Archive for October, 2010

Business Research Projects – A Solution Oriented Approach (Electronic Book Download)

Thursday, October 21st, 2010

Business Research Projects

Two years ago while I was still studying in the E cluster in HRQM study stream – Arnhem Business School, I was following the study module Counseling The study Counseling teacher recommended us a book to read called Business Research projects – A Solution Oriented Approach. The book is authored by Jimmy Keizer and Piet Kempen.

I’ve red the book and I found many of the things inside quite interesting and educative.
Since the book’s electornic version is not easy to find and yet I somehow managed to download it from somewhere back in the days I decided to share it here for convenience of some future students that will be prescribed to read the book and doesn’t have the money resourse to buy the book in either electronic or hard copy.

Therefore you can download the Business Research Projects – “A solution Oriented Approach” book here
I hope this book will help some poor student out there.
Well, enjoy the book read! 🙂

Are you saved? the Orthodox Christian Answer

Thursday, October 21st, 2010

The answer to the so famous in Protestant Christian world of “Are you Saved?”.
And the so wide spread ideas of protestanism of instantly being saved by just acceping our Lord Jesus Christ as a Lord and Saviour.
The Orthodox Christian answer to this very important question you can found in the video below.
I hope this answer will be of help to some protestant Christians out there to realize the deepness and truthfulness Orthodox Christianity holds in itself.

Business Ethics my completed Individual Assignments (Solving ethical cases using well known ethical theories and intuition)

Wednesday, October 20th, 2010

As a student in Arhnem Business School (ABS), I’m currently following the Business Ethics module.
This university subject’s purpose is to make the student aware of the different ethical / philosophical approaches one can partake in solving Business cases.
As part of my studies I’ve been assigned so far 4 individual assignments that I have to solve according to general ethical theories out there.

I’ve decided to share my solved cases as well as the case assignments. I hope this assignments will be helpful to other Arnhem Business School students which are also following the Business Ethics study module and provide the student with some samples on how they can write their individual assignments.
The student should be aware that actually my assignments are not graded with high grades most of them were graded with 7.5 and below so please don’t try to copycat them but just use them as a samples.

Here are the case assignments texts as well as my perspective on solving them using the various ethical theories like Kantian’s Categorical Imperative, Utilitarianism, Utilitarianism according to Mill, Virtue ethics (Aristotles, Socrates ..), Care ethics etc.

Here are the links to the files:

1. Solved Assignment 1 – Individual Case 1: “Extraction of natural gas
2. Assignment 2 – Case assignment text , Solved Assignment 2 – Individual Case 2: “Fire Detectors”
3. Assignment 3 – Individual Case 3: “The Human Resources Specialist”
4. Assignment 3 – Case assignment text , Solved Assignment 4 – Individual Case: “The Lost Coupon”
Apart from this individual assignments I and a couple of other guys were supposed to work on a common group project that deals with the recent Deepwater Horizon oil spill catastrophe and evaluate on that from Business Ethics perspective.
As soon as the Project is graded by the Business Ethics teachers I’ll share this here on the blog as well.

Adding support for Jamendo and Magnatune to Rhythmbox on Linux

Tuesday, October 19th, 2010

I’m using rhythmbox to play music on my Debian Linux.
Rhythmbox is a good substitute for both audacious and xmms. XMMS is already very obsolete and it often crashes because of some of it’s plugins.
On the other hand audacious is sometimes having problems on my notebook working with it’s alsa plugin or pulseaudio especially if I play something in youtube.
With audacious my songs sometimes got stucked for some weird reason.
With rhythmbox I have never experienced this kind of issues.

Considering the fact that I’m a GNOME user rhythmbox is even more attractive for me.

During about 2 years ago I’ve heard about the Jamendo – community of free, legal and unlimited music published under the Creative Commons licenses.

Just about 10 months ago I’ve also discovered magnatune which is also a radio which allows free listening online of it’s whole online catalogue.
That’s why it was really interesting for me to have this two nice music streaming services directly into my rhythmbox.

I was very happy to discover that already a plugin that embeds the Jamendo and Magnatune Support to the Rhytmbox program.

