Posts Tagged ‘Debian’

Finding nearest package software repository in Debian GNU / Linux

Thursday, September 6th, 2012

finding debian Ubuntu package repository icon

I’m about to chage the good old computeres until this very moment this blog and few other website were running on. Right now, I’m installing the brand new machine Lenovo ThinkCentre Edge great and hopefully powerful enough machine to take care for the periodic occuring high traffic loads which break up webserver or SQL server. Well anyways, I just installed latest Debian GNU / Linux on this brand new piece of iron. During install I couldn’t connect the PC to network so Debian install was unable to determine, the nearest Debian package repository, hence after completing install and anually configuring Debian network . Because during install the system had no connection with the Internet, no proper package repository definitions were present in /etc/apt/sources.list, hence I had to find the nearest package software repository. Normally one can check in Debian official WorldWide Mirror sites full address list and determine by some rationalization with ping or / and a manual package download which repo is quickest. There is thanksfully a better automated way one can determine the closest deb Debian / Ubuntu located repository with netselect-apt.

Here is apt-cache description:

debian:~# apt-cache search netselect-apt
netselect-apt - speed tester for choosing a fast Debian mirror

Using the tool is trivial, just install, run it and it does all 4 u 🙂

1. Install netselect-apt

debian:~# apt-get install --yes netselect-apt

2. Run it

debian:~# netselect-apt
130/debian/); keeping only under first name.
netselect: 2 (2 active) nameserver request(s)...

Duplicate address (,; keeping only under first name.
netselect: 1 (1 active) nameserver request(s)...
Running netselect to choose 1 out of 383 addresses.
The fastest server seems to be:

Writing sources.list.
sources.list exists, moving to sources.list.1346964774

As you can see from output, the tool finds the quickest download deb repository and generate /etc/apt/sources.list file in current directory, where it is run in, in this exact case it creates it in root user home dir – e.g. in /root/ directory. Once the repo address is found you can copy paste it with some text editor to /etc/apt/sources.list or move it over /etc/apt/sources.list;

debian:~# cp -rpf /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.$(date +%d_%m_%Y|sed -e 's/^ *//')
debian:~# mv /root/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list

Just in case as I always make first copy of original sources.list, this is not necessery but IMHO a generally good sysadmin habit 🙂

Besides netselect-apt, which automatically choose between all available list of software repo servers, there is also netselect tool. netselect does basically the same the only difference is one has to manually pass by as arguments deb package repositories and the tool then does tests and returns which is the overall quickest deb download source.

netselect is definitely useful if you have started few own mirror of repositories and want to determine which is the best among them.

Here is how netselect is used:

# netselect -vv \ 2792 ms 23 hops 100% ok ( 1/ 1) [ 9213] 9999 ms 30 hops 0% ok 94 ms 8 hops 100% ok (10/10) [ 169] 46 ms 15 hops 100% ok (10/10) [ 115] 9999 ms 30 hops 0% ok

According to above output, the “best reachable” (quickest) repository is the one to which are the least miliseconds –

Thanks to- -for the nice Debian package box picture – all copyrights belong to respective authors and licensing.
Cheers ! 🙂

Debian GNU Linux turns 19 years old – Happy Birthday Debian !

Friday, August 17th, 2012

Debian GNU / Linux 19 years birthday picture

The distribution on which almost all main stream GNU / Linux distributions turned 19 years old.
20 years in active development and still up and running 🙂 Thumbs up for the Debian guys 🙂

Debian Meditation GNU logo picture

Debian first release came out on 16 August 1993. The Debian philosophy and goals were outlined by the Debian distro “creator” Ian Murdock in Debian Manifesto. The original Debian manifesto is available for reading as part of Debian documentation in /usr/share/doc/debian/debian-manifesto
I’ve used almost all of available major Linux distributions but I haven’t found better than Debian or Debian based derivatives for both server and desktop installs.

Universal Debian Linux desktop background

I’ve red there is a sort of tradition that Debian users celebrate each Debian anniversary with a huge cake eating parties. Unfortunately yesterday I was sick so I couldn’t enjoy deb’s birthday.

