Archive for the ‘Educational’ Category

Ancient Orthodox Christian Monastery Patleina and Great Preslav the First Bulgarian Kingdom Capital city near Shumen

Wednesday, February 14th, 2018


Recently I had the great oportunity to Visit another two great History Landmarks of my homeland Bulgaria the monastery Patleina (Saint Pantaleon (known in Slavonic tradition as Panteleimon) – in memoriam of the great healer Christian Saint) where according to Orthodox Church tradition and archeologists is the historical monastery where Saint (Tzar) King Boris the Baptizer of Bulgaria has concluded his early life as humble monk praying for the heavenly blessing and prosperity of his young Christinized Country Bulgaria.

Saint Panteleimon is famous in west Roman-Catholic Christian tradition to be one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers a patron of doctors and herbalists especially famous during the middle ages 14-19 century summoned by people as a shield against various diseases and asked for help for untreatable sicknesses.

Besides the famous monastery Patleina region is a natural reserve 40,62 hectars in North-East Bulgaria, after 893 just few years after the Christianization of Bulgaria in 865 by King Boris the region is famous for being a host of a world famous ancient Presval Literary School near the region are found the oldest known cyriic datable inscriptionsJust to name a few of the famous Preslav Literary School authors that is Saint Naum of Preslav, Bishop Constantine of Preslav (Author of Alphabet Prayer), Historics and various other ancient Bulgarian spiritual literature, John the Exarch, Tchernorizets Hrabar etc.

Notable to see near Patleina monastery are Orthodox Christian icon craftman workshops.


Ceramic Icon Workshops near Patleina region (picture source Wikipedia)


Just 6 km away from Patleina is situated another Great Historical Landmark, the first Bulgarian capital Great Preslav (Veliki Preslav).


9th century Monastery Patleina Church wall remains – picture source


Patlejna (Also known as Saint King Boris Monastery) IX century entrance Church wall remains


Patleina IX century monastery Church alter view


Veliki Preslav the famous Ceramic Icon found during archeological excavations in Patleina Monastery (2 km away from Veliki Preslav)
The icon style reminds of Byzantine art of 10 century, the icon image looks very much alike saint Theodor Stratilates though it not 100% proven whose image does the icon depicts – It is interesting fact that Patleinas craftman workshops are believed to be the biggest ceramic workshops on Balkans in 10th century consisting of a separate ceramic plates – picture source Wikipedia

Besides its  ancient monastery and archeological excavations Patleina region is famous for being a reserve keeping one rare type of tree Carob Tree (or Ceratonia siliqua).

Just about 300 meters away from the ancient monastery Patleina there is functioning monastery that was recently restored bought back by Bulgarian Orthodox Church from the Government, the monastery building started in the 1930s (in which Bulgaria was in a serious spiritual and economical boom, however the building completed right before the completion of the Second World War before 9.09.1944 the date at which the Third Bulgarian Kingdom finished its existence and the communist came to power.


Saint Panteleimon Monastery Patleina region – (notice the unusual architecture, the whole monastery is one big rounded monastic wall


Saint Panteleimon Monastery near Veliki Preslav (picture source

The monastery saint Panteleimon was planned as in impressive building as in the 30's there was a hope for a restoration of Patleina as a spiritual center that will elevate itself to the importance it once had in the 9th century for the raise of Bulgarian Empire, the building is 4 floor and has the shocking number of 120 rooms. 
The fresh air and nature all surrounding it makes it a great place for rest for people who are overwhelmed by their daily stressful life and as far as I understood there is possibility for renting some of the rooms for a couple of days for pilgrims or even tourists.

Currently the whole enormous monastery is inhabited by only one monk Hieromonk Father Constantne who is also appointed as an Abbot of the Monastery and is in process of doing his best for restoration of the monastery and building a monastic brotherhood.


Hieromonk Konstantin (the only abbot and monk of saint Panteleimon monastery near Shumen)

As it is visible from the picture (the boxes under the icon of the Virgin Mary) the monastery has holy relics of Saint Panteleimon and relics of few other saints. What is interesting about father Konstantin is he used to be working in the Bulgarian Atomic Central (AEC Kozlodoi) scientific work before he converted to become a fervent Christian. 

After father Konstantin understood God is a reality he decided to dedicate his life to Christ and he used to be a (novice – neophyte) in the Holy Mouth Athos monk republic in the Bulgarian Monastery saint George for 8 years!!!

It seems in this years father Konstantin realized he would be more helpful to become a monk in Bulgaria instead of Holy Mount Athos as here in Bulgaria, there is a lack of monks at the moment Bulgaria has according to what I heard a maximum of about 200 (monks and nuns) which is critically low.

Holy Liturgy Church service is being served regularly in the small monastic Church which is more looking like a Chapel and is on the first floor situated in the monastery building.

Father Constantine is famous for his hospitally just like most of the Holy Athos monks and right after the Sunday Service it is a tradition to feed all his guests, as a guests we were richly fed and we shared his lunch table just like Agape (the dinners of love of ancient Christian times).

To find out more about Saint Panteleimon Monastery check out the monastery official site here.

Very near to Patleina Monastery there are other great landmarks for those interested in archeology as Veliki Preslav (Great Preslav) the first Bulgarian Capital and Ancient Center of Orthodoxy who had a major influence on Russian Cyrillic and Orthodoxy and from where most likely many Christian icons and books were transferred later to Russia to help them raise their spirituality after Baptizmal of Russia is situated just few km away.


Entrance Walls fortress Great Preslav (picture source Izvora)


Fortress Walls Great Preslav – The First Bulgarian Capital (ruins from the IX-Xth century) – picture source Wikipedia

In the historical Veliki Preslav the most notable archeological remain is the so called Golden Church


Great Preslav the famous Golden Church – the Church was partially restored to show the visitor how approximately it might have looked like in the X-XII century (The church was found during archeological excavations in 1927-1928 by Krystio Miatev and Jordan Gospodinov – according to  written sources from 907 by Tudor Doksov, the Church coincides with the Church built by Simeon I the Great who proclaimed himself an Emperor of Bulgaria 


Preslav the Golden Church (also famous as the Round Church) – picture source


Cross on a Stone The Round Church – photograped by Angel Pavlov


Patleina and Great Preslav region view

Another Memorial Church worthy to visit in the region is situated on another fortress nearby to Great Preslav. The Memorial Church has the size of a Cathedral and is one of the biggest Cathedral Churches in Bulgaria.


Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius Memorial Church (In veneration of the creators of Glagolic Alphabet, later Bulgarian Cyrillic Alphabet)

St. St. Cyril and Methodius Church was planned as a memoriam of Saint Methodius (1000 years since his passing to Christ) planned to be build earlier in 1890s but delayed and later built in memorium of the Christianization of Bulgaria and 1000 years passed since the glorious Rule of King Simeon I, the Church building works completed thanks to Metropolitan Simeon in 1926 (the building works were delayed from 1897 'till 1918) A.D..

Very near the Church, one can see the ruins of another old Monastery dating again from the IX – X century, the construction is of a massive craved stone and was a masterpiece in the X century.

As an ex monastery the place can be considered holy as well and some people says it along with Veliki Preslov are a Gracious Energy filled places that can positively impact the human spirit.

Very near is situated also an Archeological Museum containing some of the artefacts found in Patleina, Veliki Preslav and the surrounding monasteries  – the museum is in the list of 100 Bulgarian National Museums and Landmarks.


Archeological Museum Great Preslav – picture source 100 Bulgarian National Landmarks

The museum has a very unique collection of artefacts and the entrance costs of 5 EUR is bearable, note that it's closed on Sundays.
The museum has an overall of 35 000 objects but unfortunately only 1700 artefacts are shown for the visitor, it is notable for holding one of the largest collection middle age Byzantine insignias, The Preslav Golden Treasure, bronze silver and ceramic artefacts.