To enable Rhythmbox to support Magnatune and Jamendo type in your root terminal:

debian:~# apt-get install gmpc-plugins gmpc-plugins-dbg
debian:~# apt-get rhythmbox-plugins

It’s very likely that the rhythmbox-plugins might be already installed on your Linux, anyways I put the command above just in case if for some reason it’s not installed.
Now launch your rhythmbox and on the left pane you will see the Jamendo and Magnatune text appearing and the two music networks icons showing up.
To start playing music in either in selected playlist by your or just play all the available music on Jamendo / Magnatune you should select either one or the other one.
Enjoy the nice music ! 🙂

Ecumenism a terrible threat for Orthodox Christianity (A dangerous spiritual movement that supports Globalism)

Monday, October 18th, 2010

Ecumenism common prayer between different protestant, catholics and orthodox christians
Ecumenism or oecumenism is a movemend that aims at bringing greater Christian Unity around the Churches and the world religions under “one faith”.

The basic idea behind that movement was to unite All Churches nomatter of their basic beliefs and practices within them.
Otherly said it’s trying to unite the Roman Catholic Church with Orthodox Church and the rest of Christian protestant faiths and denominations.
Historically this kind of movement has been existent for quite long, however the speed and scale it shapes today is something bizarre to the ecumenism movements that were before.
Simple said ecumenists are trying to create one United Church from all the existent Churches.

Of course on the first glimpse this sounds very tempting, especially if we consider that after the Great Church Schism (Where Roman Catholic Church split from the Orthodox Church) and consequently the emerging dozens and thousands of Churches as a result of the protestant schisms with Roman Catholics took place.
Today the Christian world is actually very divided and though most protestant denomination Churches claim they believe in Christ most of the prtestant Churches(denominations) practically confesses more or less different doctrine than the basic Doctrines of Orthodoxy or Catholicism.

For those that are aware of the exact reasons for the Great Schism , it’s clear that the reasons fot the Church split has basicly two dimensions one was the Changing patterns of basic Church beliefs that Roman Catholics has decided to include in the basic Church doctrine and the other a bit less important but still present was the political fight between the Western and the Eastern Church.
However it’s pretty clear that the Church split and the different Church life that the Western and Eastern Church led through the 956 years of division has made the two Churches very different in many senses.
Catholics changed the ancient Nicene creed of Faith
They took the Pope as an representative of Christ on Earth, they went at times after philosophic movenets like rationalism integrating it into Church life.
And changed various aspects of the Church order more or less to “adjust” so to say Christianity to the changing times.

With protestants coming to stage in the 16th century the things became even worser, because each protestant Church has it’s own way of understanding the scriptures, they rejected the tradition within the Church. Many protestant Churches rejected the Church sacrements and the Church 7 mysteries etc. etc.

The whole ecomenism movement is very complicated and man needs to read a lot before he gets the real picture.
Nevertheless the basics behind I’ve already mentioned, The Roman Catholic Church is making serious attempts to create unity between Churches.
They do have their Holy Liturgy (Masses) in cooperation with Protestant Churches, they do organize events inviting all kind of Church representatives all over the world and try to create cohesion between the Churches.
Of course the Pope is a very main figure in the heretical meetings that Ecumenists have.
On that “union meetings”, all kind of practices known to either Protestant Church denominations and Roman Catholics as well as Orthodox Church practices are combined into a very mixed heretical “church service”.
Of course everybody attending that kind of event is supposed to venerate the Pope as the person who holds the most power and the last word on the ecumenstic summmonings.

What is really pity that even a lot of Orthodox Churches as well as Orthodox Church representatives go to that heretical ungodly meetings and does light candles with the heretics or participate in heretical prayers.
This of course is strongly prohibited by both Orhotox Church canons and the Orthodox Church tradition.
There are also some Orthodox Church holy fathers, who had the gift of clairvoyance and did prophecised about this kind of events occuring and strongly warned Orthodox Christians to stay away from taking participation in heretical gatherings.
It’s even against the Orthodox Church teachings, that teaches that only within the body of the Church man can achieve salvation, through the teaching testaments of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and the Holy Apostles, Martyrs and Fathers!

Having all this it’s pretty clear that Ecumenical meetings are not just meetings but they’re a place where a new kind of religion gets shapes.
A religion which includes the approaches of each and every church for spiritual enlightenment and getting drawing near to God.

