Hi, Your postrs helped me with things before. Now I have …

Wednesday, 3rd July 2024

Comment on Solution to a problem with VirtualHosts on Debian Lenny (Default Virtualhost opening by default overwritting the rest of the configured VirtualHosts) by eddie.


Your postrs helped me with things before. Now I have installed lenny debian 5 with the eaccelerator and ispconfig3 – i updated everything (maybe that was a mistake) – I get the same no virtual hosts error message – and what is worse – when I add dns zones and then sites to my ispconfig3 admin area – the domains are NOT added in /var/www – ! What does this mean? Can you think of a fix for this? Isn’t each domain – after adding the DNS ZOne and the site in the ISPConfig3 manager – isn’t each domain suppossed to be added to the /var/www/ ?

I appreciate your advice about this. Thanks, Eddie

Recent Comments by eddie

Installing eAccelerator for PHP5 on Debian Lenny (5.04)
ANd of course I add the following 2 lines to each if the php.ini files:

eaccelerator.allowed_admin_path =”/var/www/control.php”

that works for me.

Thanks again


Installing eAccelerator for PHP5 on Debian Lenny (5.04)
Thanks again – I found out how to add the control panel – pretty easy:

Control panel

eAccelerator provides a “control panel” of sorts that is useful to
see what pages are being cached and usage of shared memory. To install
the control panel, first copy file control.php into the web server
document root:
# cd /usr/local/src/eaccelerator-
# cp control.php /var/www
Edit control.php to change the $user and $pw settings to a user name and password of your choosing.
Don’t leave them as the default or attackers will be able to disrupt the cache.
View the control panel at http://your-server-url/control.php
Note: if you rename or move control.php you must update the eaccelerator

Thanks again,


Installing eAccelerator for PHP5 on Debian Lenny (5.04)
One last comment , question – on my server Debian 5 Lenny with ISPConfig and Apache2 … I have 3 php.ini files – /apache2/ , /cgi/ and /cli/ – I am not an expert, but this server is supposed to be running fast cgi – so I added the 9 lines of code the the php.ini files in /etc/php5/apache2/ and in /etc/php5/cgi/ and still when doing a php -v check at the server root, I received no indication that eaccelerator was installed and running – so I added the p eaccelerator config lines to the /etc/php5/cli/php.ini file and then it showed up – something about suhosin – and i don’t really understand this. To serve openx ads as fast as possible – with a celeron 1.2 Ghz 32 bit CPU with 512 MB of ram and a network file on a shared hard disk – i need every little bit of acceleration… do all 3 php.ini files come into play – and do they all 3 know where to find eaccelerator – or did I install eaccelerator (following your directions) only for one of them?

Thanks again for your help,


Installing eAccelerator for PHP5 on Debian Lenny (5.04)
Thanks –

Isn’t the line
“server# /etc/init.d” after
server# apache2ctl -t
an error? It doesn’t make sense and produces an error – and the following line – “server# /etc/init.d/apache2” doesn’t it need “restart” after it?

I appreciate your help.

Also – I had big problems with the command phpize – and finally looked at the files on my Debian Lenny server and php5ize is probably the better command.

Lastly – any help on getting the web interface to the eaccelerator installed?

Thank you again.


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