The archeologists so far has determined that Veliki Preslav with all its Past Greatness and enormous territory, Churches and surrounding monasteries nearby has been planned as a rivalry Empire city to Constantinople and Preslav will definitely impress you if you're keen into archeology and history, hope you visit it soon, Enjoy! 🙂


A great way to relax visit to Sliven Cathedral, Planetarium ( Observatory ) and an Ancient History museum in Yambol, Bulgaria

Monday, January 29th, 2018


It is very odd that nowadays most of people, don't know even their own countries but visit many other countries and significant places, without even knowing the hidden gems (the great places you can relax in) in their own country. I'm not exception to this rule and I've never made a trip visit through whole Bulgaria even though I live here most of the time for the last 34 years of my life. Just before Christmas, I was in Pomorie Monastery for a 4 days spiritual and physical rest and it happened that one of the Monks Father Sergij with his novice monk Damian had to travel to a village near Yambol for an unexpected funeral of the Godfather of Damian.

Since they were about to travel to Jambol (Yambol) and there was 2 places in the car, they agreed to take me and my wife for a short few hours trip to Yambol. And that's how I got the great chance to visit Yambol, Bulgaria for a first time in life. I didn't know what to expect as I've never been in Yambol but only have been near by in Bakadjika's Monastery and the nearly organized Motorcycle Show Rocker feast just one time.

1. A first stop Sliven Cathedral Saint Demetrius Sliven

We jumped into the Car and father Sergij drove us to Yambol with a few minutes stop in Sliven, because father Sergij had something to do in the Metropolitan Building (Bishop Residence) in Sliven (just for info Yambol is a spiritual district of Sliven and the city is governed by Sliven's Metropolitan Joanikije), meanwhile we used the time while hiero-deacan Sergij was on his visit with the metropolitan to eat some food and have a 10 minutes walk around and a few minutes to pray in the Cathedral Sliven's Church Saint Demetrius of Sliven


Cathedral Church saint Demetrius of Thesaloniki holds icon of saint Demetrius of Sliven


Holy Icons of Saint Demetrius of Sliven the New Martyr (A Bulgarian Christian Martyr of the Turkish / Ottoman Slavery)


The Church Interior a Holy Liturgy Snapshot with his eminence metropolitan Joanikij


The Holy Relics of Saint Demetrius of Sliven new martyr

Here in Sliven, it is interesting facts that earlier there was quite an attempt from Roman-Catholicism missionaries to take over the Christian Orthodox people but by God's grace and efforts of the Holy Synod and the bishops who were governing the city, catholicism never spread widely even though catholics did they best to attract people by means of money, free education and other various mathods which franciscans and other catholic missionaries use.

Sliven historically has always been a city of revolutionaries and played a key role during the Bulgarian-Turkish Liberation war, the city has given a multitude of national heroes, it also an important war preparation center both during The Ottoman Bulgarian slavery as well as onwards during the years of communism 1944-1989, even nowdays there is a military forces in the city, near the city are a lot atomic shelters left from communism carved as caves in the mountains. Other interesting thing about Yambol is that near it are located the so called Blue Stones, which are rich of uraninite and therefore near it the region is higher in radiation.

2. Visit to the Planetarium (Observatory) in a Mathematics High School and a History museum in Yambol

Onwards we jumped in the car and travelled to (Yambol) Jambol – an old thracian city which lies on both banks of Tundzha river which lies in the historical region of Thrace. Near Jambol there is a historical ancient thracian city Kabyle.


Ancient Thracian City near Yambol – Kabile


Yambol Park Ormana (picture source Wikipedia)

It is interesting Yambol Peak on Livingston Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica is named after Yambol.

To be honest my first impressions from Yambol were much far from excitement, you see some old buildings left from communism situated on a stiff places in a short it looked like a city of ruins of an old communist experiment, but if you put away the not ideal architecture and communistic landmarks and the kind of little depressing mood (maybe partially because of the winter) and partially because of the many buildings that are to gone through repairment works or be totally destroyed, once seeing the river and the sideview of short mountains, the mood cheers up a bit and one things maybe I was over pessimistic about this place, after all there also live people like us and perhaps they had a lof things we miss in our places.


Yambol center area makes big difference from rest of the city, as it seems shortly being reconstructed and it looks pretty much new and shiny while compared to rest of the city.


Yambol city center, the 4 domes buillding leftside is an ex-turkish Bathroom, the other right side dome bld. is a Mosque
(Notice how odd and unusual seems to see some Ottoman Medieval buildings mixture with the Concrete high-heel buildings) – picture source Delnik

On our way to the city center, we passed through a Armenian Apostolic  Church building Serp Agop, all surrounded by a buildings which looked in a post-war state


Armenian Apostolic Church – saint Agop Yambol


Yambol city in pictures (src. Wikipedia)


Yambol Panoramic view from Borovets (src. Wikipedia)

After having a walk on the city center, went to a caffeteria had a coffee with Svetlana and walked near river, we went to see the Ancient history museum, which keeps a lot of artefacts found in the Kabyle ancient Thracian village, the museum is also rich of national folklore costumes traditional for the regions, artefacts left from the Turkish-Russian liberation war an exposition of local poems, writtings, information about local customs connected with ancient Thracians and mostly a lot of artefacts before Christ.

To find the location of Yambol history museum, we had to ask some local people, as the museum is situated in a building that is not on the main centrain square but a bit aside in a cross street nearby.

After having really enjoyable time in the Museum, we went to look for the Planetarium (Observatory) which in my opinion is the greatest attraction in Yambol.
I've been to a Planetarium somewhere in Bulgaria one time as a kid and this experience has inspired me so much that later on in school the cosmos and the knowledge about the stars has always being in my heart and I learned Astronomy subject in 11 grade in school with such joy, that it was among the most interesting things I ever learned in life.

Yambol Planetarium is situated in a Yambol Mathematics High School and the Observatory is functional already for 47 years, the projection of the Stars is made via a complex device with a lot of lens manufactured by the famous Karl Zeiss East German optics and lens producer


Picture Source



Karl Zeiss lens Stars projection device in Yambol Observatory (Pretty Futuristic), ain't it?

The price of the Planetarium for a group is only 20 leva per group (10 EUR per group) and usually a group of 10 people each paying 2 eur is visiting through
prior reservation. But for people like me and my wife who don't have a previous reservation, you have to ask for a school pass by the school guard person an old good hearted man.
The price for 2 people was 5 EUR per person and we had the luck to visit the planetarium without any prior reservation, but I guess other visitors or foreigners can also agree
easily to have a visit to the Planetarium for the symbolic price of 10 eur per Planetary show.

The Planetarium's system of projection is pretty old but still the overall experience is really outstanding and it is impressive even for an grown kids like us. The lady that give us presentation
about the stars has a very indepth knowledge on astronomy and is a teacher of astronomy herself in the school (as far as I understood). The overall presentation of the stars in the Planetarium was about 2 hours and we learned tons of information about the constellations, the star order how to recognize them under a clear night sky etc. etc.

Planetarium rox and it is definitely a place to visit for people with kids, beside the planetarium room, there is an observatory with a relatively modern telescope, where on clear sky, one can enjoy watching the night sky.

Finally our trip to Yambol was over with our visit to Yambol Cathedral, saint Nicolas the Wonderworker.
The Church saint Nicolas the wonderworker was built after the Russian-Turkish liberation war, the church History starts in 1878, where a Small Russian Chapel was built by the Russian army on the place of the 2 Turkish houses. In 1894, the new Cathedral initiated by the Mayor of the city started and a Majestic Church was built whith today is an emblematic one for the city, the size of the Church is really impressive especially for a city where only 60 000 people live.

No doubt the Church is beautiful both outside and inside but unfortunately as many things in Bulgaria is to begone a reperation works so donations are welcome for sure.Yambol-Cathedral-church-st-Nikolai-chudotvorec-worndermaker

Saint Nicolas the Wonderworker Cathedral Yambol

Our trip to Yambol ended here, where we waited for father Sergij who took us with his car Daewoo and brought us back to Pomorie, where we had 2 more blessed days in Pomorie Monastery.
The trip to Yambol and the time spend with the fathers in Pomorie, as always was a real gift from God to me and my family, so if you have some free weekend and you wonder where to go in Bulgaria or you simply live or come to Burgas region and you want to change the routine boring daily pictures visit Pomorie, Sliven and Yambol, I'm sure you'll enjoy.