It should be clear by all said that this kind of Ecumenical meetings are actually a spiritual babylon.
That the truly faithful to God should stay away. It’s very pity that many people who are currently priests in different orthodox churches, even metropolitans and patriarchs has already ecumenic ideas implied and are very willing for the ecumenism to progress.
Therefore there are internal Orthodox Church processes that happen this days which slowly but surely try to navigate the Orthodox Church body to join and take actice parcipation in ecumenism and in that way betray the dozens of generations of Holy people who even gave their lives to keep the faith clean from external stain and heresies.

The topic of Ecumenism is really an extending one, however I’ll stop here and just show you a few videos.
Then it’s up to you to decide if it’s an apostacy of our faith or not.
If you’re supporting the globalism ideas then you might be happy with ecumenism,I personally am against globalism so it was awful to see this kind of betrayal of the teachings of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ…

Traitors of Orthodoxy Part 1

Traitons of Orthodoxy Part 2

If you have watched the video snapshots from the Ecumenical meetings you should be already aware that in this meetings Indians, Hindus, Buddhists and other completely un-christian religious groups participated.
It’s terrible to see how an Orthodox Bishops does kiss the pope’s hand even though they’re not under the Pope’s Jurisdiction at all.

Hibernate stops working on Thinkpad R61 on Debian Testing/Unstable after upgrade and the fix

Saturday, October 16th, 2010

upgradeI’m using Debian Testing/Unstable (Squeeze /Sid) on my notebook Thinkpad R61.
Every time I do apt-get update && apt-get upgrade or aptitude update / aptitude upgrade. I end up with problems with my notebook hibernate functions not working.
In other words, after most of my desktop system updates takes place my hbernate function on my laptop stops working.

In order to solve this hibernate problem I do completely purge out the hibernate package of my system and then install it over again. />Thus to fix this shitty hibernate issue I execute:

debian:~# dpkg --purge hibernate
debian:~# apt-get install hibernate

Maybe I had to take the time and report this as a bug in debian bug tracking system.
Hope this tip helps to somebody.

Fixing “E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock – open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)” error

Friday, October 15th, 2010

You’ve probably encountered the error:

“E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock – open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)” After executing:

debian:~# apt-get update
E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)
E: Unable to lock the list directory

There are plenty of reasons which might have led you into this shitty situation, anyways the solution is:

debian:~# killall -9 apt-get aptitude
debian:~# rm -f /var/lib/apt/lists/lock

killall -9 apt-get aptitude might not be really necessary, if there are no hanged apt-get or aptitude processes, however I show it heresince sometimes, it might be the problem cause.

If you further or beforehand get the error:
,br /> E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock – open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?

Then you will have to also delete the /var/lib/dpkg/lock.

debian:~# rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/lock

Hopefully this should be enough for you to solve your apt-get update issues.

How to add a secondary (slave) DNS bind server on FreeBSD

Thursday, October 14th, 2010

Here is how I achieved in configuring my BIND 9.4.3-P2 server to work aas a Slave DNS server for domain zones.

1. Copy your default Bind DNS configuration file to /var/named/etc/namedb

freebsd# cp -rpf /usr/src/etc/namedb/named.conf /var/named/etc/namedb

2. If /etc/namedb/named.conf symlink is not existing create one

Note: Follow this step only if the /etc/namedb/named.conf file is not there!
freebsd# ln -sf /var/named/etc/namedb /etc/namedb/named.conf

3. Open your /var/named/etc/namedb/named.conf file and add the following entries in options

Look for where options { starts in the file and add there the following bind configuration directives:

allow-query {; 127.0.0/8; };
allow-transfer {;; };
transfer-format many-answers;

Note: In the above code you will have to substitute the with your actual primary nameserver (master) nameserver IP address.

Edit the listen-on {} directive in named.conf

To do so search for listen-on { in named.conf with your text editor of choice.

