I want to say that the steps from the above …

Wednesday, 3rd July 2024

Comment on Howto Remove (delist) your mail server IP from Hotmail, Live.com and MSN mail server blacklist by admin.

I want to say that the steps from the above steps proove working.
The next day after I filled in the the form to microsoft I received message from their teach support team.

Here is the message from Microsoft I got:


My name is Albert and I work with the Windows Live Hotmail Sender Support Team.

Your IP (xx.xxx.xxx.xxx) was blocked by Windows Live Hotmail because the majority of all the email that you send has been judged to be spam by our internal filtering system. I have conducted an investigation into the emails originating from your IP space and have implemented a fix for your deliverability problem. This fix may take 24 – 48 hours to replicate completely throughout our system.

Please note that lifting the block does not guarantee that your email will be delivered to a user’s inbox. However, enrollment in our JMR program and having your IPs registered with Sender ID will help with your mail delivery to your recipient’s inbox, thereby improving your IP’s reputation as well.

· Please ensure that you have published SPF records for your sending domains and register with Sender ID. You can find additional information and submit your domain for inclusion into the Sender ID program at http://www.microsoft.com/senderID Please note that technical standards (RFC 4408) discourage use of “ptr” for performance and reliability reasons.

· Monitor user complaints. Windows Live Hotmail also has a sender complaint feedback loop program called the Junk Email Reporting Program (JMRP). Enrollment in this free program will benefit you as a sender as it will keep your email lists updated and populated with interested Windows Live Hotmail customers. This program will help you to remove those Windows Live Hotmail customers who do not want to receive emails from your company. If you are interested in joining this program, please visit https://support.msn.com/eform.aspx?productKey=edfsjmrpp&ct=eformts

· Windows Live Hotmail has created the Smart Network Data Services program. This is a service that helps legitimate email senders work with their customers and partners to reduce spam originating from their IP. To register, please go to http://postmaster.msn.com/snds/ This program allows a sender to monitor the ‘health’ of their IPs.

While using the SNDS tool, enrollment in the JMRP or having your IPs registered with Sender ID will not allow emails from your mail servers to bypass our filters, these are in place to help legitimate companies deliver their emails to Windows Live Hotmail customers.

· SenderScore Certified Mail Program. Many legitimate mailers and marketers have qualified and joined this “white listing” program to improve mail deliverability and decrease email from being filtered to the Junk E-mail Folder. Sender Score is a third party program administered by Return Path. Sender Score (www.senderscorecertified.com) is the only white listing service to which we subscribe.

The troubleshooting steps in this email are recommendations only. Microsoft makes no guarantees that following these steps will guarantee deliverability to MSN, Windows Live Hotmail, or Live.com customers.

For more detailed information about best sending practices to Windows Live Hotmail users, please review the following white paper: http://download.microsoft.com/download/e/3/3/e3397e7c-17a6-497d-9693-78f80be272fb/enhance_deliver.pdf



Windows Live Hotmail Sender Support

admin Also Commented

Howto Remove (delist) your mail server IP from Hotmail, Live.com and MSN mail server blacklist

Here is few more steps to take that make assure you that your EMails DNS / SPF / DKIM is correct and the email server overall score is good and it is not blacklisted:

1. I have a valid SPF record for my domain "v=spf1 a include:_spf.google.com ~all"

2. I have reverse DNS setup
3. I have a Sender Score of 100 https://www.senderscore.org/lookup.php?lookup=
4. I have signed up for Microsoft's SNDS and was approved. My ip says "All of the specified IPs have normal status."
5. Microsoft added my IP to the JMRP Database
6. My IP is not on any credible spam lists http://www.anti-abuse.org/multi-rbl-check-results/?host=
7. my FROM header is being sent in proper format "From: CKA "
8. By IP's Senderbase score is "Good": http://www.senderbase.org/senderbase_queries/detailip?search_string=

Howto Remove (delist) your mail server IP from Hotmail, Live.com and MSN mail server blacklist
Since some time the Microsoft Remval form new URL is: http://www.rackaid.com/blog/hotmail-blacklist-removal/

Howto Remove (delist) your mail server IP from Hotmail, Live.com and MSN mail server blacklist
Another good place I found once my mail server IP is:

cbl.abuseat.org so check out there to see whether listed.

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What is rather fun is during the anti-protest organized by Metropolitan Nikolay (with people only from the Plovdiv eparchy just like in the good old times of communism was financed by the unwilling people to go to the event). It was lied that the reason for Nikolay people to protest is because this is a protest in front of the Synod against the accepting of gay marriages (what a lie !!!). Besides that there is a many people from village called Krepost (if not mistaken the village) who were (protestants!) and came to protest in favour of the new anti people legislation (even though not orthodox christians), because they were mislead the protests are against the gays!

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Christ is Risen Eastern Orthodox Resurrection Paschal Greeting in Different Languages
Hi Stan,

I guess you cannot read the writtings on the icon as it is in cyrillic.
This is not Saint Mary and Saint Peter but Adam and Eve written in cyrillic on top of the icon.
Actually in orthodoxy it is a requirement for the depicted personalities, especially saints to have
written on the names of the saint and have the Halo. If you look closely at the picture you will notice
the two Adam and Eve are missing a Halo. The only person with a Halo in the icon is Saint John the Baptist.

Best Regards

Install and configure rkhunter for improved security on a PCI DSS Linux / BSD servers with no access to Internet
       –rwo, –report-warnings-only
              This option causes only warning messages to be displayed. This can be useful when rkhunter is run via cron. Other options may
              be used to force other items of information to be displayed.

       –sk, –skip-keypress
              When  the  –check command option is used, after certain sections of tests, the user will be prompted to press the return key
              in order to continue. This option disables that feature, and rkhunter will run until all the tests have completed.


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