How to find out who sniffs out about your Android mobile smart phone

Thursday, November 16th, 2017


Maybe little know about this embedded Android mobile smart phone features but there is a few mobile code cheats that can help you find out a little bit about your phone security, that's pretty handy for anyone who really wants to know whether mobile phone is being sniffed / tapped on Android software level and can give you an idea on how much your smart phone data is protected or are you being a target of someone's secret surveillance, of course this info is just on Android firmware embedded features level and if your mobile is somehow hacked or trojanned the information that can show could be not adequate, but still it is a good info to know. I'm sure you'll be surprised how much embedded Android features are there for the controllers (Google staff) 🙂


1. Information about telephone, battery status and statistics about telephone use


To get information about battery, usage statistics and device.

2. Are Smart Phone Voice / SMS Transfers on?


This combination of numbers and symbols allows you to understand where your mobile is Transferring Calls, SMS-es or other messages. If you type this code and click call the phone screen should show any numbers to which any data is being transferred, if your phone is okay and not tapped you will get a message the phone call transfers and sms transfer is disabled. Always keep in mind that there is a danger for your info / data or even billings to be tapped already as Android is non-free software, so even if that code returns no transfers you're still insecure at the hands of Google's mercy.

3. Where are calls and SMS-es transffered in case if Voice / SMS Transfers are on?


This codes shows where are your input Calls and SMS-es are being transferred once someone is calling you and he is unable to reach you. At best case the inbound calls will be redirected as voice mail format to voice mail box of the number of your mobile operator.

4. Deactivate all kind of Phone Voice / SMS Transfers (Redirects) for security


By inputting above code you can deactivate all kind of redirects, which were prior configured at your mobile phone. The code is universal one and should work not only in Android but across all smart phones including IPhones. It is a recommended one especially if you're planning to travel in foreign country or region due to the roaming phone expenses.

5. Get IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identifier) phone info


Above code provides information about the ID number of the mobile phone th so called IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identifier). Using the email a mobile phone that has been recently stolen can be easily found, because the device is emitting its IMEI number to the mobile phone operator, nomatter what kind of SIM Card is inserted in the phone.


6. How to protect yourself from criminals and spies?

You can use alternative Messanger  Chat / Voice Clients such as: Telegram, Wickr, Signal or Alternatively run your own Jabber server and use it to securily communicate with your friends and relatives

Do not install an unknown source program to mobile phone, abstain from charging the phone on airports and suspicious free "charging" points, abtain from using any free wifi networks whose owner you don't know personally. Beware while browsing as there are websites that could infect you with javascript viruses and terrible phone malware stuff, to be safe make sure you have some kind of Antivirus software installed on the phone just in case.
Be vigilant!


7. Bigger list of Codes working across some of Android versions providing various phone stats and info (not working on all mobiles but might be working on yours)


Here is a list also with a useful codes for some of Android version releases (this will not work on IPhones)


*4636#*#*Information about statistics of phone, battery, usage

*#*#7780#*#*Nullify phone settings.. Delete only applications.

*2767*3855# – Nullify all settings, reinstall firmware.

*34971539#*#* – Full information about phone camera vendor etc.

*#*#273283*255*663282***Quickly archive media files

*#*#197328640#*#Test mobile service

232339#*#* / *#*#526#*#*Test Wireless (Wi-Fi) netework

*#*#232338#*#*Show Wi-Fi card physical MAC Address

*#*#1472365#*#*Quick GPS test

*#*#1575#*#* Various GPS Tests

*#*#0283#*#* Test mobile Loopback interface

*#*#0*#*#* – Test of liquid-crystals mobile display

*#*#0673#*#* / *#*#0289#*#*An Audio test

*#*#0842#*#* Test vibrations of the background phone lid (lightning)

*2663#*#* Get version of sensor screen

*2664#*#*Test of the sensor screen

* * * *0588#*#*Test distance sensor

* * *3264#*#*Get Installed RAM Version

*#*#232331#*#*Bluetooth Test

*#*#7262626#*#*Test GSM signal

*#*#232337#*#*Show bluetooth address

*#*#8255#*#* – Test Mobile Google Talk service

*#*#1234#*#*Information about firmware

*#*#1111#*#*Version of installed Open Trading software version


Email Linux alternative text console clients to Thunderbird, fetchmail, Mutt, fetchmail + Alpine how to

Saturday, November 4th, 2017


As a GNU / Linux user you might end up searching for the best email client to satisfy your needs, for those who used so far Outlook Express on M$ Windows first switch to GNU / Linux the most likely one to choose is either Mozilla Thunderbird or GNOME's Evolution default Mail Clientbut what more text / console programs are there that will allow you to easily check email via POP3 and IMAP on Linux?


1. Install Fetchmail and use to collect and copy your emails from remote server to your local machine

 SSL enabled POP3, APOP, IMAP mail gatherer/forwarder
 fetchmail is a free, full-featured, robust, and well-documented remote mail
 retrieval and forwarding utility intended to be used over on-demand TCP/IP
 links (such as SLIP or PPP connections).  It retrieves mail from remote mail
 servers and forwards it to your local (client) machine's delivery system, so
 it can then be read by normal mail user agents such as mutt, elm, pine,
 (x)emacs/gnus, or mailx.  The fetchmailconf package includes an interactive
 GUI configurator suitable for end-users.

To install it, issue:

apt-get install –yes fetchmail procmail

To configure fetchmail to gather your mail from your POP3 / IMAP mailbox, create below
.fetchmailrc configuratoin and modify according to your account


# vim .fetchmailrc


#### .fetchmailrc
 set daemon 600
 set logfile fetchmail.log

 poll the_mail_server_hostname proto POP3

  user "Remote_Username" pass "PASSWORD=" is "local_username" preconnect "date >> fetchmail.log"
  #no keep
  no rewrite
  mda "/usr/bin/procmail -f %F -d %T";

Here is also few words on each of the .fetchmailrc config options

set daemon 600 The fetchmail binary with run in the background in daemon mod and fetch mail from the server every 600 seconds or 10 minutes.

set logfile fetchmail.log This will set the directory and file name of the fetchmail user log file. Eveytime fetchmail recieves an email, checks the pop3 server or errors out you will find an entry here.

poll the_isp_mail_server proto POP3 This line tells fetchmail what mail server to contact, in theis case "the_isp_mail_server" and to use the "POP3" protocol.

user "remote_user_name" pass "PASSWORD" is "local_username" preconnect "date >> fetchmail.log The user directive tells fetchmail what the name of the user on the remote mail server is for example "remote_user_name". The pass directive is simply the password you will use for the remote user on the mail server. The "is" directive is optional. It tells fetchmail to deliver mail to a diferent user name if the user on the remote mail server and the local machine are different. For example, I may be using the name "joe.doe" on the mail server, but my local user name is "jdoe". I would use a line like user "joe.doe" pass "PASSWORD" is "jdoe". The preconnect command simply adds the current time and date to the fetchmail log file every time fetchmail checks for new mail.

ssl The "ssl" directive tells fetchmail to use encryption when connecting to the pop3 mail server. Fetchmail will use port 995 instead of port 110 for un-encypted mail communication. In order to use ssl the remote mail server must be able to use ssl. Comment out this directive if you do _not_ use pop3s.

fetchall Fetchall just means to fetch all of the mail on the mail server no matter what the "read" flag is. It is possibly to read mail through many different processes. If you use another mail client from another location, for example you could have read you mail and kept it ont he server, but marked it with the "read" flag. At this point if you did _not_ use the "fetchall" flag then only mail marked as new would be downloaded.

no keep Once the mail is downloded from the mail server fetchmail is to tell the server to remove it from the server. You may choose to comment this option out if you want to leave all mail on the server.

no rewrite Do not rewrite headers. When fetchmail recieves the mail you do not want any of the headers mangled in any way. This directive tells fetchmail to leave the headers alone.

mda "/usr/bin/procmail -f %F -d %T"; The mda is your "mail delivery agent. Procmail is the program that fetchmail will hand the mail off to once it is downloaded. The argument "-f %F" logs who the mail if from and "-d %T" turns on explicit delivery mode, delivery will be to the local user recipient.