The dafault named.conf file will actually include something like:

listen-on {; }

After the you will have to add your actual external IP address to which your seconday DNS server is configured to point.
For instance mine is and the domain resolves to, therefore I included the right after the; so finally my listen-on configuration looked like the following:

listen-on {;; }

4. Now it comes to adding the actual domain names zone files to your secondary DNS

You will have to add something similar to:

zone "" {
type slave;
file "slave/";
masters {; }; };

In above code you will again have to exchange the with your actual domain name which is already served by the Primary NS.
Again the stands for the IP address of your Primary / (Master) DNS server and needs to be substituted as well with your correct IP.

Note: Something very important to warn you here! In the above zone configuration directives where it says:

file "slave/";

Don’t ever think about changing the path file “slave/…”, if you do so your Bind DNS server will either not start-up or if it starts will not be able to find your domain name!!!
It took me about 2 hours to realize this stupid mistake! So again BEWARE of making the same mistake!

5. Create an empty domain zone file and set the proper permissions to it

freebsd# mkdir /var/named/etc/namedb/slave/
freebsd# chown bind:wheel /var/named/etc/namedb/slave/

Once again substitute in the above command with your actual domain name previously set in the named.conf

6. Check that your named.conf configuration has been correct and restart your name server

The below command should execute without any warnings or errors, if you don’t have mistakenly written something wrong in your named.conf.

freebsd# named-checkconf

Whenever you are sure no config errors are present you can happily restart your nameserver.

freebsd# /etc/rc.d/named restart

Now your domain names zone files which you just have configured in your FreeBSD powered seconday DNS server should start being transferred from the DNS master server.

In order to check that you can try to make some fictios subdomain name in some of your Master DNS zone files and change the version of the file.
After the restart the changes should end up also in your seconday DNS server.

Just to close the post I’ll have to inform you that my Primary Master DNS server was BIND 9.5.1-P3 actually a newer release than the Seconday one running on my FreeBSD, anyhow this was not a problem at all.

The BIND 9.5.1-P3 was acutally running on a Debian Lenny GNU/Linux.

How to raise default max upload settings (of 256 KiB) for default registered users in PHPBB

Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

A colleague of mine has experienced a problem with maximum upload file size being up to 256 KiB in PhpBB

Apparantely the default settings for the PHPBB are that the maximum attachment to be uploaded can be no bigger than 256 KiB
Guess the forum developers decided to set it to such a low value to prevent Denial of Service attacks, anyways if you want to upload a normal file nowadays it will be hardly under a few megabytes.
Thus I still doubt if this decision was really wise, anyways I had to deal with the situation so I found the 256 KiB problem in the PHPBB bug tracking system you can read the thorough thread here

In the mean time to quickly change the default phpbb restrictive behaviour for your PHPBB forum, you should login with administrator.

Then navigate to Admin Control Panel (ACP) and follow the following links to come to the place where you can define the maximum file size for default users in phpbb.

ACP -> General -> Board configuration -> Attachment settings -> Maximum file size

How to add custom Bind DNS nameserver to use with Godaddy

Tuesday, October 12th, 2010

Ever wondered how you can set your custom BIND or djbdns nameserver to be ready to add to as a Custom DNS server in Godaddy?
I’ve recently had that issue and after some try/fails and a bit of reading online I’ve come up with it.

Here is how I added my custom host running already a configured primary master Bind server to godaddy.

1. Login with your account to Godaddy

Click on the Domains link after logging in.
2. Click on your domain name

Here choose Manage Domains

Now scroll down to the end of the page under the left bottom corner of the page you will see the:

Host Summary (add) button

3. A new popup window will emerge

Therein you will have to fill in as a minimum:

Host Name:
Host IP1:

Besides that it might be a good idea to also fill IP2, IP3 if your nameserver machine possesses, more than one IP addresses.

As you can see you can fill up to 13 IP addresses to be assigned to the domain.

Here it’s important to note that actually the Host Name: you fill in is a new subdomain that will get created under your mail domain name choosen under step 2 explained above.

As far as you’ve finished click the OK button. You will have to wait for up to 12 hours until the new subdomain is set as a subdomain for a new custom DNS server with Godaddy.

If you don’t do that probably you won’t be able to set your subdomain ( under the Set Nameserver from Godaddy’s Total DNS.

To close this post here is the Godaddy’s DNS subdomain registering (Set Host and IP addresses) popup Window Godaddy Host Summary, Registration Custom DNS Godaddy popup window