Tar –exclude=”/engineer/misc/Controls/*” -czvf /tars/misc.tgz misc/* This is the command I am …

Wednesday, 3rd July 2024

Comment on How to exclude files and directories from tar archive on Debian Linux / (Cannot open: No such file or directory) cause and solution by John.

tar –exclude=”/engineer/misc/Controls/*” -czvf /tars/misc.tgz misc/*

This is the command I am trying to run and it isn’t working.
I took the = out, tried the –exclude at the end no luck, any ideas?

John Also Commented

How to exclude files and directories from tar archive on Debian Linux / (Cannot open: No such file or directory) cause and solution
Checked this morning, did not work again. Here is the entire command line I am using.

tar -czvf /tars/ArchivesII.$TD.tgz Archives/ –exclude “Archives/Controls/” –exclude “/Archives/Sales/” –exclude “/UPS System Backup/”

Using Fedora 9.
sorry, typo, I do have the double dash in front of exclude.

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