For configuring multiple mailboxes email to be gathered to local machine through fetchmail add to above configuration, some more config similar to this:

 poll protocol pop3:
       username "admin" password "your-plain-text-password" is "username" here;
       username "what-ever-user-name" password "Just-another-pass#" is "foreman" here;

  poll protocol pop3 with option sslproto '':
       user "whatever-user1" password "its-my-pass" mda "/usr/bin/procmail -d %T":   user "whatever-user1" password "its-my-pass" mda "/usr/bin/procmail -d %T


Because as you can see fetchmail keeps password in plaintext it is a best security practice to set some good file permissions on .fetchmailrc just to make sure some other local user on the same Linux / Unix machine will not be able to read your plaintext password, to do so issue below command.

chmod 600 ~/.fetchmailrc


For the purpose of logging as we have it into the config you will also need to create new blank file fetchmail.log

touch fetchmail.log

Once fetchmail all your emails you can use mail command to view your messages or further configure alpine or mutt to read the downloaded messages.


2. Use Alpine text based email client to check your downloaded email with fetchmail

Alpine is Text-based email client, friendly for novices but powerful
 Alpine is an upgrade of the well-known PINE email client.  Its name derives
 from the use of the Apache License and its ties to PINE.

In other words what Alpine is it is a rewritten and improved version of the good old PINE Unix email client (for those who remember it).

To give alpine a try on Debian / Ubuntu install it with:


apt-get install –yes alpine pilot




3. Use MuTT advanced and much more colorful text email client to view your emailbox


 Mutt is a sophisticated text-based Mail User Agent. Some highlights:
  * MIME support (including RFC1522 encoding/decoding of 8-bit message
    headers and UTF-8 support).
  * PGP/MIME support (RFC 2015).
  * Advanced IMAP client supporting SSL encryption and SASL authentication.
  * POP3 support.
  * ESMTP support.
  * Message threading (both strict and non-strict).
  * Keybindings are configurable, default keybindings are much like ELM;
    Mush and PINE-like ones are provided as examples.
  * Handles MMDF, MH and Maildir in addition to regular mbox format.
  * Messages may be (indefinitely) postponed.
  * Colour support.
  * Highly configurable through easy but powerful rc file.


To install MuTT:


linux:~# apt-get install –yes mutt

Configuring mutt if you don't have priorly set-up with fetchmail to collect your remote e-mails, you might want to try out .mutt's email fetch features to do so you will need a .muttrc configuration like that:

# Automatically log in to this mailbox at startup
set spoolfile="imaps://"
# Define the = shortcut, and the entry point for the folder browser (c?)
set folder="imaps://"
set record="=Sent"
set postponed="=Drafts"

You might also omit placing the password inside .muttrc configuration as storing the password in plaintext might be a big security hole if someone is able to read it at certain point, but the downside of that is you'll be asked by mutt to fill in your email password on every login which at a point becomes pretty annoying.

If you face problems with inability of mutt to connect to remote mail server due to TLS problems, you can also try to play with below configurations:

# activate TLS if available on the server
 set ssl_starttls=yes
 # always use SSL when connecting to a server
 set ssl_force_tls=yes
 # Don't wait to enter mailbox manually
 unset imap_passive        
 # Automatically poll subscribed mailboxes for new mail (new in 1.5.11)
 set imap_check_subscribed
 # Reduce polling frequency to a sane level
 set mail_check=60
 # And poll the current mailbox more often (not needed with IDLE in post 1.5.11)
 set timeout=10
 # keep a cache of headers for faster loading (1.5.9+?)
 set header_cache=~/.hcache
 # Display download progress every 5K
 set net_inc=5


Once you have the emails downloaded with fetchmail for your mailbox mutt should be showing your email stuff like in below screenshot

linux:~$ mutt




Of course a very handy thing to have is w3m-img text browser that displays images as it might be able to open your pictures attached to email if you're on a physical console tty.

I'll be curious to hear, if you know of better and easier solutions to check mail in console, so if you know such please drop a comment explaining how you check your mail text.


What is this directory /run/user/1000 on Debian and Fedora GNU / Linux?

Monday, October 23rd, 2017


So what are these /run/user/1000, /run/user/0, /run/user109, /run/user/1000 showing in my df -h I'm I hacked or what?

root@noah:~# df -h|grep -i tmpfs
tmpfs 201M 22M 179M 11% /run
tmpfs 1001M 0 1001M 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 5,0M 4,0K 5,0M 1% /run/lock
tmpfs 1001M 0 1001M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs 201M 0 201M 0% /run/user/0
tmpfs 201M 36K 201M 1% /run/user/1000
tmpfs 201M 16K 201M 1% /run/user/109


/run/user/$uid is created by pam_systemd and used for storing files used by running processes for that
user. These might be things such as your keyring daemon, pulseaudio, etc.

Prior to systemd, these applications typically stored their files in /tmp. They couldn't use a location in
/home/$user as home directories are often mounted over network filesystems, and these files should not be
shared among hosts. /tmp was the only location specified by the FHS which is local, and writable by all

However storing all these files in /tmp is problematic as /tmp is writable by everyone, and while you can
change the ownership & mode on the files being created, it's more difficult to work with.

However storing all these files in /tmp is problematic as /tmp is writable by everyone, and while you can
change the ownership & mode on the files being created, it's more difficult to work with.

So systemd came along and created /run/user/$uid.
This directory is local to the system and only
accessible by the target user. So applications looking to store their files locally no longer have to
worry about access control.

It also keeps things nice and organized. When a user logs out, and no active sessions remain, pam_systemd will wipe the /run/user/$uid directory out. With various files scattered around /tmp, you couldn't dothis.

Should mention that it is called $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, documented at 8‌​tml.

What if: I have started a "background" computation process with nohup, and it saves its intermediate results/data in a temp file. Can I count on it not being wiped while the process is running, or it will be wiped, and the process started with nohup will loose its data? 

It's unlikely to be wiped, but /run/user is a tmpfs filesystem in debian, ubuntu and fedora, so it'll be limited.

What if the pidfile is a service running under root.
Should it's PID go under /var/run or /var/run/user/0 ?

If since there is no active sessions will it be removed? 

This directory contains system information data describing the system since it was booted.
Files under this directory must be cleared (removed or truncated as appropriate) at the beginning of the boot process.

The purposes of this directory were once served by /var/run. In general, programs may continue to use /var/run to fulfill the requirements set out for /run for the purposes of backwards

Programs which have migrated to use /run should cease their usage of /var/runexcept as noted in the section on /var/run.

Programs may have a subdirectory of /run; this is encouraged for programs that use more than one run-time file.

Users may also have a subdirectory of /run, although care must be taken to appropriately limit access rights to prevent unauthorized use of /run itself and other subdirectories.

In the case of the /run/user directory, is used by the different user services, like dconf, pulse,systemd, etc. that needs a place for their lock files and sockets. There are as many directories as
different users UID's are logged in the system.

List of vulnerable wordpress plugins. Hacked, dangerous, vulnerable

Tuesday, October 17th, 2017



Have your wordpress has been hacked recently? Mine has Don't despair, below is a list of famous WordPress Plugins for its hackability.
Hope this helps you prevent your self on time and wipe out all the unnecessery plugins.
Double check the version number of Vulnerable plugins, and remove it only when you're sure its hackable. If you're sure you happen to run on your WordPress Blog or site one of the below plugins immediately deactivate and delete it.


Vulnerability types

A quick reminder of the most common security holes and issues WordPress plugins face. Please note that most problems are a combination of two or more types listed below.

Arbitrary file viewing
Instead of allowing only certain file source to be viewed (for example plugin templates) the lack of checks in the code allows the attacker to view the source of any file, including those with sensitive information such as wp-config.php

Arbitrary file upload
Lack of file type and content filtering allows for upload of arbitrary files that can contain executable code which, once run, can do pretty much anything on a site

Privilege escalation
Once the attacker has an account on the site, even if it’s only of the subscriber type, he can escalate his privileges to a higher level, including administrative ones.