Happy Birthday Debian ! 🙂

Installing XMMS on Debian Squeeze from a Package / Installing XMMS on Debian – the debian way

Tuesday, July 17th, 2012

installing xmms on debian squeeze linux playing free software song green skin screenshot

I use Debian Linux for my desktop for quite some time; Even though there are plenty of MP3 / CD players around in Debian, I’m used to the good old XMMS, hence I often prefer to use XMMS to play my music instead of newer players like RhythmBox or audacious.
Actually audacious is not bad substitute for XMMS and is by default part of Debian but to me it seems more buggy and tends to crash during playing some music formats more than xmms ….

As most people might know, XMMS is no longer supported in almost all modern Linux distributions, so anyone using Debian, Ubuntu or other deb derivative Linux would have to normally compile it from source.
Compiling from source is time consuming and I think often it doesn’t pay back the effort. Thanksfully, though not officially supported by Debian crew XMMS still can be installed using a deb xmms prebuilt package repository kindly provided by a hacker fellow knuta.

Using the pre-build deb packages, installing xmms on new Debian installs comes to:

debian:~# echo 'deb ./' >> /etc/apt/sources.list
debian:~# echo 'deb-src ./' >> /etc/apt/sources.list
debian:~# apt-get update && apt-get -y install xmms

There are also deb xmms built for Ubuntu, so Ubuntu users could install xmms using repositories:

deb ./
deb-src ./
That’s all now xmms is ready to use. Enjoy 🙂

How to reduce spam in PHPBB based internet forum on Debian GNU / Linux

Monday, March 26th, 2012

phpbb reduce spam bot registrations on Debian Linux tiny script

I had to install two PHPBB based internet forums, some long time ago. Since long time passed and I haven't checked what's happening with them I just noticed. They start filling up spam threads. The phpbb installations are done using the standard shipped deb packages in Debian Linux Lenny.

After checking online, I found one smart solution to . The idea is very simple most spam bots are written in a way that they don't have a properly set timezone. Therefore the quickest way to get rid of spam bots which try to auto register and put spam content inside the a forum category or post is to add a simple if condition in php to check the browser set timezone:

The file to add the php if condition is ucp_register.phpThe phpbb package install places default phpbb path on Debian is /usr/share/phpbb3/ and hence the file I had to modify is located in:


To make the TZ check one needs to modify ../www/includes/ucp/ucp_register.php and look for php array definition:

$data = array(
'username' => utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('username', '', true)),
'new_password' => request_var('new_password', '', true),
'password_confirm' => request_var('password_confirm', '', true),
'email' => strtolower(request_var('email', '')),
'email_confirm' => strtolower(request_var('email_confirm', '')),
'confirm_code' => request_var('confirm_code', ''),
'lang' => basename(request_var('lang', $user->lang_name)),
'tz' => request_var('tz', (float) $timezone),

Right after this chunk of code add the if condition code which is like so:

if ($data['tz'] == '-12.00')
die('Die, bot! Die.');

From now onwards, any attempt for new user registration with an incorrect timezone of -12.00 will be immediately stopped while the forum spammer bot will be offered an empty page 🙂

Another good practice is to disable Birthday Listing from phpbb Admin Control panel (ACP). Go to menus:

ACP -> General -> Board Settings -> Enable Birthday listing: (No)

Enable birthday listing phpbb forum screenshot

I like disabling birthday listing, as when it is enabled and you have some spammer registrations, which even though didn't succeeded to contaminate your forum content has specified a birthday and therefore there profiles gets popping up each different day on the main page of the forum.
This will not eradicate all spammer bots, but at least will significantly decrease spammer bot registrations.

Alternative way to kill X in Linux with Alt + Printscreen + K

Sunday, October 31st, 2010

I’ve recently realized that the CTRL + ALT + BACKSPACE keyboard combination is no longer working in Debian unstable.

This good old well known keyboard combination to restart X is not working with my xorg 7.5+8 under my Gnome 2.30 desktop
However thanksfully there is another combination to kill the X server if for instance if your Gnome desktop hangs.

If that happens simply press ALT + PRINTSCREEN + K this will kill your X and then reload the (Gnome Display manager) gdm.

Another suggestion I’ve red in the forums of a way to enable back CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE is to put in either .bashrc or .xinitrc the following command

setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp

BTW It’s better that the above command is placed in ~/.xinitrc.

