propaganda on the TV and vows for a life without rules is the greatest deception of our age.

WIth TVs, radios, music, Mobiles, Ipads, IPhones or nomatter what kind of latest technology we can never be happy while living without God.

Another good video worhty to see I've found on youtube is called
TV = Mind Control, unfortunately the video is not emebeddable so to see it you would have to copy paste this link:

The meaning of the business modern day definition

Thursday, April 5th, 2012

What is the business word meaning - The success Plague my gimp logo

This post, is just to open one big issue I saw with the modern business word.
In universities, governmental institutions and everywhere throughout the globe the business word is repeated more and more everyday. People often associate business with all positive.  Everyone who is succesful in business is highly praised and  even more absurdly thought as superior to others!

With all this said I would like to honestly ask you the the question "What is the  meaning of business?" and why ever thought it means anything meaningful. Who on a first place did come up with this non-sense word and why we are still so dumb to praise it and not completely ban it from our lives and just live whethever is good and righteous wihtout trying to get into e field of someone or a groups of people idea of something that makes not a senese at all.

If you think closely on the business word having the definition of just "being busy all the time", then it is logical everyone is a businessman and hence everyone is in business . Still howevfer in universities, we have courses teaching is that you should follow certain direction or "mantra" like rules in order to be a succesful businessman. There are plenty of books already around named like

  • the 7 habits of succesful people
  • How to become succesful in life
  • What to eat and why
  • How to behave on business meetings. 
  • What is the ultimate key to success in both daily life and spirituality
  • How to be intercultrally aware 

and many many more all kind of junk literature like this. In my view all this is a complete nonsense not less or more than what the business is. Lets face it  business means "Busy-ness" e.g. to be constantly busy. In that sense people are getting more and more busy these days. Not that this busi-ness has a direction or a line. People are now constantly busy with something, watching TV, playing computer games, reading useless lies information in the newspaper, not to mention the riduculous nonsense talking over the phone for every minor detail. People think less and less, while being busy more and more. Where this will end? I have no clue. What I'm certain is all this "busi-ness" trend in society is not a good think. Being constantly busy plague, (being a busyness man) is starting to spread to everyone on earth. The important thing is not to be busy all the time, but to be busy with something which will help you and help the others for good. Nowdays people and especially "business" people concentrate not on the being helpful (corporate responsibility) thing, or making a contribution to the rest and yourself but rather to make a contribution to something.

Many of the people involved in business takes decision, which has a terrible impact on both the rest of people and themselves. Unfortunately we can see rarely people realize all this things … I hope this business understanding as we know it, will be stopped and people will realize that business, shouldn't be always a good thing or thing that has to do with money and professional success, but rather a hostile kind of anti-human and anti-self fostered international culture .

There is plenty to be said on why one shouldn't want to become a succesful businessman and why an education in a business field could be often useless, but as I don't have the time now (sorry I'm too busy! I'm a businessman  :D).

Anyways I will rant on this subjects too in the posts to come.

Apache Webserver: No space left on device: Couldn’t create accept lock /var/lock/apache2/accept.lock – Fix

Wednesday, April 8th, 2015

If out of a sudden your Apache webserver crashes and is refusing to start up by manually trying to restart it through its init script on Debian Linux servers – /etc/init.d/apache2 and RPM based ones: /etc/init.d/httpd

Checking in php_error.log there was no shown errors related to loading PHP modules, however apache's error.log show following errors:

