Orthodox Prophecies about the End of The World and the Coming Antichrst, The Second coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

Friday, 2nd October 2009

Two days ago while I was looking for various Orthodox related writtings, I found some interesting
places containing many prophecies of saints concerning the rule of the antichrist and the coming end
time terrible days. What the saint prophets say is more than scary. Most of the signs described to be
seen in the end times are already present. I’ve mirrored the website of orthodoxheritage – a newsletter published by the Greek Orthodox Brotherhood of St. Poimen, a 501 here .
The link to the orthodox prophecies is located here . I’ve also mirrored many other pages I found online
on a custom user site in geocities .
Here is a link to the mirrored pages with orthodox prophecies concerning end times

Some of the mentioned things that struck me was:
1. People will be attached to their gadgets more than to their relatives ( already happening)2. People to be not having lack3. Will communicate everywhere freely like they’re in the same room ( already fulfilled)4. People will fly in the clouds and dive into the oceans (fulfilled)5. Many churches will be rebuild and made their cupola made wonderfully ornated (fulfilled – interesting to notethat old orthodox churches’s cupolas are not painted, Even I think it’s prohobited by the church rules to do so)6. Man will trust his gadget more than his first neighbor (on it’s way to be fulfilled)7. People will drive in rigs upon the moon and stars. (already happened)8. The whole world will be plagued by a strange disease and nobody will be able to find a cure; everybody will say I know, I know, because I am learned and smart, but nobody will know anything. (already fulfiller or partly fulfilled?)9. People will be lost and will become more and more senseless day by day. (currently fulfilling)10. Men will be born not knowing who was their grand-father and great grand-father. (partly fulfilled)11. It will not be possible to distinguish a man from a woman. Everybody will dress the same. (fulfilled)12. People will believe that their illusion is the real truth, although there will be no truth in their heads. (fulfilled)13. Men will build a box and within will be some kind of gadget with images.With the help of this image-gadget man will be able to see everything that is happening all over the world.14. After the Second Big War, all of that will be just a bitter illusion, because many will forget God and they will worship only their own human intelligence (fulfilled)15.. A world war III would burst out (not yet fulfilled)16. Great famine after World war 317. Many will worship the Antichrist and accept his evil system (and his number, the number of the beast)Most of the prophecies I publish are given to The Righteous Dimitri Tarabibicz (recorder around 1850s),
He was illiterate Serbian villager who lived an extremely pious manner in the mid 19th century.
This is small portion of all the Orthodox Prophecies we the Orthodox Christians has left as a heritageof the Holy Fathers.

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8 Responses to “Orthodox Prophecies about the End of The World and the Coming Antichrst, The Second coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ”

  1. Palmer Grobstein says:
    Firefox 3.8 Firefox 3.8 Ubuntu 9.25 Ubuntu 9.25
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    Blimey, see now this stuff makes it all look so easy. And it kinda is except far too many people dont know. Really worthwhile post 🙂 Ta!

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  2. ipad says:
    Firefox 3.5.3 Firefox 3.5.3 Windows XP Windows XP
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/20090824 Firefox/3.5.3 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)

    Found this website on a quick google search and it’s been really helpful. I can see that as time progresses it can have a lot of attention-grabbing info and useful comments here.

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  3. Georgiann Rufi says:
    Firefox 3.0.14 Firefox 3.0.14 Windows XP Windows XP
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    I definitely appreciate your writing style. This can be a excellent post! Thanks!

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  4. Margarito Klingler says:
    Firefox 3.5.3 Firefox 3.5.3 Windows 7 Windows 7
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20090824 Firefox/3.5.3

    I actually knew about most of this, but even so, I still thought it was instructive. Great job!

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  5. Demetria Sznejkowski says:
    Google Chrome Google Chrome Windows 7 Windows 7
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    That’s a fascinated written page!

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  6. Denisha Killpack says:
    Firefox 3.5.3 Firefox 3.5.3 Windows 7 Windows 7
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    Madelene Palanza

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  7. Cathleen Sheil says:
    Firefox 3.8 Firefox 3.8 Ubuntu 9.25 Ubuntu 9.25
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    I notice you are making use of the exact theme as I. Just how did you manage to modify the sizing of the font? Mine really are a whole lot smaller than on your web-site. It is really tough to look at on a laptop computer.

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  8. Willie Waser says:
    Internet Explorer 7.0 Internet Explorer 7.0 Windows XP Windows XP
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30)

    Inspiring quotes are a excellent solution to have a fast enhance – I just read 1 or two to lift me up

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