SQL injection
By not escaping and filtering data that goes into SQL queries, malicious code can be injected into queries and data deleted, updated or inserted into the database. This is one of the most common vulnerabilities.

Remote code execution (RCE)
Instead of uploading and running malicious code, the attacker can run it from a remote location. The code can do anything, from hijacking the site to completely deleting it.

Plugin Name Vulnerability Type Min / Max Versions Affected
1 Flash Gallery arbitrary file upload 1.3.0 / 1.5.6
360 Product Rotation arbitrary file upload 1.1.3 / 1.2.0
Tevolution arbitrary file upload 2.0 / 2.2.9
Addblockblocker arbitrary file upload 0.0.1
Ads Widget remote code execution (RCE) 2.0 / n/a
Advanced Access Manager privilege escalation 3.0.4 / 3.2.1
Advanced Ajax Page Loader arbitrary file upload 2.5.7 / 2.7.6
Advanced Video Embed Embed Videos Or Playlists arbitrary file viewing n/a / 1.0
Analytic remote code execution (RCE) 1.8
Analytics Counter PHP object injection 1.0.0 / 3.4.1
Appointments PHP object injection 1.4.4 Beta / 2.2.0
Asgaros Forum settings change 1.0.0 / 1.5.7
Aspose Cloud Ebook Generator arbitrary file viewing 1.0
Aspose Doc Exporter arbitrary file viewing 1.0
Aspose Importer Exporter arbitrary file viewing 1.0
Aspose Pdf Exporter arbitrary file viewing 1.0
Attachment Manager arbitrary file upload 1.0.0 / 2.1.1
Auto Attachments arbitrary file upload 0.2.7 / 0.3
Bbpress Like Button SQL injection 1.0 / 1.5
Bepro Listings arbitrary file upload 2.0.54 / 2.2.0020
Blaze Slide Show For WordPress arbitrary file upload 2.0 / 2.7
Brandfolder local file inclusion (LFI) 2.3 / 3.0
Breadcrumbs Ez remote code execution (RCE) n/a
Candidate Application Form arbitrary file viewing 1.0
Category Grid View Gallery arbitrary file upload 0.1.0 / 0.1.1
Cherry Plugin arbitrary file upload 1.0 / 1.2.6
Chikuncount arbitrary file upload 1.3
Cip4 Folder Download Widget arbitrary file viewing 1.4 / 1.10
Cms Commander Client PHP object injection 2.02 / 2.21
Contus Video Gallery arbitrary file viewing 2.2 / 2.3
Cookie Eu remote code execution (RCE) 1.0
Cp Image Store arbitrary file viewing 1.0.1 / 1.0.5
Cross Rss arbitrary file viewing 0.5
Custom Content Type Manager remote code execution
Custom Lightbox possible remote code execution (RCE) 0.24
Cysteme Finder arbitrary file viewing 1.1 / 1.3
Db Backup arbitrary file viewing 1.0 / 4.5
Delete All Comments arbitrary file upload 2.0
Developer Tools arbitrary file upload 1.0.0 / 1.1.4
Disclosure Policy Plugin remote file inclusion (RFI) 1.0
Display Widgets remote code execution 2.6
Dop Slider arbitrary file upload 1.0
Download Zip Attachments arbitrary file viewing 1
Downloads Manager arbitrary file upload 1.0 Beta / 1.0 rc-1
Dp Thumbnail arbitrary file upload 1.0
Dropbox Backup PHP object injection 1.0 /
Dukapress arbitrary file viewing 2.3.7 / 2.5.3
Ebook Download arbitrary file viewing 1.1
Ecstatic arbitrary file upload 0.90 (x9) / 0.9933
Ecwid Shopping Cart PHP Object Injection 3.4.4 / 4.4.3
Enable Google Analytics remote code execution (RCE) n/a
Estatik arbitrary file upload 1.0.0 / 2.2.5
Event Commerce Wp Event Calendar persistent cross-site scripting (XSS) 1.0
Filedownload arbitrary file viewing 0.1
Flickr Gallery PHP object injection 1.2 / 1.5.2
Form Lightbox option update 1.1 / 2.1
Formidable information disclosure 1.07.5 / 2.0.07
Fresh Page arbitary file upload .11 / 1.1
Front End Upload arbitrary file upload 0.3.0 / 0.5.3
Front File Manager arbitrary file upload 0.1
Fs Real Estate Plugin SQL injection 1.1 / 2.06.03
G Translate remote code execution (RCE) 1.0 / 1.3
Gallery Objects SQL injection 0.2 / 0.4
Gallery Slider remote code execution (RCE) 2.0 / 2.1
Genesis Simple Defaults arbitrary file upload 1.0.0
Gi Media Library arbitrary file viewing 1.0.300 / 2.2.2
Google Analytics Analyze remote code execution (RCE) 1.0
Google Document Embedder SQL injection 2.5 / 2.5.16
Google Maps By Daniel Martyn remote code exection (RCE) 1.0
Google Mp3 Audio Player arbitrary file viewing 1.0.9 / 1.0.11
Grapefile arbitrary file upload 1.0 / 1.1
Gravityforms reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) 1.7 /
Hb Audio Gallery Lite arbitrary file viewing 1.0.0
History Collection arbitrary file viewing 1.1. / 1.1.1
Html5avmanager arbitrary file upload 0.1.0 / 0.2.7
I Dump Iphone To WordPress Photo Uploader arbitrary file upload 1.1.3 / 1.8
Ibs Mappro arbitrary file viewing 0.1 / 0.6
Image Export arbitrary file viewing 1.0.0 / 1.1.0
Image Symlinks arbitrary file upload 0.5 / 0.8.2
Imdb Widget arbitrary file viewing 1.0.1 / 1.0.8
Inboundio Marketing arbitrary file upload 1.0.0 / 2.0
Infusionsoft arbitrary file upload 1.5.3 / 1.5.10
Inpost Gallery local file inclusion (LFI) 2.0.9 / 2.1.2
Invit0r arbitrary file upload 0.2 / 0.22
Is Human remote code execution 1.3.3 / 1.4.2
Iwp Client PHP object injection 0.1.4 / 1.6.0
Jssor Slider arbitrary file upload 1.0 / 1.3
Like Dislike Counter For Posts Pages And Comments SQL injection 1.0 / 1.2.3
Mac Dock Gallery arbitrary file upload 1.0 / 2.7
Magic Fields arbitrary file upload 1.5 / 1.5.5
Mailchimp Integration remote code execution (RCE) 1.0.1 / 1.1
Mailpress local file inclusion (LFI) 5.2 / 5.4.6
Mdc Youtube Downloader arbitrary file viewing 2.1.0
Menu Image malicious JavaScript loading 2.6.5 / 2.6.9
Miwoftp arbitrary file viewing 1.0.0 / 1.0.4
Mm Forms Community arbitrary file upload 1.0 / 2.2.6
Mobile App Builder By Wappress arbitrary file upload n/a / 1.05
Mobile Friendly App Builder By Easytouch arbitrary file upload 3.0
Multi Plugin Installer arbitrary file viewing 1.0.0 / 1.1.0
Mypixs local file inclusion (LFI) 0.3
Nmedia User File Uploader arbitrary file upload 1.8
Option Seo remote code execution (RCE) 1.5
