Hi Thibs, Probably because you have installed on 32 bit architecture? …

Wednesday, 3rd July 2024

Comment on How to compile latest qmailadmin (qmailadmin 1.2.15) on Debian Squeeze Linux by admin.

Hi Thibs,

Probably because you have installed on 32 bit architecture? It’s not because of the packages installed, I had them all installed on my Debian amd x86_64 Squeeze Debian

admin Also Commented

How to compile latest qmailadmin (qmailadmin 1.2.15) on Debian Squeeze Linux
Glad you like it here. Varna is just 50 km away from my city 😉 It’s a nice city, though I think it’s not the best place for a beach. There are so many wonderful places nearby Varna. You should come again, if you decide to come near you can be my guest 😉
If I travel to Holland or Belgium, I’ll reach for you for a coffee 😛

will be seeing you around


How to compile latest qmailadmin (qmailadmin 1.2.15) on Debian Squeeze Linux
Great, i can help be useful 😉
Beligium, so nice. I’ve been in Bruxelles for 3 days. You have nice country. Way better than Holland IMHO 😉
Will be seeing you around

How to compile latest qmailadmin (qmailadmin 1.2.15) on Debian Squeeze Linux
Probably it’s a qmailadmin version related problem as you suggested 😉
I’m pretty sure I’m not missing packages, see below:

root@debian:/home/hipo# apt-get install cpp g++ gcc make automake wget telnet libtool patch patchutils logrotate dh-make-perl libltdl7 equivs expect openssl libssl-dev libgmp3-dev libgdbm-dev libpcre++-dev libpcre-ocaml libpcre-ocaml-dev
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
automake is already the newest version.
dh-make-perl is already the newest version.
equivs is already the newest version.
expect is already the newest version.
cpp is already the newest version.
g++ is already the newest version.
gcc is already the newest version.
libgdbm-dev is already the newest version.
libgmp3-dev is already the newest version.
logrotate is already the newest version.
libpcre++-dev is already the newest version.
libltdl7 is already the newest version.
libtool is already the newest version.
make is already the newest version.
telnet is already the newest version.
libssl-dev is already the newest version.
openssl is already the newest version.
patch is already the newest version.
patchutils is already the newest version.
libpcre-ocaml-dev is already the newest version.
libpcre-ocaml is already the newest version.
wget is already the newest version.

I also have some problems with vqadmin, I’ll have to take the time and see why it fails to build.
By the way I’ve used partially used your tutorial, it’s good. I think your tutorial has some issues with courier imap installation (e.g. setting up pop3 and imap). I compiled them from source to bring up the services up to work in conjunction with vpopmail.

Maybe the problems I got are related to vpopmail source files. I’m running vpopmail 5.4.32. I’m also not using vpopmail with mysql as I don’t need it and I don’t like it. So maybe compile issues has something to do with these.
I’ve noticed your toturial is missing explanations on how to skip using mysql to store mail and user credentials, it will be great if you add this chapter 😉

Anyways you’ve done a great job with these tutorial Congrats from Bulgaria 😉

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What is rather fun is during the anti-protest organized by Metropolitan Nikolay (with people only from the Plovdiv eparchy just like in the good old times of communism was financed by the unwilling people to go to the event). It was lied that the reason for Nikolay people to protest is because this is a protest in front of the Synod against the accepting of gay marriages (what a lie !!!). Besides that there is a many people from village called Krepost (if not mistaken the village) who were (protestants!) and came to protest in favour of the new anti people legislation (even though not orthodox christians), because they were mislead the protests are against the gays!

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Hi Stan,

I guess you cannot read the writtings on the icon as it is in cyrillic.
This is not Saint Mary and Saint Peter but Adam and Eve written in cyrillic on top of the icon.
Actually in orthodoxy it is a requirement for the depicted personalities, especially saints to have
written on the names of the saint and have the Halo. If you look closely at the picture you will notice
the two Adam and Eve are missing a Halo. The only person with a Halo in the icon is Saint John the Baptist.

Best Regards

Install and configure rkhunter for improved security on a PCI DSS Linux / BSD servers with no access to Internet
       –rwo, –report-warnings-only
              This option causes only warning messages to be displayed. This can be useful when rkhunter is run via cron. Other options may
              be used to force other items of information to be displayed.

       –sk, –skip-keypress
              When  the  –check command option is used, after certain sections of tests, the user will be prompted to press the return key
              in order to continue. This option disables that feature, and rkhunter will run until all the tests have completed.


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