very well put, my friend – a wonderful and concise …

Wednesday, 3rd July 2024

Comment on IQ world rank by country and which are the smartest nations by frances van siclen.

very well put, my friend – a wonderful and concise dissertation on Italian history– too bad so many people are jealous morons !

frances van siclen Also Commented

IQ world rank by country and which are the smartest nations

It is very sad that people like yourself are so consumed with jealousy that they cannot see the truth for what it is- Are you so insecure in your intelligence that this poses a threat to you ? Wake up and smell the coffee, little man !!!!!

IQ world rank by country and which are the smartest nations

Stop being such a jealous moron and accept the fact that Italy hs the highest IQ in Europe – also the best food, handsomest men and greatest culture and scenery – sorry to be so blunt moron !!!!

IQ world rank by country and which are the smartest nations
Blah blah blah it must feel awful to be so jealous – Italy has the highest IQ score in Europe and it is all of Italy – Don’t be such a jealous moron, moron .

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