Page Google Maps remote code execution (RCE) 1.4
Party Hall Booking Management System SQL injection 1.0 / 1.1
Paypal Currency Converter Basic For Woocommerce arbitrary file viewing 1.0 / 1.3
Php Analytics arbitrary file upload n/a
Pica Photo Gallery arbitrary file viewing 1.0
Pitchprint arbitrary file upload 7.1 / 7.1.1
Plugin Newsletter arbitrary file viewing 1.3 / 1.5
Post Grid file deletion 2.0.6 / 2.0.12
Posts In Page authenticated local file inclusion (LFI) 1.0.0 / 1.2.4
Really Simple Guest Post local file inclusion (LFI) 1.0.1 / 1.0.6
Recent Backups arbitrary file viewing 0.1 / 0.7
Reflex Gallery arbitrary file upload 1.0 / 3.0
Resume Submissions Job Postings arbitrary file upload 2.0 / 2.5.3
Return To Top remote code execution (RCE) 1.8 / 5.0
Revslider arbitrary file viewing 1.0 / 4.1.4
S3bubble Amazon S3 Html 5 Video With Adverts arbitrary file viewing 0.5 / 0.7
Sam Pro Free local file inclusion (LFI) /
Se Html5 Album Audio Player arbitrary file viewing 1.0.8 / 1.1.0
Sell Downloads arbitrary file viewing 1.0.1
Seo Keyword Page remote code execution (RCE) 2.0.5
Seo Spy Google WordPress Plugin arbitrary file upload 2.0 / 2.6
Seo Watcher arbitrary file upload 1.3.2 / 1.3.3
Sexy Contact Form arbitrary file upload 0.9.1 / 0.9.8
Share Buttons Wp remote code execution (RCE) 1.0
Showbiz arbitrary file viewing 1.0 / 1.5.2
Simple Ads Manager information disclosure 2.0.73 / 2.7.101
Simple Download Button Shortcode arbitrary file viewing 1.0
Simple Dropbox Upload Form arbitrary file upload 1.8.6 / 1.8.8
Simple Image Manipulator arbitrary file viewing 1.0
Simplr Registration Form privilege escalation 2.2.0 / 2.4.3
Site Import remote page inclusion 1.0.0 / 1.2.0
Slide Show Pro arbitrary file upload 2.0 / 2.4
Smart Slide Show arbitrary file upload 2.0 / 2.4
Smart Videos remote code execution (RCE) 1.0
Social Networking E Commerce 1 arbitrary file upload 0.0.32
Social Sharing possible arbitrary file upload 1.0
Social Sticky Animated remote code execution (RCE) 1.0
Spamtask arbitrary file upload 1.3 / 1.3.6
Spicy Blogroll local file inclusion (LFI) 0.1 / 1.0.0
Spotlightyour arbitrary file upload 1.0 / 4.5
Stats Counter PHP object injection 1.0 /
Stats Wp remote code execution 1.8
Store Locator Le unrestricted email sending 2.6 / 4.2.56
Tera Charts reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) 0.1 / 1.0
The Viddler WordPress Plugin cross-site request forgery (CSRF)/cross-site scripting (XSS) 1.2.3 / 2.0.0
Thecartpress local file inclusion (LFI) 1.1.0 / 1.1.5
Tinymce Thumbnail Gallery arbitrary file viewing v1.0.4 / v1.0.7
Ultimate Product Catalogue arbitrary file upload 1.0 / 3.1.1
User Role Editor privilege escalation 4.19 / 4.24
Web Tripwire arbitrary file upload 0.1.2
Webapp Builder arbitrary file upload 2.0
Website Contact Form With File Upload arbitrary file upload 1.1 / 1.3.4
Weever Apps 20 Mobile Web Apps arbitrary file upload 3.0.25 / 3.1.6
Woocommerce Catalog Enquiry arbitrary file upload 2.3.3 / 3.0.0
Woocommerce Product Addon arbitrary file upload 1.0 / 1.1
Woocommerce Products Filter authenticated persistent cross-site scripting (XSS) 1.1.4 /
Woopra arbitrary file upload 1.4.1 /
WordPress File Monitor persistent cross-site scripting (XSS) 2.0 / 2.3.3
Wp Appointment Schedule Booking System persistent cross-site scripting (XSS) 1.0
Wp Business Intelligence Lite arbitrary file upload 1.0 / 1.0.7
Wp Crm arbitrary file upload 0.15 / 0.31.0
Wp Custom Page arbitrary file viewing 0.5 /
Wp Dreamworkgallery arbitrary file upload 2.0 / 2.3
Wp Easybooking reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) 1.0.0 / 1.0.3
Wp Easycart authenticated arbitrary file upload 1.1.27 / 3.0.8
Wp Ecommerce Shop Styling authenticated arbitrary file viewing 1.0 / 2.5
Wp Editor authenticated arbitrary file upload 1.0.2 /
Wp Filemanager arbitrary file viewing 1.2.8 / 1.3.0
Wp Flipslideshow persistent cross-site scripting (XSS) 2.0 / 2.2
Wp Front End Repository arbitrary file upload 1.0.0 / 1.1
Wp Handy Lightbox remote code execution (RCE) 1.4.5
Wp Homepage Slideshow arbitrary file upload 2.0 / 2.3
Wp Image News Slider arbitrary file upload 3.0 / 3.5
Wp Levoslideshow arbitrary file upload 2.0 / 2.3
Wp Miniaudioplayer arbitrary file viewing 0.5 / 1.2.7
Wp Mobile Detector authenticated persistent cross-site scripting (XSS) 3.0 / 3.2
Wp Mon arbitrary file viewing 0.5 / 0.5.1
Wp Online Store arbitrary file viewing 1.2.5 / 1.3.1
Wp Piwik persistent cross-site scripting (XSS) / 1.0.10
Wp Popup remote code execution (RCE) 2.0.0 / 2.1
Wp Post Frontend arbitrary file upload 1.0
Wp Property arbitrary file upload 1.20.0 / 1.35.0
Wp Quick Booking Manager persistent cross-site scripting (XSS) 1.0 / 1.1
Wp Royal Gallery persistent cross-site scripting (XSS) 2.0 / 2.3
Wp Seo Spy Google arbitrary file upload 3.0 / 3.1
Wp Simple Cart arbitrary file upload 0.9.0 / 1.0.15
Wp Slimstat Ex arbitrary file upload 2.1 / 2.1.2
Wp Superb Slideshow arbitrary file upload 2.0 / 2.4
Wp Swimteam arbitrary file viewing 1 / 1.44.1077
Wp Symposium arbitrary file upload 13.04 / 14.11
Wp Vertical Gallery arbitrary file upload 2.0 / 2.3
Wp Yasslideshow arbitrary file upload 3.0 / 3.4
Wp2android Turn Wp Site Into Android App arbitrary file upload 1.1.4
Wpeasystats local file inclusion (LFI) 1.8
Wpmarketplace arbitrary file viewing 2.2.0 / 2.4.0
Wpshop arbitrary file upload /
Wpstorecart arbitrary file upload 2.0.0 / 2.5.29
Wptf Image Gallery arbitrary file viewing 1.0.1 / 1.0.3
Wsecure remote code execution (RCE) 2.3
Wysija Newsletters arbitrary file upload 1.1 / 2.6.7
Xdata Toolkit arbitrary file upload 1.6 / 1.9
Zen Mobile App Native arbitrary file upload 3.0
Zingiri Web Shop arbitrary file upload 2.3.6 / 2.4.3
Zip Attachments arbitrary file viewing 1.0 / 1.4