[Wed Apr 08 14:20:14 2015] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: /var/www/sploits/info/trojans_info/tr_data/y3190.html
[Wed Apr 08 14:20:39 2015] [warn] pid file /var/run/ overwritten — Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?
[Wed Apr 08 14:20:39 2015] [emerg] (28)No space left on device: Couldn't create accept lock (/var/lock/apache2/accept.lock.15974) (5)
[Wed Apr 08 14:25:39 2015] [warn] pid file /var/run/ overwritten — Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?
[Wed Apr 08 14:25:39 2015] [emerg] (28)No space left on device: Couldn't create accept lock (/var/lock/apache2/accept.lock.16790) (5)
[Wed Apr 08 14:27:03 2015] [warn] pid file /var/run/ overwritten — Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?
[Wed Apr 08 14:27:03 2015] [emerg] (28)No space left on device: Couldn't create accept lock (/var/lock/apache2/accept.lock.16826) (5)
[Wed Apr 08 14:27:53 2015] [warn] pid file /var/run/ overwritten — Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?
[Wed Apr 08 14:27:53 2015] [emerg] (28)No space left on device: Couldn't create accept lock (/var/lock/apache2/accept.lock.16852) (5)
[Wed Apr 08 14:30:48 2015] [warn] pid file /var/run/ overwritten — Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?
[Wed Apr 08 14:30:48 2015] [emerg] (28)No space left on device: Couldn't create accept lock (/var/lock/apache2/accept.lock.17710) (5)
[Wed Apr 08 14:31:21 2015] [warn] pid file /var/run/ overwritten — Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?
[Wed Apr 08 14:31:21 2015] [emerg] (28)No space left on device: Couldn't create accept lock (/var/lock/apache2/accept.lock.17727) (5)
[Wed Apr 08 14:32:40 2015] [warn] pid file /var/run/ overwritten — Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?
[Wed Apr 08 14:32:40 2015] [emerg] (28)No space left on device: Couldn't create accept lock (/var/lock/apache2/accept.lock.17780) (5)
[Wed Apr 08 14:38:32 2015] [warn] pid file /var/run/ overwritten — Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?

As you can read the most likely reason behind above errors preventing for apache to start is /var/run/  unable to be properly written due to lack of disk space or due to disk quota set for users including for userID with which Apache is running.

First thing I did is of course to see how much free space is on the server:

df -h
Filesystem                     Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg00-rootvol       4.0G  1.7G  2.2G  44% /
udev                           7.8G  204K  7.8G   1% /dev
tmpfs                           24G     0   24G   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1                      486M   40M  422M   9% /boot
/dev/mapper/vg00-lv_crashdump 1008M   34M  924M   4% /crashdump
/dev/mapper/vg00-homevol       496M   26M  445M   6% /home
/dev/mapper/vg00-lv_opt         12G  1.4G  9.9G  13% /opt
/dev/mapper/vg00-tmpvol        2.0G   68M  1.9G   4% /tmp
/dev/mapper/vg00-varvol        7.9G  609M  6.9G   8% /var
/dev/mapper/vg00-crashvol      1.9G   35M  1.8G   2% /var/crash
/dev/mapper/vg00-auditvol      124M  5.6M  113M   5% /var/log/audit
/dev/mapper/vg00-webdienste     60G   12G   48G  19% /webservice


As visible from above df command output , there is enough disk on HDD, so this is definitely not the issue:

Then I Checked whether there is Quota enabled on the Linux server with repquota command shows there are no quotas enabled:

# repquota / var/
repquota: Mountpoint (or device) / not found or has no quota enabled.
repquota: Mountpoint (or device) /var not found or has no quota enabled.
repquota: Not all specified mountpoints are using quota.


So obviously the only few left possible reason for Apache failing to start after invoked via init script is  either due to left tainted semaphores or due to some server hardware  RAM problem / or a dying  hard disk with bad blocks.

So what are Semaphores? Generally speaking Semaphores are apparatus for conveying information by means of visual signals between applications (something like sockets).They're used for communicating between the active processes of a certain application. In the case of Apache, they’re used to communicate between the parent and child processes, hence if Apache can’t properly write and coordinate these things down, then it can’t communicate properly with all of the processes it starts and hence the Main HTTPD process can't spawn probably its childs preventing Webserver to enter "started mode" and write its PID file.

