Posts Tagged ‘cartoon network’


Friday, January 26th, 2007

I’m sick again. I feel terribly. It’s an awful thing to be sick. All the day I ask my self a question. Why people get sick? Is it because of the sin.

Well I’m a sinner but I’m trying not to sin as I much as I can as a human being. I guess the disease come from my sister. She was sick few days, ago. And I gently pleased her to take some pills and stuff, but she said she won’t. Now 3 days later I’m feeling terribly sick and in the same time. I’m really mad at here. 

Hope my anti syster mood will shrink down soon. My day was a very common day. I started in the morning feeling terrible bad. Then read some for my exam in 26.01.2007, after that I drunk coffee with Nomen and ^Needless^ on the fountain.

Come back home watched some Cartoon Network animations and then I watched a documentary film called “Psychology – The Human Experience”. I’ve learned interesting thing for human psychology which I knew in the past but had forgotten during the years. The good thing about today was that nobody call me for something too urgent. Only one call from my collegue Zlatina which pleased me to check one of our client mails, the client claimed they can’t receive mails from outer of their domain location, I checked, but it turned to be a false positive.

So I’m greatful to the Lord at least for not bothering me too much from the DBG Office. Hey guess the Lord keeps an eye on my Servers :]. Praise be to him. 

God’s Grace

Monday, March 5th, 2007

God was graceful to Habib and it looks like he hear our prayers. UK Visa was granted to Habib for the maximum period of 6 months. Praise be to God for this! Also ORDER’s tuition fee seems to stay the same as in the news in the universite website is said “By The Grace of God .. etc.” :]Also great thing it is there is peace in my home. Today I was on church and on the way for the church I met Bonchev, he was drunk and carrying accordion. He wanted to go to the Church in that state.But in the end I was able to convince him not to come to the Liturgy (It would be fun if he entered the church drunk hardly staying on his feets. I had some spiritual problems during the day mainly the Python Spirit is trying to attack me, that’s awful spirit in the name of Jesus Christ I command you to go in hell where your place is! Amen. I played today some MAME games, watched Cartoon Network,I was out on a coffee with Lily. Mitko and Habib come in the end from Sofia.


Monday, July 9th, 2007

The day went faster than normal other days. I wake up in the morning went to Church on Liturgy.Then I went home watched some Cartoon Network. Later I decided going to my uncle to read himthe bible for some time, but he was not home I take a watermelon from the local market for mygrandmother. It’s nice to see somebody being happy about something :]. Later i went to my uncle.It’s sad to see someone like in his condition :[. I really want he to get better I read himfrom the Bible The Holy Evangelic text of Luka, I hope at least he has understood somethingfrom the Evangelical Text. Habib called home from London later, this was a real joyHabib is such a nice guy i really want God to bless him in everyhing for he desirves.We spake a lot about the life in England. The bad conditions there, the low paid job,how hard he is living there. About how we miss as friends, about some close friends.After the conversation I decided to go out. I first went to the Mino’s coffee. There weresome people there but I got angry at the non-sense conversations and decided to go to theFountain actually there was almost the same. Later I Toto and Mitko drinked beer in thecity park. And I went home … After the usual Evening Orthodox Prayers I will go to bed in 20 or 30 minutes.END—–