Have your WordPress site been hacked?

Don’t despair; it happens to the best of us. It’s tough to give generic advice without having a look at your site.

Gnome Appearance modify command in Linux / How to change theme using command line in GNOME

Friday, October 13th, 2017



1. Gnome Appearance modify command  in Linux instead – Intro

It is always handy to do stuff in console and as a GNU / Linux long time GNOME user I found it interesting to share here some nice tips on how Theme could be changed using command line.

Why would you ever want to change themes through console / Terminal? Well lets say you have to administrate remotely a bunch of GNU / Linux Desktop machines and you have to change themes simultaneously on a multiple hosts, changing theme using the command line then comes really handy.

Besides that in GNOME 3.X.X branch with Unity (yackes) if you have chosen to use GNOME (Flashback /Fallback) or Mate you might find it difficult to change some specifics of the default theme, that is especially true for GNOME (flashback) Fallback like me.

If you heard GNOME Flashback but you never used i and wonder what it is I think it is worthy to say few words about it:

GNOME Flashback is a session for GNOME 3 which was initially called "GNOME Fallback", and shipped as a stand-alone session in Debian and Ubuntu. It provides a similar user experience to the GNOME 2.x series sessions. The differences to the MATE project is that GNOME Flashback uses GTK+ 3 and tries to follow the current GNOME development by integrating recent changes of the GNOME libraries. The development currently lags behind a little but a lot of progress has been made in bug fixing lately. So in short GNOME Fallback is for anyone who wants to stick to GNOME 2.X interface but doesn't want to stick to Mate and wants still to use some more graphical goodies that comes with GNOME 3.

In MATE nowadays there is possibility to relatively Easy add / change appearance and add new themes, there is also the graphical tool called Appearance accessible via mate-control-center command or menus. Using Appearance you can modify themes and Window Decorations, however there is much more that can be done or tuned missing in the MATE GUI using a couple of GNOME desktop environment native commands.


2. List All Installed GNOME themes on Debian / Ubuntu Linux



$ ls -1 /usr/share/themes/|sed -e 's#/##g'


The All system installed theme location directory /usr/share/themes for RPM Linux-es Fedoras / CentOS etc. are identication



3. Change GTK Theme

Below commands are for GNOME 3 based desktop environments this includes also any other GNOME based Graphical Environments or components of GNOME 3 such as (Ubuntu Unity, GNOME 3 Shell/Classic, Cinnamon), and even the old GNOME 2 desktop.

In GNOME 2 it was possible to set various variables directly from gconf-editor including GTK Themes but in GNOME 3 somehow this is no more … so to do we need to use some cryptic commands or use gnome-tweak-tool or MyUnity (Ubuntu Linux users with Unity) but configuration that can be made with them is unfortunately partial so in any case knowing below commands is a necessity to be able to tune up nicely your Linux Gnome Desktop.

And yes it is crazy why on Earth gnome developers scaped out the configuration from gconf-editor and left us with this user unfriendly method. Could it be that someone (Like the big corporations) has the interest to ruin Free Software?? What do you think…

Unity, GNOME 3 Shell/Classic, Cinnamon

In Unity GNOME 3 Shell / Classic and Cinnamon (the default Debian graphical env).

Before we start I recommend you check out what is the current installed and enabled theme, you might want decide to keep it after checking the number of themes available. To check your current installed GNOME theme run:


gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme

You see I have 'Adwaita' theme as a default.
Next lets change the gnome GTK theme interface.

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme "Menta"


MATE (In Linux Mate the current fork of GNOME 2 for hardcore GNOME 2 users)


mateconftool-2 –type=string –set /desktop/mate/interface/gtk_theme "Menta"


GNOME 2 (In native GNOME 2 if you still own some old machines with old Debian / Ubuntu / Fedoras etc.



gconftool-2 –type=string –set /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme "Menta"


4. Change WINDOW THEME (Metacity)

Unity, GNOME 3 Classic (Metacity), GNOME 3 Shell (Metacity > Mutter)


gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme "Menta"

Cinnamon (Metacity -> Muffin)


gconftool –type=string –set /desktop/cinnamon/windows/theme "Menta"


Note: Cinnamon must be restarted for the change to take effect.

GNOME 2 (In Gnome 2 with Metacity)


gconftool-2 –type=string –set /apps/metacity/general/theme "Menta"


MATE (Metacity)


mateconftool-2 –type=string –set /apps/marco/general/theme "Menta"


Change SHELL THEME (In Gnome Shell and Cinnamon)

GNOME Shell (user-theme extension must be enabled)

gsettings set name "Menta"



gsettings set org.cinnamon.theme name "Menta"



Unity, GNOME 3 Shell/Classic, Cinnamon (Change GNOME3 Color scheme)



gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-color-scheme "bg_color:#e9efe9;fg_color:#444444;base_color:#ffffff;text_color:#333333;selected_bg_color:#6666cc;selected_fg_color:#eeeeee;tooltip_bg_color:#222222;tooltip_fg_color:#dfcfcf;link_color:#cc0099;"

Reset color (if you don't like it):

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-color-scheme ""


MATE (Mate set color scheme)



mateconftool-2 –type=string –set /desktop/mate/interface/gtk_color_scheme "bg_color:#e9efe9;fg_color:#444444;base_color:#ffffff;text_color:#333333;selected_bg_color:#6666cc;selected_fg_color:#eeeeee;tooltip_bg_color:#222222;tooltip_fg_color:#dfcfcf;link_color:#cc0099;"



Reset color :


mateconftool-2 –type=string –set /desktop/mate/interface/gtk_color_scheme ""


6. GNOME 2 (Again for the old GNome 2 machines to change the GTK Color scheme)


gconftool-2 –type=string –set /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_color_scheme "bg_color:#e9efe9;fg_color:#444444;base_color:#ffffff;text_color:#333333;selected_bg_color:#6666cc;selected_fg_color:#eeeeee;tooltip_bg_color:#222222;tooltip_fg_color:#dfcfcf;link_color:#cc0099;"


Reset color:


gconftool-2 –type=string –set /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_color_scheme ""


What about colors, well the #444444 and #22222 and #eeeeee, #333333 seen as color codes in above examples can easily decrypted if you don't know them using a tiny tool called gcolor2
The tool is installable on most Linux distributions with a simple apt-get install gcolor2 or yum install gcolor the tool is convenient and a must have for anyone using Linux for basic design or graphic operations with some program as GIMP / Krita / Inkscape / Vectr / Karbon etc.

All gcolor2 does is to make easy for you to get HTML color codes and convert existing ones into colors for you, here is shot:



While talking about setting color another interesting Graphical tool related to article, that gives you abilities to change colors in GNOME is gnome-color-choose, the tool is really awesome and allows you to do many of the color tunings shown in above examples

# apt-get install –yes gnome-color-chooser

And finally for the gnome theme hungry people, here is a great bonus. If you need a ton of shiny new themes as possibility to set up on your GNOME download and install The Ultimate Edition Themes deb (Debian / Ubuntu Mint) etc. collection (mirrored):

Debian and other deb based distro users can easily download and install with:

linux:~# dpkg -i ultimate-edition-themes-.0.0.7_all.deb


Other Linux users such as Fedora ones and Slackware users (if anyone on Slack uses Gnome since KDE is default by default there), use alien tool to install it or directly open the file with Midnight Commander (mc) and copy the files to the /usr/share/themes dir.


This article is possible thanks to Change Theme Using Command Line in GNOME (Linux) command line examples are taken from there.

Share SCREEN terminal session in Linux / Screen share between two or more users howto

Wednesday, October 11th, 2017



1. Short Intro to Screen command and what is Shared Screen Session

Do you have friends who want to learn some GNU / Linux or BSD basics remotely? Do you have people willing to share a terminal session together for educational purposes within a different network? Do you just want to have some fun and show off yourself between two or more users?

If the answer to the questions is yes, then continue on reading, otherwise if you're already aware how this is being done, just ignore this article and do something more joyful.

So let me start.

Some long time ago when I was starting to be a Free Software user and dedicated enthusiast, I've been given by a friend an interesting freeshell hosting access and I stumbled upon / observed an interesting phenomenon, multiple users like 5 or 10 were connected simultaneously to the same shell sharing their command line.

I can't remember what kind of shell I happen to be sharing with the other logged in users with the same account, was that bash / csh / zsh or another one but it doesn't matter, it was really cool to find out multiple users could be standing together on GNU / Linux and *BSD with the same account and use the regular shell for chatting or teaching each others  new Linux / Unix commands e.g. being able to type in shell simultaneously.

The multiple shared shell session was possible thanks to the screen command

For those who hear about screen for a first time, here is the package description:


# apt-cache show screen|grep -i desc -A 1
Description-en: terminal multiplexer with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation
 GNU Screen is a terminal multiplexer that runs several separate "screens" on

Description-md5: 2d86b86ed6058a04c540802e49312f40
root@jericho:/usr/local/src/pure-python-otr# apt-cache show screen|grep -i desc -A 2
Description-en: terminal multiplexer with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation
 GNU Screen is a terminal multiplexer that runs several separate "screens" on
 a single physical character-based terminal. Each virtual terminal emulates a

Description-md5: 2d86b86ed6058a04c540802e49312f40
Tag: hardware::input:keyboard, implemented-in::c, interface::text-mode,

There is plenty of things to use screen for as it provides you a way to open Virtual Terminals into a single ssh or physical console TTY login session and I've been in love with screen command since day 1 I found out about it.