To check general information about system semaphore arrays there is the ipcs -s command, however my experience is that ipcs -a is more useful (because it lists generally all kind of semaphores) including Semaphore Shared Memory Signals which are the most likely to cause you the problem.

ipcs -a

—— Shared Memory Segments ——–
key        shmid      owner      perms      bytes      nattch     status

—— Semaphore Arrays ——–
key        semid      owner      perms      nsems
0x00000000 22970368   www-data   600        1

—— Message Queues ——–
key        msqid      owner      perms      used-bytes   messages

As you see in my case there is a Semaphore Arrays which had to be cleaned to make Apache2 be able to start again.

To clean all left semaphores (arrays) preventing Apache from start properly, use below for one liner bash loop:

for i in `ipcs -s | awk '/www-data/ {print $2}'`; do (ipcrm -s $i); done
ipcrm -m 0x63637069

Note that above for loop is specific to Debian on CentOS / Fedora / RHEL and other Linuxes the username with which stucked semaphores might stay will be apache or httpd

Depending on the user with which the Apache Webserver is running, run above loop like so:

For RPM based distros (CentOS / RHEL):


for i in `ipcs -s | awk '/apache/ {print $2}'`; do (ipcrm -s $i); done
ipcrm -m 0x63637069

For other distros such as Slackware or FreeBSD or any custom compiled Apache webserver:

for i in `ipcs -s | awk '/httpd/ {print $2}'`; do (ipcrm -s $i); done
ipcrm -m 0x63637069

If there is also Shared Memory Segments you can remove them with ipcrm i.e.:

ipcrm -m 0x63637069

An alternative way to get rid of left uncleaned semaphores is with xargs:

ipcs -s | grep nobody | awk ‘ { print $2 } ‘ | xargs ipcrm

Even though this fixes the issue I understood my problems were due to exceeding semaphores, to check default number of set semaphores on Linux Kernel level as well as few Semaphore related values run below sysctl:

sysctl -a | egrep kernel.sem\|kernel.msgmni
kernel.msgmni = 15904

kernel.sem = 250        32000   32      128

As you can see the number of maximum semaphores is quite large so in my case the failure because of left semaphores was most likely due to some kind of Cracker / Automated bot scanner attack or someone trying malicious against the webserver or simply because of some kind of Apache bug or enormous high load the server faced.

Free Software in Balkans 2010 (A free software conference on the Balkanies is approaching)

Tuesday, August 24th, 2010

Richard Stallman on a Free Software Conference

Today when I was reviewing my daily visited websites I come across an interesting news.
This kind of meeting is quite a news because it is the first in line where Free software users and developmers fromall around the balkanies will meet to discuss,test,share and continue the free software code and ideals.
The first Free Software conference in the Balkanies is about to be hosted in Vlora University Albania .

The conference Free Software in Balkans (FreeSB2010) is an annual meeting of the free software users, developpers and supporters in the Balkan countries. It will travel from country to country, year to year to different locations. The Conference will gather professionals, academics and enthusiasts who share the vision that software should be free and open for the community to develop and customize to its needs, and that knowledge is a communal property and free and open to everyone.

This kind of event will build up the social network between free software fans and developers and will further help in the general spread of free software on the balkanies.
This kind of meeting are already for a long time a tradition in many states in America, so having it in the balkanies is quite a development.

You can read a bit more about the exact focus of Free Software in Balkans 2010 conference here

Pitily right now there is no published scheduled list of presentations which are about to be given in the conference, but I guess the conference schedule would be out in a few days time.
I’m not yet sure if I’ll have the time and opportunity to attend the conference, however I do hope that somebody of my balkan readers will got interested into the “fabulous” Free Software event and will support the event’s initiative by visiting it 🙂

BSD tips

Thursday, February 7th, 2008

On one of my previous posts I give an url to a great wiki. Unfortunately I have seen I have given a wrong linkhere is the mediawiki Today I have to go to a German classes. I’m in doubt what kind of laptop to take I doubt between IBM Thinkpad and Dell. IBM’s has ati where I prefer having nvidia. On the other hand I know not all of Dell’s hardware would probably work correctly in Linux and BSD. Another problem is IBM is being selled with preinstalled XP … END—–