Hmm, I did not thought from this perspective. Intersting angle …

Friday, 5th July 2024

Comment on How to make wicd systray to appear in GNOME on Ubuntu 11.10 / How to fix missing wicd network manager systray on Ubuntu by hip0.

Hmm, I did not thought from this perspective. Intersting angle to look at things. What I’m concerned, is I’ve seen so many users that start hating Linux because of it being a bit overcomplicated. I don’t know if its their addiction to Windows or what. My sister has still troubles understanding how to work with Ubuntu’s Unity GUI after few months time and she insists on Windows. I installed her Windows inside a Virtual Machine. Even that way she seems unhappy. More than 4 month s now and still she did not find a way on how to install programs to her Ubuntu. I don’t know if its just her being too lazy or too not interested in doing things on her Linux but in general this seems to be a bad sign for the general direction of Unity / Ubuntu. Before that she can cope better with the old classical interface of GNOME. I show her she can switch back to the old interface but she didn’t like that either?? So I don’t know maybe its just her as a strange user behavior.


hip0 Also Commented

How to make wicd systray to appear in GNOME on Ubuntu 11.10 / How to fix missing wicd network manager systray on Ubuntu

Its enough the script is ran just once. It modifies some gconf settings for GNOME to the user to which it is ran so wicd starts appearing all the time in Unity right dock.


How to make wicd systray to appear in GNOME on Ubuntu 11.10 / How to fix missing wicd network manager systray on Ubuntu
I agree with some points you made.
I don’t aagree with LibreOffice its really poor quality office. And I don’t know why but the developers also make it to be immersily hard for the beginner to use. LibreOffice lacks unfortunately the convenience of MS-Office. Some very stupid things like Page Numbering are still a pain in the ass after so many years. Plus the recovery of documents that so often appears is so annoying. GIMP is a good substitute for Photoshop and its a pity so many people still continue design with cracked Photoshop.

Unity is a very hard to grasp and doesn’t resemble in no mean the interface of Windows. My sister who is not an IT expert but just a user still has issues with working properly with Unity. Some things in Unity are just badly implemented. Also the problem is that people doesn’t recognize that Linux is not so much linux as GNU and therefore is GNU Linux. The philosophical ideas behind the two start to become wide. Linux wants to provide powerful software, where GNU aims that the software is Free in a sense of Freedom (not functionality or powerfulnes).

Main problem with Ubuntu is that it is way less multi platform if compared to Debian. On the other hand Ubuntu steals a lot of users who previously has succesfully contributed to other projects like Fedora for example.
The new Ubuntu converts doesn’t have any good idea about the philosophical meaning of Free Software (Free as in Freedom), but just aim to have a software they can tweak and that is “bugless” or light fast.
Thus I think many of the Ubuntu Converts are simply becoming Linux users and never really use the software because it gives them freedom of choice and diversity. After few disappointments with Ubuntu many people convert back to Windows or always keep their Windows on the PC and use Windows most of the time. Besides that, I’ve never seen an Ubuntu user that is a true Free Software evangelist (idealist) in the sense many people used to be in the yearlier G / Linux years.


How to make wicd systray to appear in GNOME on Ubuntu 11.10 / How to fix missing wicd network manager systray on Ubuntu
Hi man,

Actually I’m quite disappointed from Unity? I wonder, what do you think about it. I think these thing is totall in the wrong direction. Also recently I’m not advising people to use Ubuntu. Right now in my view Ubuntu Linux is making a bad service to the free software community as it is not that better than Debian on the first place and then again it fosters a lot of users not to take any interest in the Linux architecture plus they’re too commercial. I hope I’m not right though and they help for the community development 🙂


Recent Comments by hip0

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Interesting fact I forgot to mention in the article, Currently, both Bulgarian and Romanian Orthodox Church had a patriarch called DANIIL.:)


Big Church Scandal in the Bulgarian Orthodox Church the developments on how the Church basic law Establishment document is illegally broken and hope and action for truth to be restored

What is rather fun is during the anti-protest organized by Metropolitan Nikolay (with people only from the Plovdiv eparchy just like in the good old times of communism was financed by the unwilling people to go to the event). It was lied that the reason for Nikolay people to protest is because this is a protest in front of the Synod against the accepting of gay marriages (what a lie !!!). Besides that there is a many people from village called Krepost (if not mistaken the village) who were (protestants!) and came to protest in favour of the new anti people legislation (even though not orthodox christians), because they were mislead the protests are against the gays!

Metropolitan Nikolay has publicly asked priests in his eparchy to sign a document they're going to be present on the protests that should support the New Synodal "order". Those who were unwilling to cooperate of course can always be sent by their Metropolitan to a very distant village or even taken away their profession as priests so there was a lot of pressure put on those people.

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A Biography of one big Heart + His Holiness Patriarch Neophyte (Neofit) head of Bulgarian Orthodox Church

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Christ is Risen Eastern Orthodox Resurrection Paschal Greeting in Different Languages
Hi Stan,

I guess you cannot read the writtings on the icon as it is in cyrillic.
This is not Saint Mary and Saint Peter but Adam and Eve written in cyrillic on top of the icon.
Actually in orthodoxy it is a requirement for the depicted personalities, especially saints to have
written on the names of the saint and have the Halo. If you look closely at the picture you will notice
the two Adam and Eve are missing a Halo. The only person with a Halo in the icon is Saint John the Baptist.

Best Regards

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