To start using screen just invoke it into a shell and enter a screen command combinations that make various stuff for you.


2. Some of the most useful Daily Screen Key Combinations for the Sys Admin

To do use the various screen options, use the escape sequence (CTRL + Some Word), following by the command. For a full list of all of the available commands, run man screen, however
for the sake of interest below short listing shows some of most useful screen key combination invoked commands:



Ctrl-a a Passes a Ctrl-a through to the terminal session running within screen.
Ctrl-a c Create a new Virtual shell screen session within screen
Ctrl-a d Detaches from a screen session.
Ctrl-a f Toggle flow control mode (enable/disable Ctrl-Q and Ctrl-S pass through).
Ctrl-a k Detaches from and kills (terminates) the screen session.
Ctrl-a q Passes a Ctrl-q through to the terminal session running within screen (or use Ctrl-a f to toggle whether screen captures flow control characters).
Ctrl-a s Passes a Ctrl-s through to the terminal session running within screen (or use Ctrl-a f to toggle whether screen captures flow control characters).
Ctrl-a :kill Also detaches from and kills (terminates) the screen session.
Ctrl-a :multiuser on Make the screen session a multi-user session (so other users can attach).
Ctrl-a :acladd USER Allow the user specified (USER) to connect to a multi-user screen session.
Ctrl-a p Move around multiple opened Virtual terminals in screen (Move to previous)
Ctrl-a n Move backwards in multiple opened screen sessions under single shell connection

I have to underline strongly for me personally, I'm using the most


CTRL + A + D (to detach session),

CTRL + A + C to open new session within screen (I tend to open multiple sessions for multiple ssh connections with this),

CTRL + A + P, CTRL +  A + N – I use this twoto move around all my open screen Virtual sessions.


3.1 Configuring Shared Sessions so other users can connect

You need to  have a single user account on a Linux or Unix like server lets say that might be the /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, /etc/group account screen and you have to give the password to all users to be participating into the shared screen shell session.

E.g. create new system account screen

root@jericho:~# adduser screen
Adding user `screen' …
Adding new group `screen' (1001) …
Adding new user `screen' (1001) with group `screen' …
The home directory `/home/screen' already exists.  Not copying from `/etc/skel'.
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
Changing the user information for screen
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
    Full Name []: Screen user to give users shared access to /bin/bash
    Room Number []:
    Work Phone []:
    Home Phone []:
    Other []:
Is the information correct? [Y/n] Y

Now distribute the user / pass pair around all users who are to be sharing the same virtual bash session via screen and instruct each of them to run:

hipo@jericho:~$  screen -d -m -S shared-session

hipo@jericho:~$ screen -list

There is a screen on:
    4095.shared-session    (10.10.2017 20:22:22)    (Detached)
1 Socket in /run/screen/S-hipo.

3.2. Attaching to just created session

Simply login with as many users you need with SSH to the remote server and instruct them to run the following command to re-attach to the just created new session by you:

hipo@jericho:~$ screeen -x

That's all folks now everyone can type in simultaneously and enjoy the joys of the screen shared session.

If for some reasons more than one session is created by the simultaneously logged in users either as an exercise or by mistake i.e.:

hipo@jericho:~$ screen -list

There are screens on:
    4880.screen-session    (10.10.2017 20:30:09)    (Detached)
    4865.another-session    (10.10.2017 20:29:58)    (Detached)
    4847.hey-man    (10.10.2017 20:29:49)    (Detached)
    4831.another-session1    (10.10.2017 20:29:45)    (Detached)
4 Sockets in /run/screen/S-hipo.

You have to instruct everyone to connect actually to the exact session we need, as screen -x will ask them to what session they like to connect.

In that case to connect to screen-session, each user has to run with their account:

hipo@jericho:~$ screen -x shared-session

If under some circumstances it happened that there is more than one opened shared screen virtual session, for example screen -list returns:


hipo@jericho:~$ screen -list
There are screens on:
    5065.screen-session    (10.10.2017 20:33:20)    (Detached)
    4095.screen-session    (10.10.2017 20:30:08)    (Detached)

All users have to connect to the exact screen-session created name and ID, like so:

hipo@jericho:~$ screen -x 4095.screen-session

Here is the meaning of used options


-d option instructs screen to detach,
-m makes it multiuser session so other users can attach
-S argument is just to give the screen session a name
-list Sesssion gives the screen-session ID

Once you're over with screen session (e.g. all users that are learning and you show them stuff and ask them to test by themselves and have completed, scheduled tasks), to kill it just press CTRL + A + K

4. Share screen /bin/bash shell session with another user

Sharing screen session between different users is even more useful to the shared session of one user as you might have a *nix server with many users who might attach to your opened session directly, instead of being beforehand instructed to connect with a single user.

That's perfect also for educational purposes if you want to learn some Linux to a class of people, as you can use their ordinary accounts and show them stuff on a Linux / BSD  machine.

Assuming that you follow and created already screen-session with screen cmd

hipo@jericho:~$ screen -list
There is a screen on:
        5560.screen-session      (10.10.2017 20:41:06)   (Multi, attached)
1 Socket in /run/screen/S-hipo.


Next attach to the session

bunny@jericho:~$ screen -r shared-session
bunny@jericho:~$ Ctrl-a :multiuser on
bunny@jericho:~$ Ctrl-a :acladd user2
bunny@jericho:~$ screen -x UserNameHere/shared-session

Here are 2 screenshots on what should happen if you had done above command combinations correctly:



In order to be able to share screen Virtual terminal ( VTY ) sessions between separate (different) logged in users, you have to have screen command be suid (SUID bit for screen is disabled in most Linux distributions for security reasons).

Without making SUID the screen binary file, you are to get the error:

hipo@jericho:/home/hipo$ screen -x hipo/shared

Must run suid root for multiuser support.

If you are absolutely sure you know what you're doing here is how to make screen command sticky bit:


root@jericho:/home/hipo# which screen
root@jericho:/home/hipo# /usr/bin/screen
root@jericho:/home/hipo# root@jericho:/home/hipo# root@jericho:/home/hipo# chmod u+s $(which screen)
chmod 755 /var/run/screen
root@jericho:/home/hipo# rm -fr /var/run/screen/*

The Hindenburg disaster took place on Thursday, May 6, 1937, as the German passenger airship LZ 129 Hindenburg caught fire and was destroyed during its attempt to dock with its mooring mast at Naval Air Station Lakehurst, which is located adjacent to the borough of Lakehurst, New Jersey, United States. Of the 97 people on board (36 passengers and 61 crewmen), there were 35 fatalities (13 passengers and 22 crewmen). One worker on the ground was also killed, making a total of 36 dead. The disaster was the subject of spectacular newsreel coverage, photographs, and Herbert Morrison’s recorded radio eyewitness reports from the landing field, which were broadcast the next day. A variety of hypotheses have been put forward for both the cause of ignition and the initial fuel for the ensuing fire. The incident shattered public confidence in the giant, passenger-carrying rigid airship and marked the end of the airship era.

Thursday, March 19th, 2015


The Hindenburg disaster took place on Thursday, May 6, 1937, as the German passenger airship LZ 129 Hindenburg caught fire and was destroyed during its attempt to dock with its mooring mast at Naval Air Station Lakehurst, which is located adjacent to the borough of Lakehurst, New Jersey, United States. Of the 97 people on board (36 passengers and 61 crewmen), there were 35 fatalities (13 passengers and 22 crewmen). One worker on the ground was also killed, making a total of 36 dead. The disaster was the subject of spectacular newsreel coverage, photographs, and Herbert Morrison's recorded radio eyewitness reports from the landing field, which were broadcast the next day. A variety of hypotheses have been put forward for both the cause of ignition and the initial fuel for the ensuing fire. The incident shattered public confidence in the giant, passenger-carrying rigid airship and marked the end of the airship era.