Archive for March 17th, 2010

Problem with OpenOffice after upgrade on Debian Sid Testing/Unstable – ( Component manager is not available.)

Wednesday, March 17th, 2010

A few days ago I did an upgrade using apt-get which upgraded my openoffice to 3.2.04 on my Desktop machine (a notebook running Debian Sid – Testing/Unstable). Since then I haven’t started the openoffice, however today an ex-college colleague of mine (Burcu), drop by home to give her some help about a project. In that relation I had to open a .doc file. I launched my oowriter in an attempt to open the document without success a stupid error poped up saying something is wrong with some kind of Openoffice registry and most importantly claiming the following error: Component manager is not available.

First thing I tried in order to resolve the issue was simply moving my ~/ and ~/.openoffice-org2/ directories to ~/ and respectively ~/.openoffice.org2:

hipo@noah:~$ mv ~/ ~/
hipo@noah:~$ mv ~/.openoffice.org2/ ~/.openoffice.org2-bak/

Regrettably I realized this this approach failed when I launched the oowriter to regenerate it’s working directories.

Therefore I executed another strategy 🙂 to fix the issue completely reinstalling the openoffice with apt:

hipo@noah:~# apt-get install --reinstall

After a while, now all is back to normal with my Openoffice :)Though it’s a real lose of time implying such a dumb workarounds, I always hated linux as a desktop platform just because of misbehaves like that.

A few helpful Bind DNS server configuration options

Wednesday, March 17th, 2010

It’s quite useful in bind to have the following configurations options in either named.conf options {} configuration block or (in case if on Debian Linux in named.conf.options.
Please edit your required file respectively and find the options {} directive and set within the options {} block the following:

zone-statistics yes;
notify yes;
transfer-format many-answers;

Here I have to clarify that the zone-statistics directive instructs the server to collect statistical data about all zone files, this statistics can later be accessed via the:
rndc stats command.

transfer-format many-answers is actually a default directive since bind 9 and you might even like to skip that one if on bind version 9 or 9+
notify yes; – will instruct the nameserver to replicate change in zone files to a seconday configured name server.

Another really vital thing in my view is to enable Bind DNS server logging into file.

In order to do that put in named.conf:

logging {
channel _default_log {
file "/var/log/named/named.log";
severity debug;
print-time yes;
category default {

Note that it’s required to create the log file with proper permissions as in the location where specified in the above configuration in this case /var/log/named/named.log :

debian-server# mkdir -p /var/log/named
debian-server# touch /var/log/named/named.log
debian-server# chown -R bind:bind /var/log/named/

In this case I change the directory and file to be owned by the bind user and group, however on different linux distribution like Redhat the user could be different like on Redhat the user is usually named.
To find the correct user permissions check the user with which the Bind server is running using a simple:

debian-server# ps axu|grep -i bind
# ps axu|grep -i named