I’ve also red on some forums that in newer releases of Ubuntu. The CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE can be enabled using a specific command, e.g. with:

dontzap -disable

How to fix “Fatal error: Call to undefined function: curl_init()” on FreeBSD and Debian

Saturday, June 18th, 2011

After installing the Tweet Old Post wordpress plugin and giving it, I’ve been returned an error of my PHP code interpreter:

Call to undefined function: curl_init()

As I’ve consulted with uncle Google’s indexed forums 😉 discussing the issues, I’ve found out the whole issues are caused by a missing php curl module

My current PHP installation is installed from the port tree on FreeBSD 7.2. Thus in order to include support for php curl it was necessery to install the port /usr/ports/ftp/php5-curl :

freebsd# cd /usr/ports/ftp/php5-curl
freebsd# make install clean

(note that I’m using the php5 port and it’s surrounding modules).

Fixing the Call to undefined function: curl_init() on Linux hosts I suppose should follow the same logic, e.g. one will have to install php5-curl to resolve the issue.
Fixing the missing curl_init() function support on Debian for example will be as easy as using apt to install the php5-curl package, like so:

debian:~# apt-get install php5-curl

Now my tweet-old-post curl requirement is matched and the error is gone, hooray 😉

Debian (Unstable) Squeeze / Sid /usr/lib32/alsa-lib/ linked to missing libraries

Thursday, September 10th, 2009

While playing with my installed programs on my recently updated Debian I stepped into a problem with /usr/lib32/alsa-lib/ It seems the library was linked to two non-existing libraries: /emul/ia32-linux/lib/ as well as /emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib/ A temporary solution to the issue is pointed out in Debian of the Debian Bug reports . As the report reads to solve that it’s required to:

1. Download libwrap0_7.6.q-18_i386.deb and libgdbm3_1.8.3-6+b1_i386.deb.

2. Extract the packages:dpkg -X libwrap0_7.6.q-18_i386.deb /emul/ia32-linux/dpkg -X libgdbm3_1.8.3-6+b1_i386.deb /emul/ia32-linux/

3. echo /emul/ia32-linux/lib >> /etc/

4. Execute /sbin/ldconfig

5. Check if all is properly linkedExecute ldd /usr/lib32/alsa-lib/|grep -i “not found”Hopefully all should be fixed now.

Problems with Skype microphone on Thinkpad R61i with Debian Linux again and fix

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

Once again, I experienced Skype microphone issues!!! Its getting really annoying, since almost randomly I get issues. Skype is a terrible program and depending on a proprietary thing like Skype is a real pain in the ass.
This time it was totally strange as there was no way to record any voice inside Skype Call while testing with (Echo / Sound Test Service)

After a lot of puzzling and getting a bit angry I found this time the issues are caused by some settings which somehow changed in GNOME Sound Preferences microphone to mute:

Sound Preferences GNOME Debian GNU / Linux screenshot

Sound Preferences input gnome Linux muted microphone screenshot

You see on above screeshot that somehow the stupid thing get mutted 😐
GNOME sound preferences unmute mic linux

After unmuting and restarting Skype, the microphone started working in Skype again …

Where does Debian GNU / Linux Apache + PHP stores session files?

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011

In order to debug some PHP session problems on Debian, I needed to check the count of existing session files.
When PHP is compiled from source usually, by default sessions are stored in /tmp directory, however this is not the case on Debian.

Debian’s PHP session directory is different, there the sessions are stored in the directory:


I’ve discovered the session directory location by reading Debian’s cron shell script, which delete session files on every 30 minutes.

Here is the file content:

debian~# cat /etc/cron.d/php5
# /etc/cron.d/php5: crontab fragment for php5
# This purges session files older than X, where X is defined in seconds
# as the largest value of session.gc_maxlifetime from all your php.ini
# files, or 24 minutes if not defined. See /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime

# Look for and purge old sessions every 30 minutes
09,39 * * * * root [ -x /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime ] &&
[ -d /var/lib/php5 ] && find /var/lib/php5/ -type f -cmin +$(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime) -delete

To check the amount of existing PHP opened session files:

debian:~# ls -1 /var/lib/php5|wc -l