I just downloaded Linux Ubuntu 11.10 onto a memorex CD-R …

Friday, 5th July 2024

Comment on How to make wicd systray to appear in GNOME on Ubuntu 11.10 / How to fix missing wicd network manager systray on Ubuntu by BauerPower.

I just downloaded Linux Ubuntu 11.10 onto a memorex CD-R 52X 700MB 80min disc. When I put the disc in the drive, it gives me a message to “run wubi.exe”. When I click and yes to that and the message asking me to let it make changes to my computer I am lead to a mesage asking whether I want to demo from a CD, install, or learn more. I to demo Ubuntu from a CD and then go to a screen where it asks to reboot. if I click reboot now it reboots. Now here is the issue. I guess there’s suppose to be a screen that says to try Ubuntu but I never get that screen when my computer reboots. If I get the chance I may just toss this disc and get a flash drive but for the moment I have to use a disc so please don’t say to put it on a flash drive or install it directly to my computer. Help? Thanks!
Also, if you wouldn’t mind helping with any additional trouble I may encounter or you may just want to email me so we can communicate about the results then my email is dcampri@gmail.com
When I reboot my computer I try pressing f8 & f12 (both with and without the function key). I’m not sure how I can get to the BIOS stuff.
When I reboot my computer I try pressing f8 & f12 (both with and without the function key). I’m not sure how I can get to the BIOS stuff. I’ve rebooted several times and nothing happens

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